Thursday, September 28, 2017






North Haven, CT             September 28, 2017               4:30 PM


Present: A. Mulvihill, J. Donaldson, N. Spector, R. Ivins, C. Goldberg, T. Mitchell. Ex officio: L. Balch.  Staff: D. Culligan.

Not in Attendance: A. Sofair, R. Martinello; P. Marone, A. Levison, J. Solimene. B. Weeks, K. Blake, V. Gallo, J. St. Peter



President Donaldson Introduced two new Board members: Tom Mitchell (North Haven) and Nancy Spector (alternate Hamden) and declared a quorum present.

D. Culligan was thanked for her years of service and presented with a gift from the Board and Director.

President Donaldson announced two upcoming community events after a brief overview of Sister’s Journey:

  • October 21st Sister’s Journey Pink Tea, an annual fund raising event recognizing breast cancer survivors.
  • October 1st the Witness Project sponsored mammograms at the Dixwell Congregational Church.

President Donaldson announced that deadline for Board and staff members to provide feedback on the Strategic Planning process has been extended to 10/11/2017.  Discussion will take place at the October Board meeting. For a copy of the email with the notes and instructions for feedback, contact L. Balch.



A motion was made by C. Goldberg, seconded by R. Ivins to accept the June minutes.  The motion was accepted and minutes were placed on file by consensus.



L. Balch distributed the correct adjusted budget and discussed the uncertainty and delays in funding without a State budget, and is pleased to note the QVHD staff has accepted a change in the medical insurance program as of October 1, 2017, that will decrease expenses by approximately $9,000 in FY18.

A motion to place the August 31, 2017 financial report and the current Adjusted Budget figures on file was made by C. Goldberg, seconded by R. Ivins and passed unanimously.



  • NOMINATING COMMITTEE: R. Ivins, Chair of the Nominating Committee presented the slate for President, Joy Donaldson and for Vice President, Peter Marone. There being no nominations from the floor, a motion to accept the slate as presented was made by A. Mulvihill, seconded by Tom Mitchell and passed by consensus (Nominee refrained from voting).


  • At 5:20 p.m. a motion made by R. Ivins to move into Executive Session to present the proceedings of a September 19, 2017 Executive Committee meeting. Seconded by A. Mulvihill and passed unanimously.
  • At 5:37 p.m. a motion to return to regular session was made by R. Ivins, seconded by A. Mulvihill and passed unanimously.

The minutes of the Executive Committee meeting have been filed.



President J. Donaldson made the following committee appointments:

  • Executive Committee:J. Donaldson; P. Marone; R. Martinello; C. Goldberg; V. Gallo.
    • Personnel Committee: R. Ivins, Chair; V. Gallo; A. Levison; A. Sofair.
    • Finance Committee: P. Marone, Chair; C. Goldberg; R. Ivins; V. Gallo.
    • Bylaws Committee: C. Goldberg, Chair; R. Martinello; J. St. Peter; A Mulvihill.
    • SBHC Liaisons: A. Levison; A. Mulvihill; K. Blake.
    • Special Projects Committee:A. Mulvihill, Chair; T. Mitchell; B. Weeks
      • Nominating Committee:  To be appointed in May, 2018


C. Goldberg made a motion to accept the committee appointments as presented. Seconded by R Ivins and passed unanimously.


J. Donaldson reported she had received comments about Hair Braiding salons in Hamden (that are not regulated), providing regulated services, and requested the Special Projects to look into services being provided throughout the District.


R. Ivins excused himself from the meeting due to another commitment.


  • Appointment of QVHD Medical Advisor

C. Goldberg made a motion, seconded by A. Mulvihill to reappoint Dr. Joseph Zelson as QVHD medical advisor for QVHD. The motion approved by consensus.


  • Appointment of QVHD Auditor

A motion was made by C. Goldberg, seconded by R. Ivins to reappoint Michael Federico as the auditor for QVHD. The motion approved by consensus.


  • Appointment of SBHC Medical Director

A motion to reappoint Dr. Sheryl Ryan as the Medical Director for Mom’s Clinic was made by C. Goldberg, seconded by A. Mulvihill and approved by consensus. 



  • Director of Health Report, L Balch

L. Balch proposed to hire D. Culligan as an hourly consultant, as needed, for 1 day (7 hours) per week for 8 weeks between October 1 and November 30, 2017, for a total of up to 56 hours to (1) complete written administrative protocols and procedures for the school based health center;(2) to orient the interim coordinator and staff to those procedures, and (3) to arrange and attend 1 advisory committee meeting to facilitate transition. Protocols and Procedures to be completed will include, but not be limited to the internal billing system, electronic health record system, insurance contract renewals and credentialing, vaccine monitoring and ordering, and supplier contacts/ordering. Proposal was accepted.


The North Haven Walk ‘n Talk held on September 16, 2017 was attended by 2 Board members (Mulvihill and Martinello) the First Selectmen, 34 community participants and 5 providers. [Overview video posted on QVHD Facebook, accessible from home page.] The next QVHD Walk ‘n Talk event is scheduled for Hamden (October 14) and Woodbridge (October 21).


To date, two QVHD organized Naloxone Trainings have prepared about 30 individuals to carry and administer Naloxone, the opioid overdose reversal drug. Our next community sessions are scheduled for October 2nd in Woodbridge and November 2nd in Bethany.  Board members are invited to attend and asked to verbally promote these events. Additional information can be obtained by calling QVHD.


PA 17-93 replaces the CT Food Code with the FDA Model Food Code and requires many modifications to our food service program beginning October 1, 2017. Changes in classification definitions, holding temperatures, and inspection intervals are amongst the changes required. QVHD is currently making revisions to comply with the time-line of the law and recognizes the amount of effort required of the staff at the State, local and food service level. Modifications to QVHD’s food service program will impact staff scheduling, rating system criteria and FY2019 licensure fees.

Board members indicate the continuation of the rating-system (postings) is important to consumers and any revisions to the system must maintain the same messages of sanitation and safety.


  • Health Education report, D. Culligan

D. Culligan began the report with an overview of her positive experiences with QVHD, thanked the Board for the support throughout her 32 years of service and bid a sincere farewell on her retirement, effective October 1, 2017.


Update on QVHD’s Preparedness Pals, a project funded through a Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) Challenge grant through NACCHO: Approximately 40 individuals attended two presentations about the project, and were offered the opportunity to request and receive follow-up phone calls to support their preparations. Currently ,14 individuals have been paired with QVHD program volunteers to receive for phone calls to assist with preparing for a community-wide public health emergency.


ADJOURNMENT: Meeting Adjourned by President Donaldson at 6:20 PM.


Submitted by L. Balch

Secretary/Treasurer, Quinnipiack Valley Health District



The next regular QVHD Board meeting will be held October 26, 2017 at 4:30 P.M. at the QVHD office.
