Thursday, January 25, 2018




1151 Hartford Turnpike

North Haven, CT

January 25, 2018

4:30 PM


In attendance:  N. Spector; A. Mulvihill; C. Goldberg (through Committee Reports); J. St. Peter; K. Blake; A. Levison; P. Marone; J. Donaldson; R. Martinello (by telephone); L. Balch Ex officio.


Not in Attendance: A. Sofair; B. Weeks; V. Gallo; T. Mitchell; J. Solimene; R. Ivins.


President Donaldson called the meeting to order at 4:40 PM and declared a quorum present with 4 Towns represented, and welcomed all to the New Year.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion to accept the October 2017 minutes made by C. Goldberg, seconded by A. Mulvihill. Voted unanimously as distributed.



L. Balch distributed a summary report of revenues and expenses against budget through December 2017. 

Target: 50%                          Revenue: 30.68%                Expenses: 44.35%

Evidence of delayed grant payments, traditional cyclical revenue and vacant positions noted.



Finance, Personnel and School Based Health Advisory Committees meetings to be schedule.


A. Hanke, Special Projects Committee, reported on status of hair braiding establishments. In CT, no license is required for braiding only establishments. QVHD conducts unannounced annual inspections at all know establishments for sanitation and services offered. Discussion followed. Board recommends contact with Town Clerks to verify registered establishments.




Infectious Diseases: L. Balch reported on recent infectious and reportable disease activity in district. Upon request, R. Martinello summarized the current New Haven area 2017-2018 seasonal influenza activity at YNHH. Discussion followed about severity, peaking, and this year’s use of Tamiflu. L. Balch noted the January 27, 2018 vaccine clinics being held across the state.


Transition to Food and Drug Administration Standards: L. Balch reviewed the areas of need for local regulatory changes for Ratings, Fees, and Classifications prior to July 1, 2018. Fees will be developed and presented to the Board as part of the budgeting process and will take effect with FY 2019 licensure. Establishments will be notified of Classification changes in February, and FDA based inspections will commence in July 2018.


School Based Health Center: L. Balch noted the Behavioral Health professional at MOM’s Clinic has left for a new position. Two individuals have applied for the position and are being interviewed. As we continue the search for a long-term replacement, Cornell Scott-Hill Health Corporation (CS-HHC) has proposed a lease of a temporary, 1 full day/week replacement through September 2018, and consideration of a future long-term arrangement to provide professional services with oversite and billing. Discussion followed. J. St. Peter made a motion to authorize the Director of Health to negotiate and establish an agreement with CS-HHC for Behavioral Health Services for this academic year. Seconded by A. Levison. Voted unanimously.


Strategic Plan: A draft Plan will be available to the staff and Board for review and comment for the March Board meeting.


Relocation: L. Balch reported, as per Strategic Planning process discussions, available opportunities will be explored with attention to QVHD’s mission.


Motion to adjourn by P. Marone at 6:05 PM. Second by A. Mulvihill. Voted unanimously.


Submitted by L. Balch

Secretary/Treasurer, Quinnipiack Valley Health District




The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for March 22, 2018 at 4:30 PM at QVHD. 
