Thursday, June 22, 2017



North Haven, CT

     June 22, 2017       

4:30 PM


In attendance: A. Mulvihill; D. Cofrancesco; J. Donaldson; P. Marone; B. Weeks; R. Ivins; V. Gallo.  

Ex officio: L. Balch.  Staff: D. Culligan.

Not in attendance: C. Goldberg; A. Levison; J. Solimene; K. Blake; R. Martinello; J. St. Peter; A. Sofair.         


President Donaldson called the meeting to order at 4:40 p.m. She informed the Board that D. Cofrancesco, 12-year member of the Board, Personnel Chair and HAM radio coordinator for QVHD will not seek reappointment to the Board. He plans to relocate to North Carolina. She also informed the Board that D. Culligan, employee of 32 years will be retiring at the end of September 2017. She thanked both for their service to QVHD.

President Donaldson requested a joint Personnel and Finance Committee meeting during the summer to review management structure and policies. She asked Board members to send times when they would not be available to L. Balch.



A motion was made by R. Ivins, seconded by V. Gallo to accept the May minutes. The motion was accepted unanimously.



L. Balch reported:

  • For the end of May 2017, the budget target is 91.66%; current revenue 91% and current expenditures 92.19%. There is still approximately $24,000 FY17 grant revenue to be received.
  • The 5% FY18 increase in health insurance cost, offset by employee premium contributions will increase the medical insurance line-item by $2,355.
  • QVHD has a negative cash flow going into FY18 unless funds are received from the towns early in the first quarter. In the past the per capita from the state has been paid in the beginning of the fiscal year, however the application has not yet been released. The use of reserve funds may be needed. QVHD is solvent until mid-July.

R. Ivins asked about furlough days for staff. L. Balch stated she would check with the Union about the process. He also asked about an emergency operation plan if there are no funds. L. Balch stated that QVHD has a COOP (Continuity of Operations Plan), which prioritizes services in the event of an emergency and could be instituted for a short period of time.


AT 5:00 p.m., R. Ivins made a motion to move into the Public Hearing, seconded by D. Cofrancesco and passed unanimously.


Public Hearing on an increase in the Hamden Student Housing Inspection fee.

L. Balch stated that the content of the hearing was for public comment on the proposed increase in the Hamden Student Housing Inspection fee to $300 for Student Housing Permit applications submitted to Hamden Planning and Zoning (P&Z) on or after July 1, 2017. The notice of the hearing was posted in the New Haven Register on June 8, 2017 and sent by email to Hamden Mayor, P&Z and town attorney offices.  This one-time fee includes the initial QVHD request by application, the initial housing code inspection and report, preparation and certified delivery of Notices of Violation when indicated, processing appeal requests and materials, and all re-, inspections for compliance.

Observing that no public was present, a motion to close the Public Hearing and move back into Regular Session was made at 5:13 p.m. by D. Cofrancesco, seconded by P. Marone and passed unanimously.


A motion to approve a fee increase to $300.00 for Student Housing Inspections for properties having submitted permit applications to Hamden Planning and Zoning (P&Z) on or after July 1, 2017 was made by R. Ivins, seconded by P. Marone and passed unanimously.





D. Culligan presented the report on behalf of the Board Liaison. An Advisory Committee meeting was held the first week in June. Data estimates were presented for SY 16-17: 380 enrolled; 200 users of services, about 1,400 visits. The Advisory Committee received and discussed the Student Satisfaction Survey. (Copies were made available to QVHD Board members.) This year the survey was the same one used across all DPH-funded SBHCs so that a state-wide report could be generated. D. Culligan noted the DPH has sent out a 5 year contract for the SBHC. Although there are no committed dollar amounts, it does show a commitment on the part of DPH to continue with SBHCs.


On June 5, 2017, D. Culligan presented an update to the Hamden Board of Education (HBOE) about the SBHC and about the implementation of the policy to make condoms available for the prevention of disease. She presented data about STDs in Hamden and reviewed the policy that will be implemented. Overall, the HBOE was accepting. A special thanks to K. Blake and M. Nowacki for speaking in support of the policy. Culligan received positive feedback from the Superintendent and the Board Chair on the presentation and commitment to disease prevention.



A joint Personnel and Finance Committee meeting was held on June 15, 2017.

