Thursday, June 25, 2015



North Haven, CT

June 25, 2015

4:30 PM

In attendance: D. Cofrancesco; A. Hanke; A. Levison; M. Rochow; R. Ivins; B. Scott-Moore; P. Marone; B. Weeks. Ex officio: L. Balch Staff: D. Culligan.

Not in attendance: J. Donaldson; R. Wilson; C. Goldberg; L.DeNegre; A. Sofair; V. Gallo.

Vice President Marone called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. 


P. Marone noted that this is the last meeting for M. Rochow. He thanked her for all her years that she has served on the QVHD Board and stated that she will be missed.


A motion to accept the May 28, 2015 minutes made by D. Cofrancesco, seconded by B. Scott-Moore and accepted with one abstention by R. Ivins.


L. Balch presented the financial report for the period ending May 31, 2015. She reported:

  • Target: 91.67%; Revenue: 90.77 Expense: 87.36%.
  • On a cash basis, reserve funds have not been used. However, the final accounting uses the accrual basis and may differ. Reserve funds may decrease, but not as much as was anticipated.
  • Banking charges are higher than budgeted due to a per-transaction fee. QVHD is in communication with the bank regarding available options which will decrease overall fees and allow more accurate budget projections. 

A motion to place the financial report on file was made by R. Ivins, seconded by M. Rochow and passed unanimously.


School Based Health Center

D. Culligan presented the report:

  • Two new providers have been hired to begin in September. This will enable increased marketing and response for membership and services.
  • The SBHC budget will sustain an additional cut to the previous recision of $6,000 but the exact amount is not known at this time. It is expected to be around $3,000.
  • Utilization: 310 students enrolled, target was 400 for this year. Total visits through the end of May were 532, compared to 880 last year, which is not surprising based on the limited APRN hours that were available.
  • Student Satisfaction Survey: A copy of the results was distributed to Board members. D. Culligan pointed out the “improved grades” and “improved attendance” results as very encouraging. She also noted that the lack of perception on the part of students as to how their actions affect their health was lower than desirable, but noted that it could also be the way the question was worded.


Health Education Report presented by D. Culligan:

  • The administration of Hepatitis B vaccinations for Woodbridge town employees has been completed.
  • A meeting of QVHD volunteers/MRC was held this month. About 17 persons attended. It was decided that 2-3 meetings would be held during the year.
  • Oral Health: 80 surveys were administered to seniors in all 4 towns. A written report on the results will be available in September. B. Stowe will administer oral health surveys to younger adults and parents at some of the upcoming farmer’s market. QVHD currently has 68 oral health advocates on board.
  • A presentation was made to the Aging at Home group. Topics discussed were the food sanitation rating system, oral health and immunizations for older adults. Good feedback was offered on the food sanitation rating system. 6 persons signed up as volunteers and 6 persons signed on as oral health advocates.
  • A project with Hamden School Readiness is in process. The objective is to encourage consumption of vegetables by families. All who complete the worksheet will receive a small prize and the parent will be eligible to win a gift certificate for a farmer’s market.
  • QVHD will continue its presence at farmer’s markets over the summer months on a periodic basis.

 Report of the Director of Health:

  • Food Service Posting Program: A public hearing was held on June 18th, 2015. Three QVHD Board members attended as well as about 12 food service people, mostly representing large food corporations/facilities. A final design was selected by the group and is in development. D. Culligan noted that publicity for the public will go out on Friday.
  • Budget Update: Final state allocations have not yet been determined. The implementer bill will be voted on next week. Block Grant funding has increased by $11,000 but a decrease in the per capita funding is anticipated. Block Grant funding will be used to prepare QVHD for public health accreditation. Accreditation is voluntary, but may be tied to funding in the future. The Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) measures domains based on the 10 essential public health services. Measures must be documented but quality is related to an agency developed quality improvement plan. 
  • Updates on Infectious Diseases:
    • Travelers from Liberia will no longer be actively monitored since the country has been declared Ebola free. Travelers will still be screened, recorded and counselled at entering airports. QVHD was monitoring one traveler at the time of monitoring discountinuance, and will receive the $500.00 stipend for the activity.
    • Avian (Bird) flu continues to be been seen in about 21 U.S. states among wild birds and poultry. No human cases have been diagnosed. The increase may reflect increased surveillance rather than increased cases. Currently there is no threat to human health, however, the CDC has developed and distributed assessment guidelines for physicians.
    • MERS-coV continues to be diagnosed in the Arabian Peninsula and has now been observed in South Korea with 174 health-care related cases.
    • QVHD is working with Sister’s Journey in their consideration of an application for a CT Health Foundation advocacy grant. The grant targets minority communities to decrease health disparities through health system literacy, new health insurance (ACA) application and use, system outreach and policy involvement.
  • The SCSU student intern is conducting a feasibility study for QVHD to re-enter the influenza immunization market in 2016. L. Balch noted that there is no doubt it could raise revenue for the district as well as being good practice for mass dispensing should the need arise. The report will be presented to the Board in September for consideration in relation to the QVHD mission and goals.

 P. Marone asked if L. Balch will develop a new budget once all monies have been finalized. Response: The committed funding amounts and the impact on the approved budget will be distributed to all Board members when it becomes available.

 The meeting concluded at 5:30 with a motion by M. Rochow, seconded by D. Cofrancesco to adjourn.

Minutes prepared by D. Culligan.

The next regular meeting of the Board of Health will be held September 24, 2015 at 4:30 P.M. at the QVHD office.




