Thursday, April 27, 2017



North Haven, CT

     April 27, 2017          

4:30 PM


In attendance: A. Mulvihill; C. Goldberg; D. Cofrancesco; P. Marone; A. Levison; R. Ivins; R. Martinello (by phone);

J. Solimene; K. Blake; V. Gallo; J. St. Peter.     

Ex officio: L. Balch.  Staff: D. Culligan.

Not in attendance: J. Donaldson; B. Weeks; A. Sofair.        


Vice President Marone called the meeting to order at 4:40 p.m.



A motion was made by R. Ivins, seconded by A. Mulvihill to accept the March minutes. The motion was accepted unanimously.




The draft budget for FY 18 was distributed. L. Balch made the following remarks:

  • This budget reflects using $117,000 from the reserve without grant funds.
  • Allocated grant revenue, if received at level-funding, it will cover the deficit.  Expected grant funding includes MRC (Medical Reserve Corps); HERR (Health Education Risk Reduction currently being used for accreditation preparation); Lead prevention funding; CORE (the opioid grant money); NACHO MRC Challenge grant; School Based Health Center, and the FDA Standards grant (if completed by September.)
  • The State per capita subsidy has been budgeted at –10% as presented in the Governor's budget.
  • School based health center funding is also unknown.

Balch further noted that if all grants do not come in as anticipated, a position may be threatened.

A motion to approve the budget as presented was made by R. Ivins, seconded by D. Cofrancesco and passed unanimously.


At 5:00 p.m., a motion to open the public hearing for the budget was made by C. Goldberg, seconded by D. Cofrancesco and passed unanimously.

At 5:10 p.m., Vice President Marone noted that no member of the public presented in the meeting room or the parking lot.

A motion to close the public hearing was made by J. St. Peter, seconded by C. Goldberg and passed unanimously.


Following the public hearing, R. Ivins made a motion to adopt the FY18 Budget as approved. The motion was seconded by D. Cofrancesco and passed unanimously.



L. Balch reported:

  • For the end of March 2017, the budget target is 75%; revenue is 72% and expenditures are 73%. The budget is tight and close, but the amount of reserve-funds needed should be lower than indicated in the original FY17 budget.
  • $75,000 previously transferred to temporarily cover operational costs will be returned to the fund balance in the coming week.
  • There are some concerns about meeting the SBHC costs for the remainder of FY17.

R. Ivins asked if reserve funds are used in the budget that they be shown in the revenue. He inquired about the current balance in the reserve. L. Balch noted it is $100,000. She also noted that it has decreased yearly to cover operations.

V. Gallo asked if there were other income streams for QVHD. L. Balch noted that at one time influenza administration had been a revenue generator but it no longer attracts the same number of participants due to wide availability in the community without attending a scheduled community clinic. Grant announcements are reviewed daily with attention to staffing capabilities to provide a new service. A motion to place the financial report on file was made by was made by K Blake, seconded by J. St. Peter and accepted unanimously.




Health Education reported by D. Culligan

  • QVHD held a QVHD Community Health Coalition meeting on April 25. This was the first meeting to work on the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP), a requirement of the accreditation process. It was a good meeting and the priorities of the Community Health Assessment (CHA) were analyzed and goals were developed for each priority area. The next step will be to formulate objectives and strategies.
  • QVHD participated in two Earth Day celebrations in North Haven and Hamden. The theme for North Haven was recycle/reduce/reuse with the making of paper beads and the Hamden Earth Day focused on mosquito source reduction and protection against bites. 
  • QVHD had a library display at the North Haven library. It focused on preventing exposure to lead. 
  • An Advocacy Day for SBHCs was held on April 26 at the State Capitol. Two staff from Mom’s Clinic attended. D. Culligan had sent information to parents and students on supporting SBHCs. Some students and parents sent letters to their local legislators. (D. Culligan read a letter from a parent to Board member.) Representative Josh Elliott visited Mom’s Clinic.
  • D. Culligan noted that influenza is still with us. Cases peaked in February but several were reported in March and April. Since January, there were 122 reported cases of influenza and likely many more that went untested.


Director’s Report, L. Balch:

  • When the CHIP objectives have been drafted they will be shared with Board members for comments.
  • The QVHD Code of Conduct and Confidentiality statements were distributed for Board member signatures. They will be distributed to all employees, interns and associates working with QVHD for signatures.
  • QVHD cosponsored a presentation about African Americans and Alzheimer’s. Attendance was poor. Lessons learned regarding self-posting of flyers. Additional small group presentations are being planned.
  • The legal notice regarding the availability of the Annual Financial Report appeared in the New Haven register on April 13, 2017. No inquiries have been made regarding the report.
  • There is no new movement on regionalization. It appears the bill did not pass, but likely to be resurrected in the future. L. Balch will continue to update the Board.
  • QVHD approached Yale New Haven Hospital about the future of the SBHC in Hamden. This was initiated primarily due to economic sustainability of the SBHC by QVHD. L. Balch plans to discuss this further with YNHH and address some issues such as no family planning services, payment and staffing.



K. Blake asked about the role of community health workers (CHW). L. Balch noted that the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) and State health department support this model of workers well versed about the community and its culture. They are slowly being introduced into the public health system, and are often known as outreach workers, navigators, and community educators for diabetes, asthma, and opioid prevention. 


V. Gallo updated the Board on the digitalization of QVHD records. He spoke with Square9 and has a meeting with them to discuss the project. He also spoke with Chesprocott Health District which is currently undergoing this process. It is costly and estimated that the project would cost about $25,000. C. Goldberg suggested that we investigate how we might work with towns that currently have systems that digitalize records. L. Balch agreed to meet with Gallo and Square9 and to inquire about member town systems in place.


At 6:00 pm. a motion to adjourn was made by V. Gallo, seconded by J. St. Peter and passed unanimously.


Minutes prepared by D. Culligan



The next regular QVHD Board meeting will be held May 25, 2017 at 4:30 p.m. at the QVHD office.



