Quinnipiack Valley Health District
A Regional Health Department Serving Bethany, Hamden, North Haven and Woodbridge, CT
1151 Hartford Turnpike . North Haven . CT . 06473 . tel (203) 248-4528 . fax (203) 248-6671 . www.qvhd.org
Quinnipiack Valley Health District
Board of Directors Meeting
October 24, 2019 4:30 PM
Present: P. Marone, C. Goldberg, N. Spector, A. Levison, R. Martinello (4:45pm), R. Ivins. Ex Officio: L. Balch
Excused: Absent: J. Donaldson, B. Kohlhepp, J. St. Peter, J. Solimene
Staff: A. Mulvihill, L. Fox, B. Bildstein
Guest: Stacey Wyner - School Based Health Center at Hamden High School
President’s Remarks
Vice President Marone declared a quorum of present with three of four towns represented at 4:40 P.M.
Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by C. Goldberg seconded by R. Ivins to accept the September 26, 2019 minutes. The motion passed with one abstention (A. Levison)
A. Levinson introduced S. Wyner from the School Based Health Center at Hamden High School (SBHC). S. Wyner presented information on the unmet needs of sexually active high school students since the changes to Title X, the Federal Family Planning and Prevention Program. Consideration of providing these services was discussed and supported at the October 16, 2019 School Based Health Center Advisory Committee meeting. The Advisory Committee recommended seeking opinions from additional stakeholders. Discussion followed regarding the need for community acceptance of additional reproductive health services to be provided at the SBHC. A. Mulvihill suggested the Superintendent and the Hamden Board of Education should be contacted for their input.
C. Goldberg made a motion, seconded by N. Spector to give the Board’s consent to move forward with speaking to the Hamden Superintendent and Board of Education regarding the consideration of offering various forms of birth control at the School Based Health Center at Hamden High School. Voted unanimously.
Financial Report
L. Balch distributed the September 30, 2019 Financial Report. Target: 25%. Revenue: 32.86%, Expenses: 21%. The cyclical nature of revenue from fees and services was reviewed and grant funding that has been received in October is not reflected in this report. Discussion followed regarding the need to secure funding for ADA accessibility modifications and structural maintenance at 115 Hartford Turnpike as the building continues to age.
R. Ivins asked about the 12% revenue over budget for the State per capita. L. Balch explained the State per capita funding was projected during the budget process before the annual rate was determined by the legislature. The amount recorded on the financial report represents $1.665 per capita and is the actual amount received.
R. Martinello made a motion to place the Financial Report on file. Seconded by A. Levinson. to Passed unanimously.
L. Balch noted the FY21 per capita request to towns is traditionally requested from Woodbridge in early November. State wide Estimated FY20 per capita requests for all 20 Health Districts in CT was distributed to Board members for reference. It was noted that at $6.15 QVHD’s per capita request to Towns is the 4th lowest in the State. The four health districts that are geographically closest to QVHD were reviewed: Chesprocott - $9.65; Pomperaug - $9.31; East Shore - $8.59; NVHD is $6.85.
Discussion followed. Decision tabled until December 5th meeting after consideration of estimated population change and a better estimate of FY21 known financial need.
Committee Reports:
- SBHC Advisory Committee
A Levison reported a joint Hamden High and Church Street School Based Health Center advisory committee meeting was held on October 16, 2019 at Hamden High School. A. Levison reported the meeting was very good with a lot of interaction, discussion and everything seems to be going well. The High School clinic is operating with both medical and behavioral health services full time. There are 508 students enrolled, which represents approximately 1/3 of the student population.
Church Street is operating Monday, Wednesday and Friday for medical services and Friday for behavioral health. They will be getting a full-time behavioral health practitioner in November who will be available 5 days a week. Currently 116 of the ~325 students are enrolled.
