Thursday, May 28, 2020

Quinnipiack Valley Health District

A Regional Health Department Serving Bethany, Hamden, North Haven and Woodbridge, CT

1151 Hartford Turnpike, North Haven, CT. 06473.  Tel. (203) 248-4528.   Fax (203) 248-6671.  

Thursday, May 28, 2020

4:30PM Board of Directors Meeting – via GoToMeeting

5:30PM Public Hearing on QVHD Budget for FY 2020-2021 – via GoToMeeting 

Present (GoToMeeting): J. Donaldson, P. Marone, P. Sandor, A. Levison, C. Goldberg, C. Lewis, W. Kohlhepp, J. Solimene, J. St. Peter, R. Ivins, R. Martinello, E. Thornquist 

Staff: A. Mulvihill, K. Sepulveda, L. Altieri 

        I.            Presidents Comments

J. Donaldson welcomed everyone to the meeting at 4:33PM, wishing good health and safety to all.

      II.            Approve Minutes of April 23, 2020 Meeting

J. Donaldson requested an addendum at the end of the April 23, 2020 minutes, noting that the board moved out of executive session at 5:54PM. The meeting adjourned at 6:00PM.

A motion was made by C. Goldberg seconded by A. Levison to accept the April 23, 2020 minutes. The motion passed unanimously.

     III.            Financial Report

A. Mulvihill presented QVHD’s FY 20-21 Financial Budget to the board. QVHD is expecting the last per capita payment, due the end of June, from both Hamden & Woodbridge. Although hesitant to input cosmetology fees due to the potential re-open date of June 1st, QVHD has begun to process payments as they come in. Bookkeeper, L. Altieri, welcomed any additional questions.

Discussion followed on any financial impact or potential grant delays due to COVID-19. A. Mulvihill assured the board that all grants are still coming in as planned. SBHC services are available to students virtually and we have yet to see a ripple effect from cosmetology establishments.

A. Mulvihill shared an invoice was provided to the town of Hamden regarding their outstanding balance. Mayor Leng has ensured QVHD that he is working with their new financial director to get us the overdue payment. P. Marone thanked A. Mulvihill & L. Altieri for all their hard work.

    IV.            Committee Reports

a.       Search Committee/Executive Committee

The board differed the search committee report to the executive session.

b.      Finance Committee

P. Marone provided an overview of the FY 20-21 Budget, highlighting QVHD’s expenses including recommendations provided by L. Altieri on potential ways to cut costs and the need for a five-year strategic plan. Discussion followed.

A tentative motion was made by W. Kohlhepp seconded by A. Levison to receive the budget pending any information received from the public. The motion carried unanimously.

c.       Personnel Committee

No new activity has occurred since the last board meeting. J. Donaldson requested the personnel policy be sent to the new board members. R. Ivins agreed to send the latest electronic version to A. Mulvihill to send out to the rest of the board.

 d.      By-laws Committee

C. Goldberg reported the latest by-laws are from 2009, she will be sending them out to the committee for input on necessary changes before the next meeting. J. Donaldson asked that each board member receive a copy.

 e.       SBHC Liaisons

Hamden High Schools APRN is back on staff. The SBHC grant will be fully funded despite changes in service presentation due to COVID-19.

 f.        Special Projects Committee

C. Goldberg is planning to talk with each staff member to determine needs moving forward. Once arranged, the committee will start meeting with staff to hear suggestions and report back to the board. C. Goldberg highlighted the need for a strategic plan and how this will be a good starting point.

      V.            Public hearing

A motion was made by C. Goldberg, seconded by J. St. Peters to enter the public hearing at      5:30PM.

No members of the public joined the meeting. A motion was made by E. Thornquist seconded by J. St. Peter at 5:43PM to adopt the FY 20-21 budget. The motion passed unanimously.

    VI.            Administrative Reports

a.       Acting Director of Health/Community Health

         Full report has been placed on file.


  • Consensus was provided to A. Mulvihill to receive one additional quote on needed bathroom maintenance. Once received she is granted the authority to move forward with improvements using her best discretion.
  • Consensus was reached to allow A. Mulvihill to investigate our current Alarm System to determine whether communication issues can be fixed by our telephone provider or through another company cheaper than the estimate provided by Johnson Control.
  • A motion was made by C. Goldberg seconded by P. Sandore to formally thank J. Laudano for fixing all security issues at QVHD.
  • The need to identify a PHEP Coordinator position by September was presented, the issue was tabled until the June 2020 meeting. R. Ivins will begin to investigate some of our options.
  • The board was asked to consider the future of QVHD’s accreditation efforts and how they would like to proceed given QVHD’s current internal resources. Conversation followed regarding the need to develop a realistic plan moving forward. A pre-retreat planning meeting was scheduled for Monday, June 29th at 5:00PM via telephone.
  • A. Mulvihill highlighted the loss of potential revenue in 2019 that resulted from renewal fees potentially not being collected. The board requested a notice be sent out immediately to identified establishments highlighting their obligation to pay their 2019-2020 licensing fee prior to re-opening. C. Goldberg asked A. Mulvihill to confirm the regulations allow this prior to sending out any notice.

b.      Environmental Health

         Full report has been placed on file.

  VII.            Executive Session

A motion to move to executive session was made by R. Martinello seconded by C. Goldberg at 5:59PM.

  VIII.            Adjourn

The meeting moved out of executive session at 6:30PM. P. Sandor motioned to adjourn at 6:33PM. The meeting was adjourned by consensus.
