Thursday, March 26, 2015



North Haven, CT

March 26, 2015

4:30 PM

In attendance: J. Donaldson; D. Cofrancesco; R. Ivins; R. Wilson; C. Goldberg; A. Hanke; B. Scott-Moore; A. Levison; P. Marone; V. Gallo; B. Weeks. Ex officio: L. Balch Staff: D. Culligan; L. Fox.  

Not in attendance: M. Rochow; L. DeNegre; A. Sofair.   

 Vice President P. Marone called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m.


President Donaldson thanks QVHD for its ad in the program book for her award dinner.


A motion to accept the January 22, 2015 minutes made by C. Goldberg, seconded by V. Gallo and accepted unanimously.


L. Fox, Chief of Environmental Services reported:

  • The food service rating system criteria has been modified based the analysis of the pilot ratings conducted in November and December 2014, and reported at the December Board meeting. It is based on a combination of the weighted score system out of DPH, observed risk factors and critical (4 point) violations.
  • The proposed sign for the facility will have the words “good”, “fair” or “poor” with a written explanation that it reflects the sanitation of the facility, not the food.
  • Only Class 3 and 4 establishments will be rated and posted which is about ½ of QVHD’s food services.
  • Of the 166 piloted, 47% received a “good”; 25% “fair”; and 27% “poor.” She explained that if a facility receives a “poor” they will need a re-inspection within 2 weeks to correct their deficiencies. If it is an imminent danger, they will be closed immediately.

 L. Balch added that the rating system is intended to be a protective measure and to improve compliance with the public health code, not as a punitive action. She also noted that the posting of the rating will be published online as inspections are done (pending finalization with IT staff.) Posting at the facility will begin on July 1, 2015. This will allow time for notification to food services and an explanation for the public about the new rating system. In response to a question by R. Ivins, L. Balch replied that if a food service takes the rating sign down, they will be subject to closure.

 A discussion about the size and content of the rating signs followed. It was decided by motion made by R. Ivins, seconded by A. Levison, that the rating symbols to be used are: A (symbolizing Passed), B (symbolizing Acceptable), and C (indicating Needs Improvement but no imminent danger noted) and passed unanimously.  J. Donaldson noted that the following was agreed upon by the Board: the sign should be at least ½ of a standard page; the letter rating should be very large; the QVHD logo and name should be included (not the address, phone number or website); and the food service name, the inspecting sanitarian initials and the date of inspections. She suggested that the QVHD staff should finalize the details, pilot and report back to the Board in September.  C. Goldberg cautioned to be sure the rating system agrees with the adopted regulations.


All tattoo technicians in our district have been licensed by the State of CT. 1 of 3 facilities in the QVHD district has received the QVHD Certificate of Compliance. The other 2 are working cooperatively with QVHD staff to comply with the QVHD criteria for the certificate.  


L. Balch presented the financial report for the period ending February 2015. She reported:

  • Target: 67.6%; Revenue: 70% Expense: 62%. These numbers present an acceptable standing at present, but year-end use of the fund balance is expected. A large portion of QVHD revenue has been recently received from food service licensing. As grant funds are allocated quarterly, variances will change. A tight reign will be kept on discretionary expenditures, such as postage.
  • Snowplowing, frozen-pipe break, malfunctioning toilet and unstable sink will add to the building maintenance over expenditure.
  • Equipment maintenance reflects IT costs for the transition from server to cloud. It was suggested by P. Marone that this line item may need to be budgeted differently. L. Balch agreed.
  • Board will have a draft budget by the April meeting for review. The public hearing on the proposed budget will be held on April 30th.
  • It is projected that the year-end expenditures will decrease the QVHD’s fund balance. At present, expenditures represent approximately 2% of the budgeted reserve.

A motion to place the financial report on file was made by R. Wilson, seconded by B. Scott-Moore and passed unanimously.


 FINANCE COMMITTEE: L. Balch and P. Marone will meet to prepare a draft budget which will be presented at the April QVHD Board meeting.     


Health Education Report presented by D. Culligan:

  • There were 3 GI outbreaks in nursing homes during February and March. It is the time of the year that we see such outbreaks, generally attributed to the norovirus.
  • The “Let’s Move” health fair was held in February at the Dunbar Hill school in Hamden. QVHD focused on increasing fruits and vegetables in the family diet and used the MyPlate theme. About 200+ persons attended.
  • A telephone survey of area ob/gyn groups was done by the QVHD student intern to ascertain their knowledge of the QVHD pertussis/cocoon program. A new poster was created and distributed to area ob/gyn groups in-person by the student intern. The new poster will also be distributed to local pediatrician practices. A packet of bookmarks is included with the poster distribution.
  • The SBHC sustained two rescission cuts this year. The first was small, but the second was large, approximately $6,000. We are able to cover this cut in this budget because of the lack of a full time APRN.
  • The three agencies that received the oral health advocacy grant funds convened in Hartford. The meeting provided some guidance about the project. D. Culligan will make a presentation to the Board next month.

 Report of the Director of Health by L. Balch:

 The student intern has participated with D. Culligan on some oral health grant activities and has agreed to continue assisting with this program.

 L. Balch attended the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) headquarters in Alexandria, VA, and gained new knowledge about the process and the skills to become a site-visitor fr voluntary health department accreditation.

 L. Balch will be looking into the feasibility of providing for reimbursement the seasonal influenza vaccinations to various target groups.

 Medical coverage at the SBHC continues to be less time than desired during the permanent staffing search, and is impacting the fee-for service revenue. Strategies to increase membership is on hold until staffing is stabilized and adequate to meet increased demand. Alternative ownership with back-up staffing may be a future option and will require beginning discussions with stakeholders such as the Board of Ed, school staff and interested parties. Discussion followed.


  1. Levison expressed concern about the adherence to recycling at QVHD. L. Balch will encourage consistency and use of recycling bin for trash pickup.

 6:00 P.M., motion to adjourn.  

 Minutes prepared by D. Culligan and L. Balch of QVHD

The next regular meeting of the Board of Health will be held April 23, 2015 at 4:30 P.M. at the QVHD office, 1151 Hartford Turnpike, North Haven CT 06473.
