Thursday, December 10, 2015



North Haven, CT

December 10, 2015

4:30 PM

In attendance: D. Cofrancesco; A. Hanke; J. Donaldson; V. Gallo; C. Goldberg; R. Martinello; B. Weeks; R. Ivins.

Ex officio: L. Balch.  Staff: D. Culligan; R. Currier; J. Laudano.

Not in attendance: P. Marone; B. Scott-Moore; R. Wilson; A. Sofair; A. Levison; J. St. Peter.  

 President Donaldson called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. She wished everyone a happy holiday. She put forth the  following meeting dates for 2016: Jan. 28, March 17, April 28, May 26, June 23, Sept. 22, Oct. 27, Dec. 8, 2016 and Jan. 26, 2017. A motion to approve the meeting date schedule was made by R. Ivins, seconded by C. Goldberg and accepted unanimously. L. Balch stated that the Greater New Haven Partnership is interested in conducting a focus group with Board members as a group that represents all four District towns. Board consensus was supportive. Arrangements will be made for Jan. 28 after the business of the Board is concluded.



A motion to accept the October 22, 2015 minutes made by D. Cofrancesco, seconded by R. Martinello and accepted unanimously with a correction to the attendance status of V. Gallo who was at the October meeting.


L. Balch presented the report:

  • Target: 41.67%; Revenue: 47.51%; Expense: 38.42%. Grant appropriations will be made as funds are received, but overall financial status is acceptable at this time. 
  • Engineered plan reviews revenue is higher than anticipated.
  • The PHEP grant funds in the amount of $1,200 represent a cash receipt of FY15 funding. 
  • Per capita requests have been sent to each town at level funding of $5.50 per capita with a subject to change statement because the Union contract has not yet been negotiated and the per capita subsidy (State) has not yet been determined.

R. Ivins asked if the most recent budget cuts will impact QVHD. L. Balch stated that as of today, we have not heard of any impact. A motion to place the financial report on file was made by C. Goldberg, seconded by R. Ivins and passed unanimously.


Personnel Committee

D. Cofrancesco, Chair, presented the following report: The Personnel Committee met and recommended that the Board move forward with an annual review of L. Balch. A survey (the one used for the last evaluation) will be given to Board members in January, followed by a survey for staff in March. J. Donaldson noted that although there were some issues identified with the survey tool, it will be used at this time to allow comparisons and identify needed changes, and amended in the future. R. Ivins made a motion to accept the recommendation of the Personnel Committee, seconded by B. Weeks and passed unanimously. 



Health Education Report

  • Dental health grant: QVHD received the second payment for the oral health grant of $20,000. The next phase in the project is to survey providers in the community. The surveys have been sent out. To date, good responses from dentists with two joining the coalition. So far there has been a poor response from the pediatricians and adult PCPs.
  • An application was submitted for Electronic Health Records incentive funding for $21,250. Only practitioners are eligible to receive these funds, so the Mom’s Clinic NP has assigned benefits to QVHD and has signed a written agreement that QVHD will use these funds. The funds will be used for additional training and budget shortfalls.
  • Some progress has been made on preparing for public health accreditation. The survey filled out by Board members (at this meeting) is the survey that will be used for the Community Health Assessment (CHA.)
  • WQUN 1220 am radio station has been a good resource for QVHD to get information to the community. Recently, a radio host from the station contacted D. Culligan to learn more about the food service rating program. This resulted in a radio interview  of L. Balch. 
  • The QVHD Annual report will be posted on the QVHD website.

 Report of the Director of Health:

  • Oral Health: L. Balch noted that at the DPH semi-annual Director of Health meeting, during a water fluoridation break-out session, compliments were given to QVHD staff for their work on this issue.
  • Public Health Accreditation: L. Balch reported the purpose of the Community Health Assessment (CHA), of which the survey distributed to the Board is part, is the first pre-requisite for accreditation. The CHA will lead to a Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP), a second pre-requisite. The third pre-requisite is a strategic plan. Within the next three months: Letters will go out to town leaders about the formation of a coalition, including purpose and objectives; A media blitz to garner interest within the community is being considered; and the first meeting of the Coalition will be planned. QVHD Board members cannot be official members of the coalition, although their attendance at meetings is welcomed. Board members will be kept updated on the process. J. Donaldson asked for a visual document on the process of accreditation. 
  • Emergency Preparedness: QVHD has the annual review of emergency preparedness planning in early March 2016. For the required drill, QVHD is working with Orange on a drive-through Point of Distribution (POD.)
  • Lead: L. Balch presented at a CT Housing Authority conference on the Interaction of Housing and Health to prevent lead-based paint exposure. L. Balch is working with Hamden Housing Authority to develop a policy for lead-exposure prevention. One-page fact sheets are being developed on how to prevent exposure for children and pregnant women in pre-1978 housing. QVHD is also working with the Building Department on this issue.
  • Food Service Rating Program: L. Balch noted that to date, there have been 21 requests for early re-inspections at a minimal cost to QVHD of $52.00 per re-inspection. In addition to the cost, this decreases hours available for routine inspections. 8 postings have been removed by food service workers which required a QVHD staff visit to re-post and direct the proprietor to arrange a hearing. To date, 5 hearings have been held at a cost to the District of approximately $100.00 per hearing. 
    • R. Ivins queried about charging for the re-inspection. L. Balch responded that this is possible and may become necessary to fund the work-load.
    • C. Goldberg feels this decision should be based on a full years data after each eligible establishment has been inspected once. She also stated that some establishments have reported that they are not getting enough guidance/education on requirements and recommended that a facility could be closed down if they continue to take signs down after a hearing.
    • Board members by consensus felt that changes to the regulations should be developed to be ready to have in place in July, pending further study of the issue.
  • Itinerant Vendor fee: L. Balch asked the Board to consider an increase in the Itinerant vendor fee which currently is $35.00. This category of food service includes food trucks which have become popular, frequent and year round requiring increased staff-time.  R. Ivins proposed that an analysis be conducted to see where our fee should be. J. Donaldson requested that staff develop a proposal for a new fee following the analysis for the March meeting.
  • Auto Purchase: L. Balch presented a cost comparison between purchasing a new hybrid car under the CT Clean Fuel Program and maintaining the 2 current district automobiles using annual fuel cost and IRS mileage reimbursement rates.  Following discussion, it was decided to postpone a purchase at this time since both district cars are both running and safe and future gas economy is unstable.
  • Shared Intern: QVHD will be sharing an intern with Betty Murphy, the regional Putting on Airs program coordinator. The intern will be working in two regions with the POA program. The internship is based on developing public health capabilities and should be a unique opportunity for learning.

 At 6:15 p.m., a motion to adjourn was made by D. Cofrancesco, seconded by C. Goldberg and passed unanimously.

 Minutes prepared by D. Culligan.

The next regular QVHD Board meeting will be held January 28, 2016 at 4:30 P.M. at the QVHD off
