Thursday, April 23, 2015



North Haven, CT

April 23, 2015

4:30 PM


In attendance: J. Donaldson; D. Cofrancesco; M. Rochow; R. Ivins; C. Goldberg; B. Scott-Moore; A. Levison; P. Marone; V. Gallo; B. Weeks. Ex officio: L. Balch Staff: D. Culligan.  

Not in attendance: R. Wilson; L.DeNegre; A. Sofair; A.Hanke.    

 President Donaldson called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m.


President Donaldson noted QVHD’s presence at the Earth Day in Hamden. She also noted a change in the order of the distributed agenda to move items requiring a vote to the beginning of the meeting due to some members needing to leave early.


A motion to accept the March 26, 2015 minutes made by C. Goldberg, seconded by B. Scott-Moore and accepted unanimously.


The draft budget for FY 2016 was distributed to the Board. P. Marone, Vice President and Chair of the Finance Committee made the following presentation:

  • The budget put forth is a “deficit” budget in that it is expected that money from the reserve will be used to balance the expenditures. The amount estimated that will need to be taken from the reserve for the FY 2016 budget is $140,458.00. However, the actual amount is generally less than anticipated once QVHD receives grant commitments. It will most likely end up being between $38,000.00 and $57,000.00.
  • Contractual obligations (salaries and health insurance) drive the budget and cannot be reduced.
  • The revenue stream for QVHD is from the towns, the state, fees and grants. He noted that raising fees does not help the budget by very much because the amount of revenue from fees is small.

L. Balch added that QVHD will be conducting a feasibility study about becoming a flu immunizer targeting school age children, teachers and their families beginning fall 2016.

The current Union contract is up in June 2016 and this is a negotiation year. Considerations: increase amount and number of steps for salaries to be reviewed; employee contribution to health insurance; and standard of living trends. Currently banking and payroll fees are being reviewed for more economical alternatives. 

P. Marone thanked the Finance Committee for its work and support.

Following discussion, a motion to adopt the FY 2016 Budget as recommended was made by R. Ivins, seconded by M. Rochow and accepted unanimously. A public hearing is scheduled for April 30, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. at the QVHD office. This hearing was published in the April 16th edition of the New Haven Register.


A motion to officially adopt the food service rating system and vote on the format/posting of a sign at the facility beginning July 1, 2015 was made by V. Gallo, seconded by C. Goldberg and passed with abstentions from R. Ivins and M. Rochow.

 A second motion was made by A. Levison, seconded by D. Cofrancesco, to authorize the sanitarians to implement the food service rating system effective immediately, and passed with abstentions from R. Ivins and M. Rochow.  

 In response to questions, L. Balch noted that the rating system only applies to Class III and IV facilities that hot prepare and hold foods. She also noted that this does not apply to food trucks at this time.


L. Balch presented the financial report for the period ending March 31, 2015. She reported:

  • Target: 75%; Revenue: 74.91% Expense: 73%. These numbers do not reflect all grant allocations.
  • Medical insurance is running over the projected amount due to the changes in health insurance and one additional employee now covered.
  • The pension line item is higher than budgeted as QVHD’s contribution to MERS is now 11.98% 
  • Snowplowing, frozen-pipe break, malfunctioning toilet and unstable sink will add to the building maintenance over expenditure.
  • Continuing Education, Dues and Periodicals will have some funds allocated to it from grants.
  • There will be a deficit at the end of the year, but it will not be as large as projected; most likely less than $80,000 to $100,000

 A motion to place the financial report on file was made by M. Rochow, seconded by B. Scott-Moore and passed unanimously.


 SCHOOL BASED HEALTH CENTER COMMITTEE: Minutes from the March 2015 meeting were distributed as well as the Report Card for Mom’s Clinic. In addition, A. Levison reported that QVHD has been unable to hire a permanent APRN, but the search continues. It was suggested by J. Donaldson that the report card be forwarded to the PTA, the Mayor, the Principal and the Superintendent. A. Levison also noted that the SBHC sustained a rescission cut of about $6,000 that we were able to absorb due to the lack of a permanent APRN.


Health Education Report presented by D. Culligan:

  • From January through March, QVHD distributed about 100 free radon kits. To date, results for only about 25% have been received. QVHD will evaluate the return rate at the end of the reporting season to see if it is a worthwhile program to continue.
  • QVHD participated in two Earth Days in April: Hamden and North Haven. Attendance at both events was good and North Haven was better than anticipated. The visitors to the QVHD display made friendship bracelets from recycled bags and learned about general recycling of plastic bags.
  • QVHD continues to work on the Oral Health Awareness grant. A presentation will be made to the Board next month.
  • An issue of Qvhd-TIPS Family Health Letter has been completed and will be distributed to schools within the next few weeks. Copies were made available to Board members.
  • A letter to area pediatricians will be distributed early in May about preventing lead poisoning prior to it occurring and prior to the first testing of a child. The letter will be followed with a packet of literature from QVHD. The campaign focuses on renovations and cultural home remedies; areas where QVHD has seen lead elevations (as opposed to ingesting lead paint chips.) D. Culligan created a document illustrating various cultural remedies and foods by country for use during a medical exam or for the waiting room. (Copies available upon request.)  

 Report of the Director of Health by L. Balch:

  •  Updates on Infectious Diseases:CT, MA and NY continue to see widespread flu. This is late and unusual for this time of the year. A nursing home within the district had a recent respiratory outbreak. L. Balch suggested they evaluate for flu.
  • Indiana is having an HIV outbreak primarily due to IV drug use. They started a needle exchange program but in order to get free needles, the client had to be tested. So this may not be new cases, but rather identified cases.
  • Measles: It appears that the measles outbreak is winding down. QVHD was not affected by this recent outbreak. After surveying the school systems within the district, QVHD ascertained that our population of children is about 98-99% appropriately immunized.
  • Currently QVHD is not monitoring anyone for Ebola. QVHD received $500 for the last person that was monitored.
  • QVHD is currently involved with State DPH in the investigation and control of a salmonella outbreak.

 L. Balch continues to survey and review available grants for eligibility:

  • Information about the availability of an (Health and Human Services) IT grant has been forwarded to DataHaven for their interest in partnering with QVHD to increase informatics communication.
  • Communications with various Hamden program offices have been initiated to survey interest in jointly pursuing an Aetna Foundation community gardens in urban areas opportunity and is awaiting the response to a request to assess operational issues with the functioning Community Garden in Hamden.  C. Goldberg stated that Bethany Community School PTA is doing a garden with the students.
  • Availability of an EPA 2015 brownfield revitalization grant has been sent to Hamden administration.

 The meeting concluded at 5:45 with a motion by M. Rochow, seconded by B. Scott-Moore to adjourn.

 Minutes prepared by D. Culligan.

 The next regular meeting of the Board of Health will be held May 28, 2015 at 4:30 P.M. at the QVHD office, 1151 Hartford Turnpike, North Haven CT 06473.
