Thursday, October 25, 2018



1151 Hartford Turnpike North Haven, CT 06473 Tel: (203) 248-4528

October 25,2018 4:30PM Board of Directors Meeting



In attendance: P. Marone, A. Levison, R. Martinello, K. Blake, C. Goldberg (telephone) Staff: A. Mulvihill, L. Fox, K. Sepulveda. Ex Officio: L. Balch  


Vice President Marone declared a quorum of voting members present with 3 of 4 member-towns represented. The meeting was called to order at 4:30PM and announced a change in the agenda order to have action items precede reports.

Notes from the September Meeting were reviewed and the consensus votes on the acceptance of the June 2018 minutes and the appointment of M. Federico as auditor were ratified. Discussion followed.

motion was made by K. Blake, seconded by A. Levinson that the Officers and Committees of the Board remain in place until the full complement of Board members has been duly appointed. The motion carried unanimously.


P. Marone requested recommendations for a new medical advisor. Discussion followed on possible candidates.  L. Balch will pursue suggested APRN’s/MD’s to fulfill our need for standing orders.  

L. Balch provided an update on the possibility of extending our current SBHC grant to administer the School based health Clinic at Church Street School in Hamden as requested by DPH. The proposed organizational structure is similar to that of the School Based Health clinic at Hamden High with clinical services provided through a subcontract with Cornell Scott-Hill Health Corporation for 24 hours a week of clinical service. Church Street School is an elementary school of ~325 students with services previously provided by the Yale Child Study Center Outpatient Psychiatric Clinic for Children. Discussion followed regarding the benefits of increasing access to clinical services and the consideration of continuity of care for these Hamden students. L. Balch projects the costs to QVHD will be covered by the grant.

motion was made by K. Blake, seconded by R. Martinello to move forward with talking to the state and to approve the partnership if an acceptable contract is agreed upon. The motion carried unanimously.  


Environmental Report by L. Fox

Sewage: The Commissioners of the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection and the Department of Public Health (DPH) entered into a delegation agreement in July 2017 that provides the authority for the DPH to approve discharges of water treatment wastewater* on properties with septic systems. DPH has delegated the responsibility to local health to review and approve water treatment wastewater dispersal systems** (WTW) in compliance with the Technical Standards for On-site Sewage Disposal Regulations and Technical Standards for Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems of the CT Public Health Code. L. Fox noted the most common treatment that discharges wastewater is water softeners, and because such wastewater cannot be discharged into septic systems a small separate system is needed. QVHD is required to review and approve the design plan for the system and receive and review the as-built to ensure system was installed as designed. Discussion followed. Approximately 1-2 hours of R.S. staff time will be needed to review WTW applications. QVHD has developed a WTW application with a proposed fee of $65. C. Goldberg requested that all towns be notified with time to comment prior to fee approval by the Board.  

FDA Food Code: While we are awaiting final regulations from DPH, QVHD is preparing to implement the newly adopted FDA food code as of January 1st. New licensing fees need to be established and adopted based on a new food establishment classification system (Class 1, 2, 3, and 4) and inspection process based on the FDA Code with the goal to recognize and improve retail food handling and safety without delays. L. Fox has been meeting with other health departments to determine a way to restructure the current grading protocol within the new food establishment inspection system.

The proposed fee schedule is expected to generate the revenue needed to cover the expenses of operating within new system. The proposed fees are:


Class 1:               $150.    ~110 establishments

Class 2:               $210.      ~144 establishments

Class 3:               $265.    ~200 establishments - most Class III’s became Class II’s

Class 4:               $285.    ~27 establishments, anyone who does special processes or services special populations


Vendors:            $175 for a year-long license

Temporary:       $75.      ~200-applications year round


 A motion was made by K. Blake seconded by R. Martinello to table the new wastewater treatment fees until towns are informed, and to approve the new food service inspection fees for public hearing as proposed. The motion carried unanimously.  

Proposed Public Hearings schedules: L. Balch requested a public hearing for December 6th, 2018 on the classifications, fees, and the changes in requirements for a Certified Food Protection Manager (previously called QFO) included in the 2017 CGS so we can begin license renewal for February 1, 2019. L. Fox noted that additional QVHD’s regulations will need revision and a public hearing once the new DPH regulations are finalized.

Financial Report  

L. Balch distributed the September 30th financial report:

Target: 25% Revenue: 33% Expense: 21% or 23%

And noted revenue and expenses have not yet stablished for FY19. To date, a decrease in projected revenue from 3rd party payment for clinical services and a decrease of $19,905 in State per capita subsidy.  Increases in revenue include $9,879 restored into the projected HHS SBHC and an anticipated $9,000 for the development of an Opioid-related marketing plan by August 31, 2019. Future financial reports will reflect the allocation of grant funds.  

A motion to accept the September Financial Report to be placed on file was made by R. Martinello and seconded by K. Blake.

L. Balch announced the planned retirement of Fran Notaro as part-time Bookkeeper as of November 30, 2018.

Committee Reports  

School Based Health Center Committee: A. Levison shared that the October 1, 2018 advisory committee meeting confirmed that the new SBHC organizational changes have been a huge success. Despite opening two weeks late, the SBHC is thriving and the staffing increase has been extremely beneficial. 448 students are currently enrolled, an increase from the initial 200. There have been 70 office visits to the nurse practitioner, 3 students in care for behavioral health and four additional intake visits are scheduled. Cornell Scott Hill Health representative and clinical director, L. Lucarelli, has expressed satisfaction with how things are progressing.

Community Engagement Report by A. Mulvihill

  • Community Food Drive on Oct. 13th in North Haven was a huge success, Public Works arranged pick up of a truck-load of food, a monetary donation of $445.96 was donated to the North Haven Food Bank. Thank you to the generous North Haven residents, and kudos to all those residents noted to be using non-disposable shopping bags!
  • Community Health Coalition Meeting was held on Oct. 18th from 3-4PM and 6-7:30PM, Next meeting is Jan. 17th
  • Town of Bethany Human Resource & Service Health Fair Oct. 24th – Information on Personal Preparedness, Healthy Homes, Safe Medical disposal, mini-flashlights, and entry those that visited our display to win collapsible lantern for their preparedness kit were provided.
  • November is American Diabetes Month – pre-diabetes & diabetes awareness, social media, handouts & survey for program development is underway.
  • National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is Oct. 27th, K. Sepulveda will be at Fire Headquarters in North Haven from 10AM-12PM this Saturday to assist with the program and promote safe storage and disposal.

Executive Session

P. Marone moved to enter into executive session at 5:44PM to discuss an employee matter. Seconded and voted unanimously.

At 6:02PM a motion to return to regular session was made by R. Martinello, seconded by A. Levison and carried unanimously.

FY 2019 Per Capita request to Towns:

Woodbridge has requested the FY2019 per capita rate be communicated by November 2, 2019. Discussion followed. At this time the Board is unable to project FY2019 expenses and has requested L. Balch to notify Woodbridge with a request for a delay. 

Adjournment: At 6:03PM a motion to adjourn was made by K. Blake, seconded by R. Martinello and passed unanimously.


* Water Treatment Wastewater is wastewater generated by a device used for the treatment of well water that enhances the quality of water and/or provides for the removal of iron, manganese, radionuclides or other substances.

**Water Treatment Wastewater Dispersal System means a system of a solid conveyance pipe, followed by a structure designed to receive water treatment wastewater and allow it to percolate into the underlying soil.  Such systems may include a filter or an intermediate settling structure.  Receiving structures include stone filled excavations, drywells, galleries, pits, plastic chambers, or other structures approved by the Commissioner of Public Health.
