Thursday, April 25, 2019

Quinnipiack Valley Health District

1151 Hartford Turnpike, North Haven, CT 06473

Board of Directors Meeting

April 25, 2019      4:30PM


In Attendance: J. Donaldson, A. Levison, N. Spector, R. Ivins, C. Goldberg (via call-in), P. Marone (arrived at 5:30 PM).

Ex Officio: L. Balch.  Staff: A. Mulvihill, L. Fox

Absent: K. Blake, R. Martinello, J. Solimene, T. Mitchell, J. O’Neill St. Peter, W. Kohlhepp.

President Donaldson called the meeting to order at 4:36 PM and was informed P. Marone would be arriving at 5:30 due to a last-minute schedule change.

President’s Remarks

President Donaldson requested a change in the order of the agenda to begin meeting with administrative reports.

Administrative Reports

Environmental Health

L. Fox reported:

  • Two upcoming grant opportunities that QVHD will be applying to: Pool Safety Consumer Product Safety Commission and EPA Healthy Communities grant.
  • The Town of Hamden’s Legislative Council approved an enforceable Plastic Bag and Single-Use Straw Ordinance. The laws pertaining to single-use straws and checkout plastic bags go into effect on July 1, 2019 and September 14, 2019 respectively.  QVHD is responsible for: educating local businesses and the public, issuing initial, written notification to establishments found to be non-compliant and receive, review and approve requests for deferment which will allow an additional 6 months to come into compliance.
  • A SCSU student-intern is completing a semester of introduction to local health environmental services through research and preparation of Hamden’s Earth Day display materials, tracking and plotting results of QVHD’s radon kit distribution, and field observation.
  • The tentative date for the updated FDA Food Code to become effective is January 1, 2020.  In preparation for this, QVHD’s sanitarians are familiarizing themselves with the new form through comparison of inspection results and attend meetings with other health departments to define an effective rating system based on the FDA form and inspection process.

Environmental staff completed following activities during March and April 2019:

  • 120 food establishment inspections;
  • Plan review and installation oversite of 12 septic system repairs, 9 of which included soil testing;
  • Followed 3 elevated blood lead cases and provided case management for 38 cases
  • Investigated 53 public health nuisance complaints, with 11 notices of violation served;
  • 25 open student housing inspections completed or scheduled, all of which require reinspection;
  • Presented 3 local hearing for variances attended;
  • Review applications for and inspected 6 new cosmetology establishments.
  • Attendance at various trainings, refreshers and seminars.  

Community Health

A. Mulvihill reported:

  • QVHD arranged, obtained school district staff clearance, and sponsored an opioid presentation at Hamden High School as part of our SBHC outreach, health education and substance use disorder (SUD) awareness efforts. Over 200 students were in attendance and students submitted over 100 questions to the presenters.
  • SBHC and QVHD staff developed and distributed STD educational materials and answered questions at the Hamden High School during lunch waves during National Youth HIV/AIDS Awareness Day on April 10th.  An increase in enrollment at the SBHC cited from the outreach.
  • The School Based Health Center at Church Street School is operational. Medical services are provided Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:30 am -3:30 pm by a nurse practitioner.
  • QVHD expanded community preparedness and increased knowledge of our MRC unit with a weekend training day for volunteers and residents which included the Until Help Arrives training and CPR/AED training.
  • Reportable Diseases: QVHD is still receiving reports of influenza cases.  Influenza activity remains elevated within Connecticut (the week ending on Saturday, April 13, 2019). QVHD remains current on U.S.A. measles incidence, transmission trends and appropriate control measures if needed.
  • Accreditation progress: While internal documentation efforts continue, the QVHD Community Health Coalition’s Improvement Plan (CHIP) is ready for approval by the coalition and implementation plans.
  • Community health staff attended Hamden’s Health Fair at the Keefe Center on Saturday, April 13, 2019 with information and tips for safe medication storage and disposal, to protect others and the environment. Use of the upcoming National Prescription Drug Take Back Day and local drop boxes was promoted.
  • Community health staff and environmental health staff collaborated on developing educational material for Hamden’s Earth Day Celebration. A QVHD maintained website regarding the Town of Hamden’s plastic bag and single-use straws ordinance is currently being developed using the CT coalition inspired logo: BYOHamden.
  • QVHD has been awarded funding through the Hamden Rotary Club through their Community Service Grant to Reduce Disease and Death from Opioids.  Funding will be used to expand Narcan training and medication disposal pouches for Hamden residents.
  • QVHD continues to share information targeted to our residents through the QVHD Connections column, Facebook and Twitter messaging, and our website (

Opioid-related prevention:

  • Program staff attended the Department of Public Health’s legislative showcase in Hartford to present on QVHD’s efforts and help launch their new Naloxone Overdose Response App (NORA). 
  • 37 CERT members of Hamden were trained by QVHD and BH Care staff on the current opioid crisis and how to properly respond to an opioid overdose. 
  • 20 SCSU students were provided an overview of the current opioid crisis and Narcan administration and response protocol.
  • A pilot is in place at the North Haven Congregational Church for “Explore. Empower. Connect” a resource corner initiative.

Upcoming Events:

  • Quinnipiac University Health Fair, Saturday, May 4, 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
  • MRC Volunteer Appreciation Day, Saturday, June 1, 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm
  • Health Food Drive, Saturday, June 22, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm 

President Donaldson expressed thanks to QVHD staff for expanding community connections and collaboration. 

P. Marone and C. Goldberg (telephone) joined the meeting. President Donaldson declared a quorum present. 

Director’s Report

L. Balch:

  • Announced an April 29th CT Citizen’s TV recorded program with Senator Logan highlighting QVHD to air 3 times in the upcoming week.
  • The legal notice of the public hearing concerning the FY2020 proposed budget was submitted and posted to the New Haven Register on 15th.  The public hearing is scheduled for 5:00 PM, Monday, April 29, 2019 at the Health District’s office.

Financial Report

April Financial report distributed. Target: 83.33%, Revenue: 85.76%, Expenses: 75.48% exclusion of grant fund allocations. 

The proposed FY20 operating budget was distributed and projected revenues review, with notation that grant funds for FY20 are not yet finalized and Union negotiations have not begun. Adjustments in the actual revenue amounts is anticipated, as usual.

  • The increase in School Based Health Center funding reflects the addition of the second State funded clinic at Church Street School.
  • QVHD pension contributions are increased by 2.48%/employee salary for FY20.

P. Marone, Finance Committee Chair, recommended the proposed budget. Motion seconded by R. Ivins and voted unanimously. 

Approval of Minutes

  • A motion to accept the minutes as distributed was made by R. Ivins, seconded by P. Marone and passed unanimously.

Committee Reports

  • By-laws currently being reviewed. No significant revisions anticipated.
  • It was noted that the next School Based Health Center’s Advisory Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 13, 2019 @ 4:00 Pm at Quinnipiack Valley Health District.
  • R. Ivins noted that a personnel committee meeting is needed and will be scheduled prior to the end of this year Board sessions.

A motion to adjourn was made at 5:55 PM by J. Donaldson, seconded by P. Marone and voted unanimously.  

Respectfully submitted, 

Ali Mulvihill, Temporary Clerk
