Thursday, May 23, 2019

Quinnipiack Valley Health District

Board of Directors Meeting

May 23, 2019 4:30 PM


In Attendance: J. Donaldson, C. Goldberg (by telephone), P. Marone, A. Levison, Roy Ivins,

B. Kohlhepp and K. Blake. Ex Officio: L. Balch              Staff: B. Bildstein

Absent: B. Weeks, N. Spector, T. Mitchell, J. Solimene, J. O’Neill, R. Martinello

President’s Remarks

President Donaldson called the meeting to order at 4:40 PM and declared a quorum present with all four towns represented. Donaldson welcomed the return of  William Kohlhepp (“please call me Bill”) to the Board and introduced Barbara Bildstein, the new secretary at QVHD.

President Donaldson appointed A. Levinson to chair the Nominations Committee. C. Goldberg, B. Kohlepp and R. Ivins were accepted by the Board as committee members.

Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by P. Marone, seconded by A. Levison to accept the April 25th minutes. 5 yea, 0 nay, 1 abstention. Motion passed.


J. Donaldson asked L. Balch to read the resolution to authorize the Director of Health as signatory for grants and contracts. The following resolution was read into the minutes:

This is to certify that Leslie A. Balch is the Director of Health of Quinnipiack Valley Health District, 1151 Hartford Turnpike, North Haven CT 06473 and that on May 23, 2019, pursuant to Sec. 19a-243 of the Connecticut General Statues, is authorized to make, execute and approve on behalf of this health district, any and all contracts or amendments thereof on behalf of said organization, in order to operate a(n):

PHHS Block Grant Program for activities toward Public Health Accreditation; School Based Health Centers at Hamden High School and Church Street School, Hamden; Injury Prevention or Opioid related Grants; Public Health Emergency Preparedness Grant; Per Capita Grant; and Lead Prevention Grant; and any all other funding opportunities that may come before the board during FY2020.

And I do further certify that the above resolution has not been in any wise altered, amended or repealed, and is now in full force and effect.

Motion made by R. Ivins to adopt the resolutions for President Donaldson’s signature as the certifying officer, seconded by B. Kohlhepp and passed unanimously.  

J. Donaldson read the thank you letter to be sent on behalf of the QVHD Board to the Rotary Club for grant funds that have been awarded to QVHD for opioid prevention activities in Hamden. L. Balch reported that the upcoming CDC opioid grant in CT is expected to be competitive and weighted by numbers (need). In the three years since QVHD has been working with the opioid grant, the number of overdoses in our District have decreased. A collaborative effort with New Haven Health Department for the upcoming grant year are being discussed pending receipt of the grant details from CDC.


Financial Report

The hard copy of the financial report will be completed and sent when the bookkeeper returns from vacation. Current cash flow is positive.

An overview of revenue and expenditure changes for the upcoming year was reported to include the second funded school based health clinic; previously known increase in QVHD’s pension obligation from 12.74% to 14.22%; a medical insurance increase of 8% with a change in participant mix; Union negotiations are still in the early stage; and the State grant and per capita subsidy won’t be known until after the State Budget is passed. C. Goldberg volunteered to attend Union negotiation sessions on behalf of the Board.

L. Balch reported on the unresolved Hamden’s FY19 non-payment of an equitable share of District expenses due to an error in the citation of QVHD’s letter of request in the FY2019 budget presentation. L. Balch will again request a meeting to discuss a solution to bring Hamden in compliance with 19a-243 (c) of CT regulations after the FY20 town budget is passed. Discussion followed regarding potential solutions to make the payments from all town funding equitable for FY19.

