Thursday, June 28, 2018


    June 28, 2018 Board of Health Meeting

 North Haven, CT  

In Attendance: J. Donaldson, P. Marone, C. Goldberg, N. Spector, R. Ivins, B. Weeks, A. Sofair (Available by phone)  

Absent: A. Levison, V. Gallo, J. St. Peter, R. Martinello, K. Blake, J. Solimene, T. Mitchell   Ex Officio: L. Balch         

Staff: A. Mulvihill, L. Fox, K. Sepulveda                        

President Donaldson called the meeting to order at 4:45PM and announced A. Sofair will be leaving the Board as of June 30th, and thanked him for his 12 years of service to QVHD.

Financial Report: L. Balch presented the financial report for the period ending May 31, 2018:

  • Target: 91.67%.  Revenue: 92.68%. Expense: 91.03%.
  • Noted in the May financial report, the School Based Health Center (SBHC) operations have exceeded grant funding by $43,956 and have generated $40,713. In third party reimbursements.

R. Ivins made a motion to place the financial report on file, seconded by P. Marone and accepted by consent. 

Committee Reports

  • Personnel Committee: R. Ivins, Committee Chair presented the committees recommended changes to the personnel policies for management and confidential employees. After discussion, the recommendations were tabled for consideration at the September meeting.

Administrative Reports

  • Community Health (Health Ed) from A. Mulvihill
    • QVHD Participated in the 2018 Statewide Governors Emergency Planning and Preparedness Initiative (EPPI), as well as the Regional Drill for Point of Dispensing at Ansonia High School by invitation.
    • Revisions to QVHD’s emergency preparedness plan made and are currently being reviewed by DPH. Further review is planned.
    • A. Mulvihill attended a Stop the Bleed training. QVHD plans to partner with others to offer this layperson program to our MRC volunteers and community members who may witness an incident and wish to respond using current recommended standards.
    • Public Health Accreditation documentation is progressing well.
    • A big thank you to N. Spector for connecting QVHD with the American Medical Association, we now have an array of tools we will be utilizing to address diabetes risk.
    • John, a community/environmental summer intern from SCSU is compiling Chlamydia data for analysis. After receiving 350 reported an educational awareness campaign is being designed.
    • Website updates continue, and “Summer Savvy Health Tips” can now be found on our home page.
    • Community engagement is still one of our top priorities- we will continue to actively participate with the community. Recommendations/invitations are always be appreciated.
    • MRC Volunteer meeting scheduled for July 9th from 1:15-2:30PM.
    • Upcoming scheduled events:
      • Hamden’s National Night Out on August 7th from 4-8PM
      • Woodbridge Farmers Market August 14th from 5:30-8PM
      • North Haven Food Drive: Stop ‘n Shop in North Haven to support the North Haven Food Bank. October 13, 2018.
      • New connections:
        • Efforts are being made to expanding media contact
        • QU Medical School student for Community Health Improvement Plan and possible fall wellness activity in North Haven.
  • Environmental Health Report from Lynn Fox
    • A full proposal to fund collaboration with subsidized housing to reduce lead hazards, improve unit upkeep, provide protective inspections & educate occupants on identifying health hazards was submitted for the EPA Healthy Communities grant was submitted. Awards will be announced in July.
    • Adoption of the FDA food code has officially been postponed until no later than January 1, 2019. Fees will remain the same until the renewal date in February. A third update notice will be sent out to all food service establishments to avert confusion and prepare them for the upcoming changes. After finalizing the new fees, a public hearing will be scheduled.
    • QVHD’s Environmental Health staff has completed extensive training on the recent FDA Food Code changes and are prepared for the change.
    • Local health has been delegated the responsibility to review and approve plans for water treatment wastewater (WTW) systems. Previously this was done by DEEP. A recommended fee will be proposed at a public hearing in September for fee-implementation after October 1, 2018.
  • Directors Report
    • Incident Command System (ICS) review and the introduction of a new Just-in-time (JIT) training for QVHD staff will take place tomorrow (6/29) from 10AM-12PM.
    • Regional MRC funds have been allocated to QVHD for a laptop and software for preparedness education initiatives.

A motion to move into executive session to discuss sub-contract and management salaries was made by R. Ivins at 5:20PM, seconded by P. Marone and passed unanimously.

B. Weeks arrived on-site.

Return to regular session:  A motion to return to the regular session was made at 5:52PM by P. Marone, seconded by R. Ivins, accepted unanimously.

A motion was made by R. Ivins, seconded by N. Spector to subcontract with Cornell Scott - Hill Health Corporation for clinical and billing services at the SBHC for the FY19, beginning August 1, 2018. Motion carried unanimously.

R. Ivins, Personnel Committee Chair, asked to defer discussion of FY18 Management salary increases to September meeting after FY19 revenue from grants and Hamden are settled.

A motion to accept the June minutes was made by N. Spector, seconded by R. Ivins with one friendly amendment: R. Ivins nominated R. Martinello to the 2018 nominating committee. Motion to accept June minutes as amended passed with 2 abstentions from C. Goldberg and P. Marone.

A motion to receive the financial report and put on file was made by R. Ivins, seconded by B. Weeks and passed unanimously.

A motion to accept the personnel committee’s recommendation of changes to the Management and Confidential Employees Policies was made by N. Spector. Discussion followed. Unanimously Voted to table vote until further review of Workers Compensation clause at the September Board meeting.

A motion to adjourn was made at 6:09PM by P. Marone, seconded by B. Weeks, passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Kara Sepulveda, Temporary Clerk