- By-laws Committee
C. Goldberg recommended the Board consider a change in the definition of the quorum in Section 4 to read “a majority of members present” while maintaining Section 10, which reads 3 of the 4 member towns be represented. Discussion followed. Discussion of issues to be considered before any change be made: require at least 5 voting members be present; a change in the day and time of the meeting; continued discussion with North Haven regarding the need for consistent representation. P. Marone indicated the discussion should be continued at the next Board Meeting.
- Personnel Committee
R. Ivins distributed revised wording for Section 5.3.4 Workmen’s Compensation of the Personnel Policies for Management and Confidential Employees for review:
“5.3.4 Workers’ Compensation: An employee who is receiving Temporary Total Disability (TTD) Workers’ Compensation benefits shall be paid a supplemental wage benefit in an amount equal to the difference between the employee’s TTD workers compensation benefit amount received from the workers compensation insurance company and the employee’s normal net take home pay at the time of injury, incapacity or disability until such time as the employee is able to return to work, or for a maximum term of 12 months, whichever occurs first.” Rev. 10/19
Discussion followed. R. Martinello motioned to accept the policies with the proposed wording, Seconded by C. Goldberg. Voted unanimously.
Director’s Report
The Annual Report, with revenue that has not yet been audited, has been compiled by A. Mulvihill and will be added to the web site. The audited financial report is due for completion by December 31, 2019 and the State DPH annual report is due by early December and will be posted to the DPH website shortly there-after.
At the September 2019 Board meeting B. Kohlhepp suggested the District look into a change of the auditor every 2-3 years as is customary. L. Balch conducted a preliminary review of the CT laws for governmental agencies and found that each year the State assigns two auditors to audit QVHD’s audited financial report. L. Balch will verify this information and find what is customary and recommended for government agencies.
School immunization levels for QVHD schools reporting, based on the recently conducted State Immunization Survey are within acceptable range (>95%) to maintain herd immunity. Tracking this information is useful to public health for trending and preparedness in the event of a vaccine preventable disease outbreak.
EEE: Protective information to District Town administrators and communities changed frequently during the latter part of the State of Connecticut Mosquito Trapping and Arbovirus Testing Program with positive mosquito testing results in Bethany and surrounding areas. It seemed each time a memo was written and distributed, the situation changed but precautionary messages remained stable even as the weather became cooler and the mosquito breeding season came to an end. Town administrations, athletic directors and families were receptive and interested in updates throughout the process.
Although the risk of infection is low at this time of year, it is not considered zero until a” hard frost”, defined as 3 consecutive hours at or under 32 degrees F or 2 consecutive hours at 28 degrees F or below. QVHD is monitoring the weather for each of the four district Towns and will notify communities when precautions are no longer recommended, especially between dawn and dust when temperatures are above 50 degrees. F
QVHD’s pre-planning for School Based Health Center promotional activities included emphasis on preventing Suicide, E Cigarettes use and Opioids Use Disorder and harm reduction. Fortuitously, we have State- and nation-wide support for all three at this time.
Opioid Grant Opportunity: QVHD will be applying for a DPH Opioid Data to Action (OD2A) grant in partnership with the New Haven Health Department with the primary goals to identify and implement a sustainable strategy to integrate primary care and public health to reduce harm and prevent drug use disorders while decreasing duplication. Notice of awards are due in February.
Community Engagement Activity Report
- A. Mulvihill reported (Written report will be filed with the minutes.)
- There will be a Public Health Drill of our emergency countermeasure dispensing operational set-upon November 7th 3 to 4:30 p.m. at North Haven High School. Board members are invited to attend.
- Board members will be added to our emergency notification list.
Environmental Health Activity report
- L. Fox reported (Written report will be filed with the minutes.)
- The contract has been signed with Tyler Tech for a new software program for Complaints and Food Protection Program. Discussion of benefits to time savings and paper file reduction followed. Expansion of system to include other environmental health programs is available for future development.
- An application for second FDA grant to complete and maintain new digital food protection program has been submitted.
- Surveillance and tracking system have been initiated for Hamden’s Plastic bag and Single use straw ordinances.
Meeting adjourned. At 6:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Leslie Balch