Thursday, May 28, 2015



North Haven, CT 

May 28, 2015 

In attendance: J. Donaldson; D. Cofrancesco; R. Wilson; C. Goldberg; A. Hanke; A. Levison; V. Gallo; B. Weeks. Ex officio: L. Balch Staff: D. Culligan. 

Not in attendance: M. Rochow; R. Ivins; L.DeNegre; A. Sofair; B. Scott-Moore; P. Marone.  

President Donaldson called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. 


President Donaldson formally introduced B. Weeks to the Board. He is an alternate from Hamden. She deferred to L. Balch to discuss the FY16 Budget Public Hearing. L. Balch noted that there were no attendees at the public hearing. The QVHD FY16 budget is adopted as recommended by the Finance Committee at the April 2015 meeting. Last, President Donaldson appointed B. Scott-Moore as the Chair of the Nominating Committee and recommended A. Levison, R. Ivins and A. Sofair as committee members. A motion to accept Donaldson's recommendations was made by D. Cofrancesco, seconded by R. Wilson and passed unanimously. 


motion to accept the April 23, 2015 minutes made by C. Goldberg, seconded by R. Wilson and accepted unanimously with one clarification: The word "will" shall be added to the first motion under the Food Service Rating System following "and" so that it reads "will vote." Further clarification was given by L. Balch to define the words ""hot prepare" and "rescission."  


L. Balch presented the financial report for the period ending April 30, 2015. She reported: 

  • Financial status similar to last month. Target: 83.33%; Revenue: 86.82% Expense: 80.22%. These numbers do not reflect all grant allocations. Revenue from salons and pools is just being received. Fees and licenses are slightly higher than projections as are engineered plans and administrative plans.  

  • Medical insurance is running over the projected amount due to the changes in health insurance and one additional employee now covered. 

  • Building maintenance will continue to be overspent.  

  • There will be a deficit at the end of the year, but it will not be as large as projected. 

motion to place the financial report on file was made by D. Cofrancesco, seconded by V. Gallo and passed unanimously. 


No Committee Reports this month. 


Health Education Report presented by D. Culligan: 

  • Sam Kantrow from Channel 8 weather requested QVHD participation for a story on preparations for storms, specifically "making a kit." D. Culligan worked with Kantrow. The segment will appear on the news tonight. 

  • QVHD participated in the senior health fair held at Miller Library, serving Hamden, Bethany and Woodbridge. QVHD had an educational display on preventing falls, food safety and preparedness for storms. QVHD was one of the few health education booths (as opposed to services displays.) B. Stowe, Oral Health fellow, administered oral health surveys to seniors as part of the oral health grant QVHD received.  

  • A discussion about oral health as part of overall health occurred. The objectives of the oral health grant were discussed. Documents were distributed to QVHD Board members. As members of the Board of Health, they are part of the QVHD Coalition of Oral Health Advocates and will  receive communications.   

Report of the Director of Health by L. Balch: 

  • Updates on Infectious Diseases: Liberia has been declared ebola-free, however the U.S. continues to monitor and screen. Bird flu has been seen in the mid-west in bird populations. It bears watching to see if it crosses over to humans, which can be deadly.  

  • L. Balch has been involved with the Community Health Worker program at Gateway. This program prepares students for health outreach, promotion, navigation, etc. in community settings. It is a grant-funded program. Grants from CDC for the introduction of CHW in the control of chronic diseases are becoming available, based on community needs assessment and improvement plans.  It will be interesting to see how it is utilized in CT. 

  • L. Balch will be participating in a career day at North Haven High School tomorrow. 

  • An APRN is being contracted through Yale for the SBHC for the fall. Currently, negotiations are on-going for a candidate for the LCSW position. J. Zitser, the SBHC’s first LCSW has been filling in for the balance of the school year.  

  • QVHD continues to be involved with a salmonella outbreak and is working with the State DPH in the investigation. The type and fingerprint of this salmonella is unique and not being seen in other parts of the U.S. All of the cases of this type have a geographical connection but the specific origin has not been identified to date.  

  • L. Balch continues to survey and review available grants for eligibility. QVHD did not apply for a community gardens grant or a HUD grant do to the short timeline and need to get town support. B. Weeks assisted by exploring some aspects of the HUD grant application. 