L. Balch answered Board member questions about employee benefits:


  • R. Ivins questioned if we pay for dependent’s coverage. L. Bach replied, yes, Employees contribute the 7% for the family medical cover and the full amount for family dental and vision.
  • The increase in medical insurance to District (from 11.74% to 14.22%) was revisited. B. Kohlhepp asked if involving an insurance broker when considering a change-in-plans would be worthwhile.
  • L. Balch answered Board member’s questions about contract provisions regarding longevity, car allowance, district vehicle(s), mileage reimbursement, and the proposed management policy changes. 
  • P. Marone inquired if when the field staff members drive back to the office for lunch, is it calculated in the mileage charge? L. Balch responded: it is difficult to know when the trip back is to complete paperwork from field activity or gather supplies for afternoon work, as well as lunch. Discussion followed. Suggestions included requiring employee submission of additional travel details for reimbursement, encouraging geographic work-load planning, and policy development for travel reimbursement.

Motion by R. Ivins, seconded by A. Levison, to place the financial report on file. Voted unanimously.

Committee Reports

  • School Based Health Clinic Advisory
    • A. Levison distributed the minutes of the May 13, 2019 Advisory Committee meeting and reported the positive response to the use of The School Based Health Clinic at Hamden High School in place of MOM’s Clinic; the increased enrollment and utilization of services has been excellent and indicates the good work and community acceptance that is ongoing; the number of outreach and educational programs that have been presented. Church Street School based health clinic is now operational and seeing medical clients, behavioral health will begin with the next school year; the Advisory committees voted to continue to meet in combination. Meeting minutes on file.
    • An advisory committee member suggested involving QU nursing students in health fair activity. B. Kohlhepp suggested connecting with MSW students as well.
    • J. Donaldson commended A. Mulvihill on running a productive, participant-engaged meeting.
    • Finance Committee
      • P. Marone reported that the Public Hearing for the FY2020 QVHD budget opened at 5:00 PM on April 29, 2019. The Finance Chair noted no members of the public were present in the room, foyer, or parking lot and the Public Hearing was closed at 5:20 PM. 
      • By-Law Committee
        • C. Goldberg reported a review of the By-laws has been conducted and no changes are needed at this time.
        • Personnel
          • R. Ivans reported the proposed revisions to the Management Policies are being reviewed and will be presented to the Board once the Worker’s Compensation is revised.


Director’s Report

  • Community Health Report
    • L. Balch reported highlights of QVHD community health education, engagement, outreach and opioid prevention activity conducted in May. Written reports filed.
    • Environmental Health
      • EPA’s Healthy Communities grant preparation in process, due May 28th targeting control of non-green certified product that impact IAQ in schools.


Staff has been preparing the materials for Hamden’s new plastic bag ordinance for education and outreach. The proposed State law may impact how towns with bans proceed.

J. Donaldson suggested we look into having some opioid program promotional material be available at the June 1st festival being held in Hamden.

L. Balch reported on lessons learned about planning health fairs from the 2 fairs in which QVHD recently participated. A solid participant starter group for both attendance and desired services has the potential to increase attendance. Both fairs were well planned but could have benefited from more participants.

A June 22nd food drive at Stop and Shop, Hamden is planned. QVHD will distribute Healthier Options suggestions to shoppers and may include ways to decrease food waste suggestions as part of a sustainable Hamden iniative.

Accreditation activity continues with policy revision and development underway. New self-set QVHD application timeline is December 2020.

Implementation of the FDA code in CT has still not been implemented but environmental staff has continued to participate in training and preparation.

L. Balch has been working with Gateway and SCSU in the revision and education of the Community Health Worker (CHW) program. The program has been revised to meet specifications of anticipated State criteria for certification and it is hoped that this year class will be retroactively certified. CHWs are being introduced into public health programs, starting Asthma Home Visiting iniative, in CT. Certification will eventually result in reimbursement.


Legislative updates: smoking age raised to 21; marijuana not expected to pass this year; nail technician licensing has moved forward but not yet passed; and parity with medical coverage for mental health services has passed. More updates at the next Board meeting which will be after the legislative session closes.

5:50 PM A. Levison made a motion, seconded by R. Ivins to enter into Executive Session. C. B. Bildstein excused and C. Goldberg left the meeting.

6:06 PM Returned to Regular Session.

No other business raised to discuss.

Meeting adjourned at 6:10 PM.

Respectfully submitted: 


Barbara Bildstein, Temporary Clerk
