Thursday, April 26, 2018

Quinnipiack Valley Health District

1151 Hartford Turnpike, North Haven, CT 06473

Board of Directors Meeting

April 26, 2018


In Attendance: J. Donaldson, P. Marone, C. Goldberg, N. Spector, R. Ivins, R. Martinello, J. Solimene, A. Sofair

Absent: A. Levison; B. Weeks; K. Blake; V. Gallo; T. Mitchell; J. St. Peter

Ex Officio: L. Balch          Staff: A. Mulvihill, K. Sepulveda

President’s Remarks

J. Donaldson called the meeting to order at 4:40PM and began by welcoming QVHD’s new Public Health Promotion and Engagement specialist, Ali Mulvihill. L. Balch announced that both A. Mulvihill and L. Fox, Chief of Environmental Health, will be invited to future board meetings to provide monthly updates.      J. Donaldson noted that there is now a vacancy on the board for the town of Hamden due to Ali’s new position at QVHD.

Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by C. Goldberg, seconded by R. Ivins to accept the March minutes. The motion was accepted unanimously.

Financial Report

L. Balch distributed the financial report and reported:

  • Target: 75% Revenue: including grants, 75.18% Expenditures: 67%, reflects staffing transition
  • R. Ivins asked if the towns pay the department in quarterly installments, L. Balch confirmed yes.  

C. Goldberg made a motion to approve the financial report, seconded by R. Martinello, and was accepted unanimously.

On behalf of the board, J. Donaldson thanked L. Balch for her successful work within the budget constraints.

Committee Reports

Finance Committee

P. Marone, Chair, presented the recommended FY19 budget on behalf of the Finance Committee and commented:

  • The report is based on the new town per capita rate of $6.00, a $0.25 increase to the towns from $5.75 to $6.00 per capita.
  • Revenue from fees and services were conservatively projected based on actual trends in past.
  • The finance committee will be reviewing costs, including analyzing future personnel compensation, to more effectively forecast expenditure projections.
  • J. Solimene noted that the reserve, or rather deficit, decreased by $25,000 in FY18 budget. He stated that the increase in town per capita has helped significantly.

Following discussion, a motion was made by R. Ivins, seconded by C. Goldberg to accept the proposed FY19 budget.

At 5:05PM P. Marone made a motion to open the Public Hearing for the FY19 budget was made, seconded by R. Martinello, and voted unanimously.  

At 5:15 PM, President Donaldson noted no members of the public were present in the meeting room, foyer or parking lot. A motion to close the Public Hearing and return to regular session was made by J. Solimene, seconded by C. Goldberg and passed unanimously.

School Based Health Center (SBHC) Committee:

L. Balch reported on behalf of A. Levison.

The SBHC advisory committee met on April 10th. Minutes will be attached and filed.

  • QVHD has been told, but not confirmed, that funding will remain at $109,800 for FY18. Current revenue and expenditures were discussed.
  • Changing the name from MOM’s was discussed due to current perception. Suggestions from the school community will be sought.
  • The need for additional community members for the Advisory Committee to replace parents and students lost to graduation was made.
  • Discussions with Cornell Scott- Hill Health Corporation (CS-HHC) to provide clinical services for the SBHC through contract was reported.

An audio tape of the March 22, 2018 presentation to the Board by CS-HHC is available to Board members upon request.

Personnel Committee

R. Ivins, Chair, reported review of the Management Policies are in process and a Committee meeting will be planned in the near future.

Director of Health Report

  • L. Fox provided an update on how we’re preparing for FDA code changes. They have transitioned from “food inspector certification” to “food safety inspection officers” or FSIO. The in-field review for certification will be done on a local level, L. Fox is currently being trained.
  • All food establishments will be notified by September of the date the FDA Standards will replace the current CT Food Code. The July 1, 2018 implementation date has been delayed allowing DPH to complete the necessary regulations. Originally slated for a July 1, 2018 transition the need for legislative approval is needed to change the implementation date. Currently, DPH is completing the new regulations that are necessary to make the change.  The new code will most likely go into effect on January 1, 2019. C. Goldberg questioned what changes are taking place, discussion followed.
  • L. Balch plans to meet with 4 area health districts in the area to discuss standardizing food service license fees. The current fees and rules vary from district to district and often cause confusion for venders. N. Spector questioned legality of standardizing fees amongst districts. L. Balch will make related inquiries before proceeding.
  • Nine potential measles exposures for residents have been followed up by QVHD and included contact information, symptom recognition and communication guidelines.
  • QVHD will continue to closely monitor the E. Coli outbreak stemming from contaminated romaine lettuce. The CDC has updated their recall from only chopped romaine lettuce to all romaine lettuce. Public notice has been made and precaution communicated by DPH and QVHD.  R. Martinello questioned why romaine is still being sold. L. Balch clarified that all Zuma, Arizona lettuce has been pulled from the shelves. Invoices accompanying shipments contain place of origin.
  • QVHD is currently applying for three grants. An Emerging Leaders for innovative public health roles; A Healthy Communities Grant from EPA; and a CDC Social Marketing co-investigator with YNHH for substance use stigma reduction.
  • Recent community activities:
    • North Haven Earth Day participant. Safe medication storage and disposal, the April 28th National Rx Take Back Day, and the recent Narcan training in Hamden. The display and information were well received.
    • Participated with the New Haven Area partnership in a food drive for local food pantries. Distribution of suggested healthier food donations was distributed.  

At 5:53PM a motion to adjourn was made by J. Solimene, seconded by R. Ivins and passed unanimously.


Respectively submitted,

Kara Sepulveda, Temporary Clerk
