Thursday, March 22, 2018

Board of Directors Meeting

March 22, 2018



In attendance: C. Goldberg, A. Levison, A. Mulvihill, J. Donaldson, J. St. Peter, V. Gallo, B. Weeks, N. Spector (by telephone), R. Martinello (by telephone). Ex Officio: L. Balch

Guests: L. Lucarelli, L. Brady, M. Taylor, E. Robbins, S. Wyner

Staff: A. Barnett, K. Sepulveda;

Not in attendance: A. Sofair, P. Marone, K. Blake, J. Solimene, R. Ivins

President Donaldson called the meeting to order at 4:30PM and declared a quorum present with all 4 towns represented. J. Donaldson welcomed our guests from Cornell Scott-Hill Health Center: Leah Lucarelli- Director of School Based Health Center, Louis Brady- Chief Operating Officer, and Michael Taylor-Chief Executive Officer, and all present self-introduced.


Cornell Scott Hill Health Center (CS-HHC) & The School Based Health Center (SBHC)

L. Lucarelli proceeded to present an overview of CS-HHC SBHC services and operations as a basis for discussion of future collaboration. Questions and discussion followed. C. Goldberg requested copies of CS-HHC’s 1) Mandated Reporting policy 2) CS-HHC’s MOA with New Haven Board of Ed and 3) Sliding scale policy for off-site services. Audio tape on file.


5:55 PM: J. Donaldson thanked the CS-HHC administrators and the Board returned to regular session at 6:00 PM.


A. Levinson made a motion, seconded by J. St Peters, to explore a relationship with Cornell Scott Hill Health Center regarding clinical service provision at MOM’s Clinic. The motion passed with one abstention by N. Spector. C. Goldberg was appointed as Board liaison for this project and J. Donaldson requested a special meeting of the Board be scheduled for further discussion.


Approval of Minutes

A motion was made at by C. Goldberg, second by A. Mulvihill to accept the January minutes. Voted unanimously.


Financial Report

L. Balch presented the FY17 audited Annual Financial Report. Motion by C. Goldberg to accept, seconded by A. Mulvihill. Voted unanimously. Legal Notice of availability of the report to be published in on March 26, 2018 New Haven Register.


L. Balch distributed the February financial report. Target: 66%, Revenue to date 75%, Expense 60%.  Discussion followed regarding variances and delayed grant allocations due to delayed grant funding. Motion made by A. Mulvihill, seconded by C. Goldberg to place the financial report on file. Voted unanimously.


Committee Reports

L. Balch briefly presented the proposed Fiscal Year 2019 budget from the Finance Committee Chair. The final proposed budget will be presented at the April 26th Board meeting followed by a 5:00 PM public hearing. Discussion followed regarding fee changes to accompany the State transition from CT food services regulations to FDA Standards for the FY19 licensure program.

L. Balch requested Personnel and By-law Committee meetings be scheduled for routine policy. L. Balch will contact committee chairs and members to for availability.

School Based Health: SBH Advisory Clinic meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 10th at 4:00PM.

Director of Health Report

  • QVHD participated in Hamden’s Let’s Move Event, a wellness fair that took place on February 3rd where we provided drug deactivation pouches, healthy-home resources, and a fun children’s activity.
  • QVHD is planning to kick-off this year’s Healthy Walk and Talk in partnership with New Haven’s Get Healthy walking program on April 28th. Additional walks will be scheduled in District towns through-out the summer. We plan to pilot the use of Conversation-starter Cards at each walk.
  • QVHD’s March 21st co-sponsored Narcan training was postponed due to the weather and is rescheduled for April 24th from 6-8PM at Thornton Wilder Auditorium, a pharmacist will be on site to prescribe and dispense Narcan.
  • QVHD will be at North Haven’s Earth Day, Saturday April 7th promoting safe storage and disposal of medications. Environmentally friendly drug deactivation pouches to protect both the environment and residents will be available.
  • QVHD and the New Haven Health Department Opioid grant programs have scheduled a Buprenorphine provider training for office-based treatment of Opioid Use Disorder.
  • Based on the pattern of reported cases of influenza for district residents, the peak appears to have been in late February. Discussion followed about recent and continued seasonal influenza activity.
  • Preliminary food service license fee changes for license 2019 were discussed. QVHD regulatory changes are necessary once the date for implementation of the new CT regulations are known. QVHD Public Hearings will be scheduled as these changes are incorporated.
  • A draft Strategic Plan will be email to all board members and staff for comments.
  • I have received a lot of interest for the advertised Public Health Promotion & Engagement Specialist position. The job description will be made available to potential interviewees and interviews will be scheduled for next week.


A motion to adjourn was made by A. Levinson at 6:45PM. Second by B. Weeks. Voted Unanimous.


Respectively submitted,

K. Sepulveda




