Thursday, September 26, 2019

September 26, 2019    

Board of Health Meeting



Present:  J. Donaldson, N. Spector, K. Blake, B. Kohlhepp, R.  Martinello, R. Ivins, C. Goldberg (by telephone until 5:28), J. Solimene (by telephone until 5:45) Ex Officio: L. Balch Staff: A. Mulvihill, L. Fox, B. Bildstein   Guest: L. Lucarelli 

Absent:  P. Marone, A. Levison, J. St. Peter


President’s Remarks

President Donaldson called the meeting to order at 4:40 p.m. and declared a quorum present with all four towns represented.  Donaldson reminded the group that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and that Sister’s Journey will be hosting a Pink Tea on Sat. October 26, 2019 at Mohegan Sun Convention Center, Uncasville, CT.

Board Membership Update

L. Balch reported Tom Mitchell, North Haven alternate, and Brian Weeks will not be continuing as a Board member. Discussion followed regarding the need to fill alternate positions. Towns will be notified.

Committee Appointments

President J. Donaldson made the following committee appointments:

  • Executive Committee: J. Donaldson; P. Marone; R. Martinello; C. Goldberg; B. Kohlhepp 
  • Personnel Committee: R. Ivins, ChairA. Levison; C. Goldberg; J. St. Peter
  • Finance Committee: P. Marone, Chair; C. Goldberg; R. Ivins; J. Solimene
  • Bylaws Committee: C. Goldberg, Chair; R. Martinello; J. St. Peter
  • SBHC Liaisons: A. Levison; K. Blake; B. Kohlhepp
  • Special Projects Committee: K. Blake, Chair; C. Goldberg, R. Martinello; J. Solimene
  • Nominating Committee:  To be appointed in May 2020


R. Ivins made a motion to accept the committee appointments as presented. Seconded by B. Kohlhepp, passed unanimously.

Approval of Minutes

motion was made by B. Kohlhepp, seconded by K. Blake to accept the May 23, 2019 minutes. The motion passed with one abstention (J. Solimene).

Financial Report

L. Balch – Circulated copy of a draft FY20 first-quarter financial report. FY2019 final accounting has not yet been finalized. Preliminary analysis indicates there will be a small income surplus once final allocation for grants that span two fiscal years and funds returned to the reserve fund from FY 2017. Discussion followed. Members requested a new monthly financial report format.

A motion to place the September 30, 2019 financial report on file was made by B. Kohlhepp, seconded by K. Blake and passed with 1 abstention (R. Ivins).

Committee Reports

  • Nominating Committee: L. Balch, on behalf of A. Levinson, Chair of the Nominating Committee, presented the slate for President, Joy Donaldson and for Vice President, Peter Marone. There being no nominations from the floor, a motion to accept the slate as presented was made by R. Ivins, seconded by B. Kohlhepp and voted unanimously. 
  • Personnel Committee:

R. Ivins, Chair of the Personnel Committee, recommended the revised Personnel Policies for Management and Confidential Employees, and noted a change in the Workers Compensation section, and J. Donaldson read the content for the new position title, Public Health Engagement and Promotion Specialist. Edits to the Workers Compensation section were suggested for clarity. R. Martinello motioned to approve the policies, seconded by K. Blake. Discussion followed. C. Goldberg asked to have final wording before agreement. Motion tabled until revised Workers Compensation wording is reviewed by Board members at the October Board meeting.

Carol Goldberg left meeting.

  • By Laws Committee:

No report at this time.


  • Health Director

motion was made by N. Spector, seconded by R. Martinello to reappoint L. Balch as QVHD Director of Health for a period up to 3 years. Voted unanimously. A letter will be sent to the Commissioner of Health for approval.

  • SBHC Medical Director

motion to appoint Dr. Meredith Williams of the Cornell-Scott Hill Health Corporation, as the Medical Director of the school-based health clinic was made by K. Blake, seconded by R. Martinello and voted unanimously  

  • QVHD Auditor

motion was made by R. Ivins, seconded by R. Martinello to reappoint Michael Federico as the auditor for QVHD. Discussion followed. B. Kohlhepp suggested the Board review the audit relationship and consider a change of auditor every 3-5 years. L. Balch will obtain information for the Board. Voted unanimously to reappoint M. Federico 

  • QVHD Medical Advisor

R. Martinello made a motionseconded by K. Blake to appoint Dr. Amir Mohammad as medical advisor for QVHD. Discussion followed. Voted unanimously.

Administrative Reports:

  • Director of Health
    • QVHD has received and reviewed a proposal and contract for a digital environmental health program from Tyler Technologies after weeks of negotiations for services, support and customization to digitize and streamline the food protection program and nuisance complaint programs. The program development, training and implementation will be funded from 2 grants, one specific to the computer program and equipment, and the second to develop a Performance Management System to Monitor Achievement of Organizational Objectives for these 2 programs. L. Fox has met with staff and shared the plan and the next meeting will review the plan of implementation, training and anticipated advantages of updating the system.
    • R. Ivins motionedseconded by R. Martinello to move forward on contract with employee knowledge of the time commitment. Passed with 1 abstention (K. Blake).
    • Community Engagement
      • Hard copy report filed with minutes.
    • Environmental Health
      • L. Fox is preparing a grant application for additional funding toward implementation and maintenance of the computerized environmental health.

Motion at 5:57 p.m. by B. Kohlhepp, seconded by and R. Ivins to move into Executive Session for purposes of personnel issues. Voted unanimously. Staff and guest excused.

6:20 PM Returned to regular session. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,


Leslie Balch

Temporary Clerk
