Thursday, December 5, 2019


Quinnipiack Valley Health District 

A Regional Health Department Serving Bethany, Hamden, North Haven and Woodbridge, CT 

1151 Hartford Turnpike .   North Haven .   CT.   06473.  tel (203) 248-4528.   fax (203) 248-6671. 


Quinnipiack Valley Health District

Board of Directors Meeting

December 5, 2019 



Present:  J. Donaldson, P. Marone, C. Goldberg, A. Levison, B. Kohlhepp, R. Ivins (by telephone), R. Martinello (late)

Ex Officio:  L. Balch Staff: A. Mulvihill, L. Fox, B. Bildstein  

Absent:  J. St. Peter, J. Solimene, N. Spector


President’s Remarks

President Donaldson declared a quorum of voting members present with all four towns represented at 4:35 p.m.


2020 Board Meeting Dates  

B. Kohlhepp moved to approve the 2020 Board of Directors Meeting Dates and C. Goldberg seconded. Voted unanimously.


Approval of Minutes

A. Levison noted that the Environmental Health and Community Engagement Activity Reports were not found attached to the minutes.  L. Balch will resend the hard-copy activity reports to the Board.  

A motion was made by R. Ivins seconded by P. Marone to accept the October 24, 2019 minutes without the activity reports. The motion passed with one abstention (B. Kohlhepp).


Financial Report - November 30, 2019

Target: 42%.  Revenue at 45% and Expenses at 36%.  Grant fund payments are expected. Operating Cash flow for this period is good.


Per Cap Request from Towns

  • L. Balch reviewed the FY2020 per capita rates for all 20 CT health districts. The average request is $8.64.  The median is $8.65. QVHD is at $6.15, ranking #16 of the 21 health districts. 
  • State per capita funding to health districts has fluctuated below the $1.85 rate noted in the state’s statute during 4 out of the last 5 years, and there has also been a decrease in population results in decreased revenue. 
  • Based on an estimated FY2021 QVHD budget - $7.06 per capita rate would be required for a balanced budget; $5.30 would result in a $75,908 deficit budget, and at a $5.40 rate, a $66,015 deficit.
  • C. Goldberg and B. Kohlhepp report having spoken with the Town administrators about an increase. Discussion followed.    

R. Ivins stated the board needs to consider the financial health of QVHD and support a per capita increase of $0.25 per town.

R. Ivins motioned to request a $6.40 per capita rate. Seconded by P. Marone.  Voted unanimously.


L. Balch will provide a 10-year history of per capita funding and population estimates to the Board members for their reference.


Committee Reports

By-laws Committee

  • Discussion to be considered at January meeting.


Director’s Report

The Community Engagement Activity Report was reported by A. Mulvihill.  (Report is on file)

The Environmental Health Activity Report was summarized by L. Fox (Report is on file)


Motion at 5:21 p.m. by P. Marone and seconded by B. Kohlhepp to move into Executive Session for discussion of personnel issues. Voted unanimously. Staff and Ex Officio excused.

Returned to regular session.

Meeting adjourned at 6:16 PM.


Respectfully submitted by,


L. Balch, A. Mulvihill and B. Bildstein



Hard copies of reports filed with minutes:

Monthly financial report

State wide per capita summary

Estimated FY21 per capita calculations

Community Engagement Activity Report

Environmental Health Activity Report





