Providers Corner

The "Providers Corner" serves to provide relevant literature, resources, and upcoming training opportunities to our medical community. 

The Quinnipiack Valley Health District (QVHD) in collaboration with the New Haven Health Department (NHHD) recently received the Overdose Data to Action grant through the Connecticut Department of Public Health which will allow us to expand our efforts in addressing the surging opioid crisis in the greater New Haven area. As part of this work, it is important to consider the current screening and treatment practices for substance use disorder, therefore we have developed a survey aimed at primary care practice managers to better understand the local availability of these resources.

The purpose of this survey is to gain a broader understanding of the current screening, treatment and referral practices for behavioral health concerns and substance use among patients in primary care settings in the greater New Haven region. The information in this survey will be used to help the New Haven Health Department and Quinnipiack Valley Health District determine advocacy, training opportunity and educational needs regarding mental health and substance use in primary care settings as well as the current screening practices and types of treatments available locally. By answering the following questions, you acknowledge that participation in this survey is voluntary. This survey should take 10-15 minutes to complete, you may decline to answer or cease participation at any time.

To begin the survey, please click here:

We appreciate your assistance and the important role that primary care settings play in providing assessments, treatments and supports for individuals with substance use disorder. For questions or concerns please contact Nicole Batista at or Kara Sepulveda at

 Other Resources: 

--- Are you a physician, nurse practitioner or physican assistant interested in obtaining your buprenorphine waiver for the treatment of OUD in an office based setting? Visit the providers clinical support system! 
  • "Caring for Ms. L" is a great perspective article published by the New England Journal of Medicine. The author, a primary care doctor, shares a compelling experience that pushed her to overcome her fear of treating Opioid Use Disorder.