Motion by D. Cofrancesco, seconded by R. Wilson and voted unanimously: This is to certify that Leslie A. Balch is the Director of Health of Quinnipiack Valley Health District, 1151 Hartford Turnpike, North Haven CT 06473 and that on May 28, 2015, pursuant to Sec. 19a-242 of the Connecticut General Statues, is authorized to make, execute and approve on behalf of this health district, any and all contracts or amendment thereof with the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health on behalf of said organization, in order to operate a Public Health Emergency Preparedness program. 

Motion by D. Cofrancesco, seconded by R. Wilson and voted unanimously: This is to certify that Leslie A. Balch is the Director of Health of Quinnipiack Valley Health District, 1151 Hartford Turnpike, North Haven CT 06473 and that on May 28, 2015, pursuant to Sec. 19a-242 of the Connecticut General Statues, is authorized to make, execute and approve on behalf of this health district, any and all contracts or amendment thereof with the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health on behalf of said organization, in order to accept and administer per capita funds.  

Motion by D. Cofrancesco, seconded by R. Wilson and voted unanimously: This is to certify that Leslie A. Balch is the Director of Health of Quinnipiack Valley Health District, 1151 Hartford Turnpike, North Haven CT 06473 and that on May 28, 2015, pursuant to Sec. 19a-242 of the Connecticut General Statues, is authorized to make, execute and approve on behalf of this health district, any and all contracts or amendment thereof with the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health on behalf of said organization, in order to operate a lead poisoning prevention program. 

Motion by D. Cofrancesco, seconded by R.Wilson and voted unanimously: This is to certify that Leslie A. Balch is the Director of Health of Quinnipiack Valley Health District, 1151 Hartford Turnpike, North Haven CT 06473 and that on May 28, 2015, pursuant to Sec. 19a-242 of the Connecticut General Statues, is authorized to make, execute and approve on behalf of this health district, any and all contracts or amendment thereof with the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health on behalf of said organization, in order to operate a school based health center.  

Motion by D. Cofrancesco, seconded by R.Wilson and voted unanimously: This is to certify that Leslie A. Balch is the Director of Health of Quinnipiack Valley Health District, 1151 Hartford Turnpike, North Haven CT 06473 and that on May 28, 2015, pursuant to Sec. 19a-242 of the Connecticut General Statues, is authorized to make, execute and approve on behalf of this health district, any and all contracts or amendment thereof with the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health on behalf of said organization, in order to operate a Health Education Risk Reduction (HERR) chronic disease program.   

Motion by D. Cofrancesco, seconded by R. Wilson and voted unanimously: This is to certify that Leslie A. Balch is the Director of Health of Quinnipiack Valley Health District, 1151 Hartford Turnpike, North Haven CT 06473 and that on May 28, 2015, pursuant to Sec. 19a-242 of the Connecticut General Statues, is authorized to make, execute and approve on behalf of this health district, any and all contracts or amendments on behalf of said organization. 


The actual placard* design for posting at the facility was discussed. A motion was made by C. Goldberg, seconded by V. Gallo for the following criteria for the placard and passed unanimously:  

1) The placard shall be 81/2” by 11” 

2) A will be green; B will be yellow-gold; C will be red. 

3) It will be titled “Food Safety and Sanitation Rating.” 

4) There will be no special re-inspection placards for those facilities scoring a C. 

5) A watermark containing the words “Quinnipiack Valley Health District - 1978" will be used. It will be circular and blank in the middle, with the rating in the center. (C. Goldberg to provide the final design.) 

6) There will be simple wording on the bottom. It will not have the full explanation of the rating. However the website and phone number for QVHD will appear for those who have questions.  

 motion to have a public hearing on the  placard design was made by A. Levison, seconded by C. Goldberg and passed with 0 opposed and 5 abstentions (V. Gallo, D. Cofrancesco, R. Wilson; A. Hanke, B. Weeks.) A hearing will be scheduled for June 18, 2015 at 5:00 PM. 

The meeting concluded at 6:05 with a motion by R. Wilson, seconded by A. Levison to adjourn. 

Minutes prepared by D. Culligan. 

 The next regular meeting of the Board of Health will be held June 25, 2015 at 4:30 P.M. at the QVHD office. A Public Hearing on the placard will be announced in the New Haven Register.  

*Definition of placard: a poster or sign for public display 
