Thursday, January 23, 2014

North Haven, CT
January 23, 2014
4:30 PM


In attendance: J. Donaldson; B. Scott-Moore; D. Cofrancesco; C. Goldberg; W. Kohlhepp; V. Gallo;  A. Sofair; A. Levison; R. Ivins.  
D. Culligan,staff. Ex officio: L. Balch.   

Not in attendance: L. DeNegre; R. Skeirik; P. Marone; M. Rochow.        


The meeting was called to order by President Donaldson at 4:35 p.m. She announced that R. Ivins has resigned from the Board as he is relocating to Florida. W. Kohlhepp motionedseconded by B. Scott-Moore, that a letter be sent on behalf of the Board, commending him for his service, especially for his work on the tattoo legislation. President Donaldson stated that a recommendation to move A. Levison from an alternate status to a full representative has been made to the town and is pending approval. Last, she noted that she was pleased that QVHD participated in the recent Martin Luther King event at Peabody Museum and was proud of the visibility it afforded.


motion to accept the December minutes was made by C. Goldberg, seconded by W. Kohlhepp and passed unanimously.


J. Donaldson made the QVHD Committee Appointments as follows:

Executive Committee: J. Donaldson, P. Marone, L. DeNegre, C. Goldberg and B. Scott-Moore.

Bylaws Committee: C. Goldberg, Chair; B. Scott-Moore, L. DeNegre, and D. Cofrancesco.

Personnel Committee: D. Cofrancesco, Chair; W. Kohlhepp, A. Sofair, and R. Ivins.

Finance Committee: P. Marone, Chair; C. Goldberg, L. DeNegre, and W. Kohlhepp.

Nominating Committee: Will be appointed in May.

Special Projects Committee: M. Rochow, Chair; R. Ivins, W. Kohlhepp and C. Goldberg.

SBHC Liaisons: M. Rochow and A. Levison.

There were no nominations from the floor. A motion was made by R. Ivins,seconded by C. Goldberg to adopt the committee appointments as made by President Donaldson.


L. Balch commented:

  • Target about 50%; Revenue 59% and Expenses 46.66%.
  • Some line items are over, some are under due to revenue streams and grant allocations.
  • Revenue from food service due in January; salons due in May.
  • Building maintenance overspent due to some building issues, such as door repairs.
  • In February, budget planning will be initiated for the next fiscal year. 

motion to place the financial report on file was made by D. Cofrancesco,seconded by B. Scott-Moore and passed unanimously.  


There were no committee reports this month. However, L. Balch reported:

The Special Projects Committee will hold a review of the tattoo regulations on 04/17/2014 at 4:30 at the QVHD office.

The Finance Committee will meet next month to begin the budget process.


Health Education

Report presented by D. Culligan.

  • During the last week in December, D. Culligan received a call from Betsy Gorham of the Hamden Rotary Club. They awarded Mom’s Clinic $800.00. Year after year, they have been a great support to Mom’s Clinic.
  • D. Culligan did a presentation at Dunbar-Davenport with Officer Hall from Hamden PD regarding safekeeping and disposal of medications. Hamden PD now has a permanent lock-box for disposing of medications.
  • The availability of free radon test-kits (obtained from CT DPH) was announced about 10 days ago and response has been successful. 80 of the 100 kits received, along with radon information, have been distributed.
  • D. Culligan is participating in a statewide workgroup that is creating standardized Job Action Sheets (JAS) and Just in Time Training (JiTT) for use with a mass-dispensing event.
  • QVHD participated in the area-wide 1.5 day Martin Luther King Day celebration at the Peabody Museum and distributed information on the prevention of lead poisoning.
  • The Let’s Move Hamden Family Wellness Fair is scheduled for Feb 1st. QVHD is a partner in this event.

Director’s Report

L. Balch reported:

  • The negotiated union salary increases were incorrectly reported at the September 2013 Board meeting. The correct percentages are: 2 % in year one, 2.25% in year two, and 2.75% in year three of the contract.
  • ACCESS Health CT program: QVHD’s role as an assistor agency has been going well. The number of enrollments completed is low, but the cases have been complicated. QVHD assists clients only with the application process but has been able to assist applicants navigate the system when needed. About 2-4 persons have been helped in-person each week, with multiple calls  fielded. There are 3 events being held at the Keefe Center to help people sign up. In response to questions by Board members, L. Balch noted that in CT, an assistor is different than a navigator. Navigators at the New Haven Health Department manage the New Haven County program and security-cleared assisters help with application process. A small stipend of $5,000.00 was awarded to assister agencies. QVHD is undecided about continuing past March, 2014 if the opportunity is offered.
  • The Focus Group report has been drafted and should be available for distribution at the March meeting.
  • Hanke is still at QVHD under the Emergency Preparedness grant. She is coordinating the QVHD Medical Volunteer Corp. The are two upcoming drills: one regional in April and one statewide in June. Each drill will test certain parts of a mass distribution event. QVHD will participate in the regional drill with 7 staff/volunteers. The June drill is to test receipt of supplies and QVHD will receive sealed packets of gloves and masks to keep for future use.
  • Inquiry into QVHD eligibility to be a 501(c)3 as well as a non-profit governmental agency is in process. 501(c)3 agencies receive discounts on multiple services (such as computer licensing). R. Ivins noted that changing to a 501(c)3 may affect the D and O insurance as well as participation in CIRMA and should be explored.  V. Gallo offered to help research the issue for QVHD. Following the discussion, D. Cofrancesco made a motion to add V. Gallo as a member of the Special Projects Committee on this issue. The motion was seconded by W. Kohlhepp and passed unanimously. 
  • The Strategic Plan Process will be initiated with a questionnaire to the Board and staff in February.
  • Coverage of Chesprocott continues. That District decided to remain independent and is currently conducting a search for a new Director and, due to unexpected circumstances, a new Office Manager. The time requirements have increased due to time-of year activities and circumstances and QVHD will be submitting an invoice.


A. Levison raised the issue of publishing restaurant scores in local papers. L. Balch addressed the problem with publishing straight scores, as they can be meaningless. Furthermore, she noted, the inspection is only good for the day it was inspected. She stated that the scores are available to anyone who wants to look at the file. It was felt by Board members that people did not know that scores were available and that the public should know that they could access scores. Other options were also discussed. V. Gallo suggested an app for a phone. L. Balch stated that the issue would be explored and discussed with staff to identify some options to bring to the Board.


The meeting closed at 5:45 p.m., motion by D. Cofrancesco, seconded by B. Scott-Moore and passed unanimously.  

Minutes prepared by: D. Culligan, QVHD staff

The next QVHD Board of Health meeting is scheduled for March 27, 2014, 4:30 p.m. at the QVHD office.
