Thursday, May 24, 2018


1151 Hartford Turnpike, North Haven, CT 06473

Board of Directors Meeting

May 24, 2018


In Attendance: J. Donaldson, A. Levison, B. Weeks, N. Spector, V. Gallo, J. St. Peter, R. Martinello, R. Ivins

Absent: C. Goldberg, A. Sofair, P. Marone, K. Blake, J. Solimene, T. Mitchell. 

Ex Officio: L. Balch          Staff: A. Mulvihill, K. Sepulveda

President Donaldson called the meeting to order at 4:45PM and nominated B. Weeks to serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee.

  • R. Martinello nominated R. Ivins of Woodbridge, V. Gallo nominated J. St Peter of North Haven, and J. St. Peter nominated C. Goldberg of Bethany to serve on the Nominating committee.
  • A motion to accept the 4 representatives as members of the Nominating Committee by R. Ivins, seconded by A. Levinson and passed unanimously.

Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by N. Spector, seconded by J. St. Peter, to accept the April minutes. The motion was accepted unanimously.

Financial Report

L. Balch distributed the financial report and reported:

  • Target: 83%. Revenue through April 30th: 88% and current expenditures:74%
    • R. Ivins questioned the $15,000 expected revenue for salon and tattoo parlors. L. Balch noted the renewal date is May 31st and revenue from renewal applications are just coming in.

A motion was made by R. Martinello, seconded by R. Ivins to place the financial report on file and was passed unanimously.

Committee Reports

Chair of the Personnel Committee, R. Ivins, reported that a telephone meeting took place last week to discuss potential updates to current management policies. A final meeting will be scheduled prior to June’s Board of Directors meeting once outstanding clauses are completed.

Administrative Reports

  • Environmental Health
    • Storm Response 5/15:
      • Food Establishments in Bethany, Hamden and North Haven experienced power outages. All were closed and inspected on May 16th and received guidance on food, water and sanitary precautions. Some ran generators to maintain refrigerator units. Inspections were conducted to assess conditions for return to service and approved to re-open.
      • Fact sheets on Food Safety & Carbon Monoxide were delivered during the power outages to concentrated meeting points (libraries, Bethany shelter & West Woods School). Information regarding safety concerns on well and septic damage was distributed to the towns and posted on departments website, twitter & Facebook pages. Discussion followed.
      • J. Donaldson recommended development and pre-event availability of “what to do” action sheets.
      • QVHD has been selected to submit a full proposal for the EPA Healthy Communities Grant
      • Beavers in Bethany have moved closer to the recreational swimming area at Veterans Memorial Park. Extra water testing is being conducting to monitor indicator organism levels – to date, no increases have been reported.
      • Nuisance complaint activity averages about 10 per week. Issues frequently encountered include housing code violations; hoarding; sewage; and occupied properties requiring lead abatement.
    • Community Report by A. Mulvihill
      • A. Mulvihill was recently trained in an evidence-based diabetes management and prevention program. QVHD is considering a program designed to empower high-risk individuals and those diagnosed with diabetes for our communities.
      • A proposal for an Emerging Leaders in Public Health (ELPH) grant has been submitted. Our proposal “Health Literacy: Beyond Enforcement” would focus on facilitating the communities understanding of the environmental health impact of public health regulatory actions related to the 10 essential services of public health. 
      • The nine potential measles exposure cases have been resolved.  Follow up was completed and no new cases were confirmed.
      • PHAB orientation has been completed and A. Mulvihill will continue the work on the accreditation process. The Community Health Coalition will be expanded to complete the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP).
      • QVHD website is internally being evaluated with K. Sepulveda for revisions to facilitate navigation for the community.  
      • Continuing efforts to engage with various community groups:
        • Hamden Food Security project, assisting on the data & hunger working group
        • Hamden’s Partnership for Young Children, Family Access & Info Committee,
        • Working to establish a partnership with a new group of dedicated Parish Nurses
      • Upcoming Community Education Opportunities
        • Exploring education on personal preparedness and healthy eating at local Farmers’ Markets
        • Second round of Healthy Walk ‘N Talk – Fall 2018, if trails are deemed safe & accessible. 
    • N. Spector suggested looking at the app “Next Door” and an ADA on-line self-assessment for diabetes risk. L. Balch highlights how digital programs may help reach the 25-45-year-old population.


J. St Peters made the following motion, seconded by R. Ivins:

  • This is to certify that Leslie A. Balch is the Director of Health of Quinnipiack Valley Health District, 1151 Hartford Turnpike, North Haven CT 06473 and that on May 24, 2018, pursuant to Sec. 19a-242 of the Connecticut General Statues, is authorized to make, execute and approve on behalf of this health district, any and all contracts or amendments thereof with the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health on behalf of said organization, in order to operate a:
    • Injury Prevention (Opioid) Grant
    • Public Health Emergency Preparedness Program
    • School Based Health Center program
    • Medical Reserve Corp Challenge Grant
    • Per Capita Grant
    • And any and all funding opportunities that may come before the board during FY19
      • Voted unanimously after each resolution was read into the minutes.

Directors Report

  • Opioid Grant: Engaging with neighborhood watch groups to identify areas that can benefit from our trainings/ prevention resources
    • Meeting with a theater class at the University of New Haven to propose work towards addressing the stigma surrounding opioid use disorder
    • Healthy Communities Grant: Approved for the second phase of the grant application to partner with subsidized housing agencies to assure healthy housing conditions are offered and maintained.
    • Rotary Grant: School Based Health Center has received a $1,000 rotary grant to help with the replacement of the vaccine refrigerator. QVHD thanks the Hamden Rotary for their continued support.
    • Board was asked to consider accepting electronic payment for licensing fees, eventually permits as well & adopting fillable online applications; changes would free up significant clerical staff time. A motion to explore transitioning to an electronic billing system was made by R. Ivins, seconded by N. Spector, and approved unanimously.
    • Continuing to sort and remove old files downstairs so we can transfer some files and remove excess weight on the 2nd floor.
    • Received contract from Yale for SBHC FY19
    • A second meeting with Lou Brady of Cornell Scott Hill Health Center took place with L. Balch & A. Mulvihill last week to discuss progress. L. Balch shared the power point provided by L. Brady with the board, discussion followed regarding goals, concerns and potential next steps.
      • A motion to pursue negotiations with CS-HHC in collaboration with Hamden High’s SBHC was made by V. Gallo, seconded by R. Martinello, approved unanimously.
      • L. Balch notified the board that in December of 2016 fraudulent phone calls were made to Africa in the middle of the night using QVHD’s telephone line. The fraudulent calls resulted in a large bill, and despite continued negotiations and reports to the FCC, CT AG office and the Federal Trade Commission no resolution has been agreed upon. Frontier does not cover fraud. A motion to discuss the issue with the town attorneys was made by V. Gallo, seconded by J. St Peters, passed unanimously.

A motion to adjourn was made at 6:45PM by J. St Peters, seconded by V. Gallo and passed unanimously.


Minutes prepared by K. Sepulveda, Temporary Clerk

