Thursday, October 22, 2015



North Haven, CT

October 22, 2015

4:30 PM

In attendance: D. Cofrancesco; A. Hanke; P. Marone; V. Gallo; C. Goldberg; A. Sofair; A. Levison; R. Martinello;

B. Weeks. Ex officio: L. Balch.  Staff: D. Culligan; R. Currier; B. Stowe.

Not in attendance: J. Donaldson; V. Gallo; B. Scott-Moore; R. Wilson; R. Ivins.  

 Vice President Marone called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. He noted that J. St. Peter has been appointed to fill the unexpired alternate seat for R. Wilson, North Haven.



A motion to accept the September 24, 2015 minutes made by C. Goldberg, seconded by D. Cofrancesco and accepted unanimously.


L. Balch noted that she has spoken with the auditor regarding the progress of the year-end financial report and hopes to have it before December 31st. The Financial report for the period ending September 30, 2015 was presented with the following comments:

  • Target: 25%; Revenue: 30%; Expense: 22%. Revenue is higher than target because all per capita funding has been received.
  • The per capita funding will remain at 99.77 % representing the exact figure after the 5% cut.
  • Revenue from Fees and Licenses appears low, however, the majority of funds will be received after December.
  • Interest income is posted at year’s end from the accountant’s report.
  • Other grants (HERR, PHEP and LEAD) are late in delivering both contracts and payments.

 A motion to place the financial report on file was made by D. Cofrancesco, seconded by R. Martinello and passed unanimously.


There were no committee reports.

L. Balch requested a meeting of the Personnel Committee and the By Laws Committee for a routine review of the policies.



Health Education Report

  • The QVHD Annual report was distributed. Board members were asked to review it prior to the next QVHD Board meeting. Questions in the interim can be forwarded to D. Culligan. It will be posted on the QVHD website once reviewed by the Board.
  • D. Culligan noted that she has had some positive feedback this week from readers of the Ounce of Prevention column. It is reassuring to know that it does offer some benefit to the community.
  • The SBHC at Hamden High is very busy. The new staff are very dedicated and working to increase enrollment and utilization.
  • D. Culligan attended the Annual Senior Fair in Bethany. The focus of the QVHD display was fall prevention.
  • B. Stowe, QVHD public health fellow, was introduced to the Board. He presented a summary report of the Oral Health Advocacy Initiative activities for FY15 and distributed copies of the survey reports. D. Culligan noted that Year 2 of the grant commenced October 1, 2015. L. Balch noted that B. Stowe has also been working on social communications for the PHEP grant under the PHEP grant.

 Report of the Director of Health:

  • QVHD will be participating in the Career Day at Hamden High School tomorrow. The topic will be careers in all of public health, not just local health departments.
  • Hamden Planning and Zoning has proposed new student housing regulations. QVHD, as the enforcement agent of the Hamden Housing Code, is reviewing the definition for rooming houses to assure no conflict in definitions between the 2 codes.
  • QVHD participated in a statewide preparedness tabletop drill at the Woodbridge PD. B. Stowe and D. Culligan represented QVHD at their Emergency Operations Center (EOC).
  • L. Balch met with Orange Health Department representatives to discuss their interest in drilling a drive-thru POD in 2016. QVHD expects to hear next week if Orange will move forward with their resident-only, closed, drive-thru POD planning.
  • L. Balch will be presenting on November 10, 2015 at a State-sponsored Public Housing training on collaborating to prevent lead poisoning in subsidized housing. The goal is to encourage and identify a workable policy that utilizes existing resources.

 Child Flu Vaccination Feasibility   L. Balch stated another year is needed to assess the potential to capture the necessary market share of child immunizations that is required for the program to be cost-effective. Additional inquiry is still needed for school property use, area pediatrician support, volunteer availability, and reimbursement issues. Previous estimates of revenue were calculated on a cash basis, and did not include the cost of current staff time for planning and organizing.

 Food Service Rating Program   Overall, the food service rating program is going well. Of concern is the amount of staff time required for requested re-inspections, often before they have taken adequate corrective measures. Bethany food service establishments have required significant additional time for hearings due to continued removal/moving/obstructing view of postings. QVHD is prepared to institute a license suspension with right of appeal for such violations. An appeal will not stay the action.

 Accreditation Process L. Balch presented the following information:

A non-profit organization, the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) was chartered in 2007 and launched in 2011 to administer the accreditation of both state and local health departments. There is a seven step process to become accredited. FY 16 Block grant funding (~ $25,000) has been dedicated to preparing the first of the 3 prerequisites for application, with plans to be ready to apply at the end of year three, if funding continues. 20 hours/week of staff time has been designated for the process with D. Culligan named as the required non-health director Accreditation Coordinator.

Accreditation measures performance of the health department against the 10 essential public health services with the goal of improving health through advancing the performance and quality of health departments. The process requires an ongoing commitment to quality improvement and adherence to national standards, but by all accounts has proven beneficial to those that have completed the process. Accreditation is voluntary at this time but is becoming an advantage in funding applications. Accreditation recognizes a health department on the national level; advances public health practices in a community; improves community relationships and support; documents capacity and helps in securing funding.

L. Balch thanked the Board for their support, involvement, and time to date. A Community Health Coalition of organizations outside the Health District is being developed to represent the community and their needs for the Community Health Assessment (CHA) and Improvement Plan (CHIP). Although QVHD Board members are not formal coalition members, progress reports to, and input from, the Board will be continued throughout the process. A. Hanke participated in the initial planning process as a Board representative and as a public health professional involved in this process for another CT health district and has agreed to continue to represent the Board.

 District Vehicle  L. Balch informed the Board that one of the District vehicles (District owns 2) has deteriorated to the point that the mechanic who repairs district cars has recommended that no large amount of money be spent on vehicle repairs. QVHD has been approved to participate in CT Clean Fuel Program which will reimburse QVHD the difference between the cost of an American made alternative-fuel vehicle and the standard model. The total costs associated with maintaining two fleet vehicles plus paying union field staff $300/year car allowance with standard IRS mileage reimbursement for miles driven in their personally owned vehicle vs. estimated district costs with no fleet cars, will be prepared for the next Board meeting for discussion and action. The Union representative was consulted regarding this consideration and referenced Article XX of the union contract, which spells out the use of personal vehicles, as the prevailing rule.

 A motion to adjourn was made by D. Cofrancesco, seconded by A. Levison and passed unanimously.

 Minutes prepared by D. Culligan.

The next regular QVHD Board meeting will be held December 10, 2015 at 4:30 P.M. at the QVHD Office. 
