Thursday, October 26, 2017


Quinnipiack Valley Health District

Board of Health Minutes

Present: J. Donaldson, P. Marone, A. Mulvihill, A. Sofair, C. Goldberg, N. Spector,  A. Levison, J. Solimene, B. Weeks. Ex Officio: L. Balch

Not in Attendance: K. Blake, V, Gallo, T. Mitchell,  J. St. Peter, R. Martinello, R. Ivins,

President’s Comments: 

President Donaldson reported on QVHD representation at Sister’s Journey’s recent fundraising event, The Pink Tea, on Saturday, October 21st.  Donaldson highlighted how early mammogram screening was ultimately responsible for saving many lives. The event serves as an educational and recognition opportunity for breast cancer survivors.

Donaldson also announced the wrap up of QVHD’s Fall Healthy Walk n’ Talk Series. The three walks which took place on local public trails in the towns of North Haven, Hamden and Woodbridge provided an opportunity for residents of all ages and fitness levels to access their towns free community facilities. The walks served to introduce free, convenient and safe community assets available to residents to support physical activity and social interaction. The eventsserved as an opportunity to hear from residents and local providers about healthy living. Video recaps will be made available via the QVHD website.

 Approval of Minutes:

A motion was made by C. Goldberg, seconded by A. Mulvihill to accept the September minutes. The motion was accepted by consensus. A friendly amendment was requested to designate T. Mitchell as an alternate Board member from North Haven.

Financial Report:

L. Balch confirmed that the CT State Budget was passed through the house today, but it has not yet been signed by the Governor. A. Sofair questioned how the budget will affect state grants to the health district. L. Balch responds no contract amounts, other than per capita have yet been confirmed (which has been received in full), but QVHD has been informed not to expect lead prevention money. Reported revenue is at 37%, but includes 100% of the per capita annual amount and QVHD has received .25% of an estimated amount for the School Based Health Center. Other grants have not yet been funded although there are contracts in place. 

P. Marone suggested a work up regarding replacement staffing targeted toward QVHD’s mission. L. Balch confirmed the request and agreed to work up the costs.


L. Balch states a recent request from Woodbridge to submit the FY19 per capita request by November 3, 2017. Currently the per capita rate is $5.75. Discussion followed. J. Donaldson reviewed past efforts to contain cost for the towns over the years and suggest consideration of $6 or $6.05;  C. Goldberg expresses concern of even a $0.25 for Bethany and other towns in this fiscal environment; J. Solimene comments that he does not feel it is the right time to be asking for more money. Discussion followed.  L. Balch concludes that many factors are considered in setting the per capita amount to be requested such as QVHD fund balance, population changes in each district town, the economic environment, service-fee levels, and decreased revenue from the State of CT to both Towns and QVHD. P. Marone states the current fund balance is dangerously low considering the deficit budget.  A special Board meeting will be held on November 9th to further discuss the FY19 per capita request in conjunction with a Strategic Planning Session. Additional information from the State budget proceedings and Board member discussions with town administration should be available at that time. L. Balch will contact Woodbridge about the delay in the request.


L. Balch requests Board representation at a November 9th 3:00 PM staff meeting for Strategic Planning.


Committee Reports

  1. Mulvilhill reports no further discuss or progress has been made on digitizing records and the committee will be gathering information about currently known activities of hair braiding salons which are not currently licensed in CT. J. Donaldson has received reports of license-requiring services being provided in Hamden.

Donaldson requests an update on how things are functioning since D. Culligan’s retirement. L. Balch reports the adjustment considering a 33-year tenure is proceeding well with written policies and procedures being developed for the administrative functions at the School Based Health Center for billing and supply ordering.  A. Levinson asks if there are any plans to replace the position. L. Balch states currently she is serving as the interim coordinator until the personnel committee determines the best structure to meet our programming and financial goals.

Director’s Report

Opioid Grant activity is going well. QVHD’s 4th Naloxone Training is scheduled for November 2nd at the Bethany Senior Center from 6:30-8:30PM. APEX Pharmacist has partnered with us to be on site to prescribe and dispense Naloxone for those that want it. QVHD has identified high deductible insurance plans and concern of presumption of opioid-related need association with prescription as barriers. The QVHD opioid program is currently seeking data to identify high-risk populations to target the next Naloxone-distribution trainings. L. Balch is currently requesting a State standing order that permits the redistribution of Naloxone. This grant and the Walk ‘n Talk activities have facilitated many new community connections. Hamden will be sponsoring a forum on opioids at the end of November with which QVHD will promote expansion of Naloxone throughout the community.

At 5:57pm A. Mulvihill motions to adjourn, seconded by C. Goldberg and passed unanimously. 
