Thursday, May 25, 2017



North Haven, CT

     May 25, 2017           

4:30 PM


In attendance: A. Mulvihill; C. Goldberg; J. Donaldson; P. Marone; A. Levison; R. Ivins; R. Martinello; A. Sofair. 

Ex officio: L. Balch.  Staff: D. Culligan.

Not in attendance: D. Cofrancesco; B. Weeks; J. Solimene; K. Blake; V. Gallo; J. St. Peter.        


President Donaldson called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. She nominated R. Ivins as Chair of the Nominating Committee and B. Weeks, V. Gallo and C. Goldberg as committee members. A motion to accept the recommendation of President Donaldson was made by C. Goldberg, seconded by R. Ivins and passed unanimously.



A motion was made by C. Goldberg, seconded by A. Levison to accept the April minutes. The motion was accepted unanimously.



L. Balch reported:

  • For the end of April 2017, the budget target is 83%; current revenue 91% and current expenditures 91.2% when not factoring grant allocations. With grants allocated, the revenue is 87% and expenditures are 85%.
  • The budget remains tight and close. The amount of reserve funds needed should be $20,000 to $30,000 by year’s end.
  • $75,000 previously transferred to temporarily cover operational costs has not been replaced in the fund balance as QVHD is awaiting the 4th quarter payment from North Haven. Funds will be returned to the fund balance once this payment is received.
  • L. Balch raised the issue of the student housing inspection fee QVHD currently charges ($75.00) versus the cost  these inspections incur. After discussion, R. Ivins motioned that the fee for inspection of student housing be raised to $300.00, to commence on July 1, 2017, for any student housing application received by Hamden Planning and Zoning on or after July 1, 2017. The motion was seconded by C. Goldberg and passed unanimously.

L. Balch will notify Planning and Zoning about the fee increase. She will schedule a public hearing as required by law for June 22, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. which is the date for the next Board meeting.

  • With regards to the State budget, there are still many unknowns at both the state and federal level, which impacts QVHD’s ability to plan.
  • QVHD has received notice that insurance premiums will increase 5% for medical; 6.5% for dental and 5.5% for vision. This was not built into the FY18 budget. Staff currently contributes 5% to the cost which will increase to 6% on July 1, 2017.
  • L. Balch requested a joint meeting of the Finance and Personnel Committees prior to the June Board meeting.


A motion to place the financial report on file was made by C. Goldberg, seconded by P. Marone and accepted unanimously.



Special Projects: V. Gallo was not present to present a report. L. Balch reported on the meeting for the digitalization of records. Following a web presentation by the company, no decision was made by the committee. The cost of the project would be about $25,000 or more which is not feasible for QVHD at this time. QVHD will look for technology grants.

C. Goldberg noted that she was disappointed in short lead-time of the project meeting date and was unable to make the presentation.




Health Education reported by D. Culligan

  • QVHD distributed 46 radon kits. To improve compliance with testing, QVHD staff called recipients of the kits within 2 weeks to remind them about testing or to return the kit. This year, there was a 67% rate of compliance compared to about 25% in previous years.
  • The Community Health Assessment was adopted by consensus on May 5, 2017. As work on the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) moves forward, Coalition members are now establishing objectives for the goals they have identified. After all comments are received (due by June 10), Board members will receive a copy of the objectives for comment.
  • Flu cases are still occurring in the community however issues with ticks have come to the forefront. A. Sofair asked if QVHD identifies/tests ticks. D. Culligan responded that all ticks are identified and tested at the CT Agricultural Station. QVHD receives notice of positive ticks and will contact the individual if the Agricultural station does not have their email. There is information about ticks and associated issues on the QVHD website.
  • D. Culligan met with P. Medy, Volunteer coordinator for Hamden, to discuss the Preparedness Pals grant. There may be a way to work together on this project.
  • D. Culligan is working to get on the July Hamden Board of Education agenda to present the SBHC condom availability policy approved by the QVHD Board in October 2016.
  • A Volunteers meeting and a SBHC Advisory Committee meeting are scheduled for early June.



R. Ivins made the following motion:

This is to certify that Leslie A. Balch is the Director of Health of Quinnipiack Valley Health District, 1151 Hartford Turnpike, North Haven CT 06473 and that on May 25, 2017, pursuant to Sec. 19a-242 of the Connecticut General Statues, is authorized to make, execute and approve on behalf of this health district, any and all contracts or amendment thereof with the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health on behalf of said organization, in order to operate a:

  • Public Health Emergency Preparedness program
  • Per Capita grant
  • Lead Poisoning Prevention grant
  • School Based Health Center program
  • Health Education/Risk Reduction (Accreditation) grant
  • Injury Prevention (Opioid) grant
  • And any and all other funding opportunities that may come before the Board during FY18

The motion was seconded by C. Goldberg and passed unanimously.


Director’s Report, L. Balch:

  • QVHD is 1 of 49 applicants that has been invited to submit a full application for an EPA Healthy Communities grant. QVHD will submit a grant based on the Green Cleaning initiative currently in district public schools that will bring the initiative to day cares. The grant is for $25,000 and is due June 2, 2017.
  • Opioid Grant: A grant-funded individual has been hired to work on the opioid grant, full time this summer and part time in the fall. She has an undergraduate degree in public health and has had experience working on projects related to opioids.
  • QVHD has been asked by families and parents in North Haven to sit on a panel discussion about artificial turf. The date has not been decided. QVHD will discuss what is known to-date from a Federal study review, and the State DPH fact sheet. 
  • You will be receiving a request from QVHD to complete a survey for the strategic planning process. The survey will also be sent to each Town official. L. Balch hopes to have the written strategic plan in place by September 1st.  The plan is to be ready to submit an application for accreditation  by the end of 2018, pending available funds.
  • SBHC-Yale has indicated that they do not want ownership of the SBHC. QVHD will continue to speak with them. QVHD needs to explore options to keep the SBHC sustainable with projected funding cuts. 


At 6:00 pm. a motion to adjourn was made by R. Ivins, seconded by P. Marone and passed unanimously.


Minutes prepared by D. Culligan



The next regular QVHD Board meeting will be held June 22, 2017 at 4:30 p.m. at the QVHD office.