P. Marone, Finance Committee Chair reported: 

  • Going into FY18, QVHD is experiencing a negative cash flow and the finance committee is dependent on information from a State budget, the delayed payment schedule, and the impact of Federal cuts before FY18 cash flow projections can be made. Receipt of town per capita funding will carry QVHD through July.
  • In response to a staff member request to reconsider the management bonus in lieu of a salary increase, the finance committee did not consider any change after a brief discussion.
  • The committee reaffirmed the District ban on payment for out-of-state travel, lodging and meals remains in effect due to finances.
  • He discussed the need for a focus on finances in the strategic planning process: where we are, and where we want to be, and staffing goals.


D. Cofrancesco, Chair Personnel Committee reported:

  • The structure and staffing of the SBHC for the upcoming year is being reviewed. L. Balch continues to explore options with Yale New Haven Hospital and the Department of Public Health for assignment of responsibilities: the contract stipulates a process for assignment of the grant to another entity and clinic coordination can be assigned to a qualified  SBHC staff member.  
  • D. Cofrancesco also noted that the Committee recommended a review of management personnel policies.


R. Ivins asked if it would be prudent to get a facilitator for the joint meeting requested by President Donaldson. L. Balch will inquire about available resources.



Health Education reported by D. Culligan

  • QVHD continues to work on the accreditation process. Work on the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) is moving forward as is continuing to compile documents for the standards. 
  • QVHD received 3 reports of potential TB cases in one day. This is very unusual for QVHD as we generally get 1-2 cases per year. Investigation continues into these cases. QVHD refers to VNA Community Health for contact investigations.
  • A meeting of the emergency preparedness volunteers was held during the first week in June. A small group attended. The Preparedness Pals program was presented. Two of the volunteers present agreed to become official MRC members. D. Culligan is arranging for their swearing in. Two presentations of Preparedness Pals are scheduled over the summer and early fall.
  • D. Culligan and L. Balch will be doing a presentation for the Hamden Rotary Club in July. We have been requested to speak about the District and the SBHC. The Hamden Rotary Club has been a strong supporter of the SBHC for many years.



Director’s Report by L. Balch:

  • The CHIP goals and objectives have been compiled into a working draft that will be presented at the next QVHD Health Coalition, slated for August 1, 2017. Once finalized, strategies, measures and timelines for the objectives will be developed. It is hoped that the CHIP will be drafted by the end of September 2017.
  • R. Matheny, consultant for the accreditation process, has been asked to take a summer hiatus due to financial concerns and has graciously offered to remain involved with the coalition during that time.
  • As part of Domain 8 of the Accreditation standards, QVHD administered an Employment Engagement Survey. Draft remarks were presented. QVHD will be developing an Employee Recognition initiative, again one of the PHAB measures, but can serve as motivational tools aligning staff with the mission and vision of the District.
  • L. Balch participated on a panel for the CT Public Health Nurses Association and presented data that she and K. Sepulveda have been researching for the CoRE grant.
  • The first Walk n’ Talk planning meeting was held with partners from the QVHD, the YMCA and The YNHH Three dates have been chosen: September 16 in North Haven, October 21 in Woodbridge and November 18 in Hamden. Publicity will begin soon as the plans become finalized.
  • An all-staff meeting is planned for tomorrow with the intention of 1) obtaining required signatures on the written Confidentiality Agreement and the Code of Conduct, and distributing and posting the revised (written) Affirmative Action Policy; and 2) an the first annual meeting to discuss the issues the Board has discussed and followed through over the past year. Issues to be presented: FS ratings, digitization of records, fees for student housing, accreditation (PHAB), regionalization, staffing recognition, annual employee evaluations, employee engagement survey, strategic planning and finances.


R. Ivins asked about the timeline for accreditation. L. Balch stated that she hopes to have the pre-requisites finished by September of 2017, work on the Standards and Measures activities and documentation through 2018, and be ready to apply by December 2018, after which QVHD will have 1 year to complete documentation before a site visit is scheduled.


At 5:50 pm. a motion to adjourn was made by V. Gallo, seconded by D. Cofrancesco and passed unanimously.


Minutes prepared by D. Culligan


The next regular QVHD Board meeting will be held

September 28, 2017 at 4:30 p.m. at the QVHD office.

