Thursday, April 23, 2020

 Quinnipiack Valley Health District

A Regional Health Department Serving Bethany, Hamden, North Haven and Woodbridge, CT

1151 Hartford Turnpike, North Haven, CT. 06473.  Tel. (203) 248-4528.   Fax (203) 248-6671.

Quinnipiack Valley Health District

Board of Directors Meeting

April 23, 2020 4:30 PM

Present (Go To Meeting): J. Donaldson, P. Marone, A. Levison, C. Goldberg, E. Thornquist, C. Lewis, W. Kohlhepp, J. Solimene, J. St. Peter, P. Sandor, R. Ivins

Ex Officio: A. Mulvihill, Staff: L. Fox, K. Sepulveda, L. Altieri

Absent:  R. Martinello

President’s Comments

President Donaldson called the meeting to order at 4:35PM, wishing everyone a happy spring and good health.

Approval of April 2, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes

A motion was made by C. Goldberg seconded by R. Ivins to accept the April 2, 2020 minutes. The motion passed unanimously.


Financial Report

A. Mulvihill shared QVHD’s Monthly Financial Budget Report and opened the floor for questions. J. Donaldson asked for an update on grants, a discussion followed. A. Mulvihill shared that grants have not changed as a result of COVID-19 response. SBHC remains as is and the PHEP financial report was submitted yesterday. QVHD has submitted for reimbursement through the state’s Crisis Response Grant for additional expenses accrued through COVID-19 activities.

J. Donaldson asked for an update on the FY 20-21 budget. A. Mulvihill notified the board that Governor Lamont’s Executive Order NO. 7C has extended “municipal budget adoption deadlines for the preparation of municipal budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021 that fall on any date prior to and including May 15, 2020 are extended by thirty (30) days” (Ned Lamont, Executive Order NO. 7C). P. Marone asked that A. Mulvihill work on FY 20-21 budget with Bookkeeper, L. Altieri. The finance committee will review and bring to the board when there are numbers to present.

A motion was made by C. Goldberg to place the financial report on file seconded by R. Ivins.  Voted unanimously.

Search Committee Update

A second round of interviews are being held this week and next for the open Director of Health position. The final candidate will be presented for discussion with the board by the end of next week. The goal is to have the new director in place by June 1st, this individual will likely have to provide 4-week notice to their current employer.

Personnel Committee

A discussion was held on developing a policy for departed employees. A. Mulvihill shared that the password for two former employee email accounts have been changed, as a result of a concern that was identified regarding a document showing it was edited on SharePoint by a former employee after their departure and emails forwarded from their former official health district email to personal accounts. A motion was made by R. Ivins, seconded by J. St. Peters, to delete one of the email accounts. The vote was decided by consensus.

By-laws Committee

C. Goldberg shared that no changes have been made, but a meeting should soon follow. J. Donaldson shared that C. Lewis would like to join the by-laws committee, joining existing members, C. Goldberg, R. Martinello, and J. St. Peter.

SBHC Liaisons

A. Levison provided an update from the SBHC Advisory Committee meeting held on 4/22/2020. Cornell Scott Hill Health Center (CSHHC) is now offering tele-visits, both physical and behavioral sessions to students as needed. Due to the change, the clinic staff has been furloughed until schools have re-opened. A. Levison shared that while most projects have been put aside as a result of COVID-19, birth control has sailed through the chains of command and will officially be available at the SBHC when school begins again in the Fall.

QVHD & CSHHC are working well, and they are very pleased with the partnership. A. Mulvihill was assured by CT DPH SBHC program manager and SBHC unit supervisor that COVID-19 will have no impact on our grant status, services will continue to be provided, just a little differently than before.

Special Projects Committee

A. Mulvihill presented a comprehensive report crafted by environmental Sanitarian J. Laudano, that identified repairs needed at QVHD. A conversation was held discussing the issues facing the department as a whole and the significant long-term financial implications. R. Ivins suggested the board undertake a strategic planning retreat to agree on QVHD’s direction, prioritize needs and identify the resources needed to do so. C. Goldberg requested A. Mulvihill talk with staff to help determine what is needed space wise to function efficiently.

J. Donaldson proposed the special projects committee begin to investigate space needs for QVHD and report back at the end of May. J. St. Peters recommended a realtor from her office who can assist. Both J. St Peters and A. Levison agreed to join the committee.

Administrative Reports

Acting Director of Health/Community Health


  • A. Mulvihill has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Naugatuck Valley Health District’s Director of Health for mutual aid for surge capacity, public health preparedness and/or acting director coverage.
  • QVHD staff have been assigned a lead role for COVID-19 specific topics/response.
  • Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) is provided to QVHD on a weekly basis the Region 2 Emergency Response Coordinator and distributed to healthcare providers in need of such PPE.
  • 52 new Medical Reserve Corp volunteers have been sworn in and presented with deployment opportunities, such as staffing the Isolation Center at Career High School and the CT Mental Health Center.

The full report has been placed on file.

Environmental Report


  • QVHD has been tracking COVID-19 related incoming calls and emails. Over 160 calls logged since 4/3/2020, about 15 per day. Most frequent calls were related to long term care facilities, food establishments and grocery stores.
  • Staff have been responding to complaints about food establishments and grocery stores not following guidance on ways to safely stay open. Police have accompanied QVHD staff on site visits when repeat complaints are received and have assisted in monitoring establishments after hours.
  • Normal routine requests and activities have picked up.

The full report has been placed on file.

Executive Session

The meeting moved into executive session via zoom at 5:35PM. Staff and Ex Officio were excused.

Respectfully submitted,

Alicia Mulvihill, MPH, Director of Community Programs
