Thursday, October 27, 2016

In attendance: R. Wilson; D. Cofrancesco; P. Marone, J. Donaldson; C. Goldberg; V. Gallo; K. Blake; B. Weeks.

Ex officio: L. Balch.  Staff: D. Culligan.

Not in attendance: A. Mulvihill; R. Ivins; R. Martinello; A. Levison; S. Sofair; J. St. Peter.     

President Donaldson called the meeting to order at 4:40 p.m. She reported that she attended the Pink Tea sponsored by Sister’s Journey and was proud that QVHD sponsors them and assists by providing them office space.


J. Donaldson led an orientation presentation for QVHD Board members.

R. Wilson asked if Board members were covered by liability insurance. L. Balch explained that Board members are afforded some protection under CT Statutes, Sec. 7-101a: Protection of municipal officers and municipal employees from damage suits. Liability insurance. Time limit for filing notice and commencement of action.

J. Donaldson concluded the orientation presentation by asking Board members to consider setting a Board goal for the future. L. Balch added that Board input will be valuable for the development of the Community Health Improvement Plan and the QVHD Strategic Plan.



A motion was made by R. Wilson, seconded by C. Goldberg to accept the September minutes.  The motion was accepted unanimously.



L. Balch distributed a draft format for the financial report. She explained that this report shows the cash flow summary and does not show all itemization of the individual budget line items. There was much discussion on how the financial report should be presented with no consensus.  P. Marone suggested that the Financial Committee meet to come up with a format for the budget report.

 L. Balch noted that a budget for FY 18 is due to one of the district towns by November 4. After discussion about the per capita request to towns, P. Marone made a motion to increase the per capita request by $ 0.25, raising the per capita from $5.50 to $5.75. The motion was seconded by K. Blake. The motion passed with two abstentions by K. Blake and V. Gallo.

V. Gallo stated he would advocate for using some of the QVHD reserve funds for digitalization of records. L. Balch suggested that the Finance Committee discuss developing a capital improvement budget.



School Based Health Center Advisory Committee (SBHC-Mom’s Clinic)

Report by K. Blake, QVHD Liaison

The full Advisory Committee report was deferred to the December meeting. D. Culligan distributed the SBHC report card for SY 2015-16 and will answer questions next meeting. K. Blake presented the condom policy adopted by the SBHC Advisory Committee at the October 18th meeting for QVHD Board acceptance. Following the presentation, a motion to accept the recommendation of the Advisor Committee on the condom policy was made by R. Wilson, seconded by C. Goldberg and passed unanimously.



Health Education reported by D. Culligan

This report was deferred until the December QVHD Board meeting in the interest of time.

 Director of Health Report, L Balch

  • Update on Regionalization: The Connecticut Conference of Municipalities (CCM) wrote a letter to the Department of Public Health (DPH) opposing regionalization of health departments. The opposition is based on financial issues for the towns and the fact that it is not voluntary. L. Balch will continue to update the Board.
  • The QVHD Community Health Assessment (CHA) is wrapping up and the data is being analyzed. QVHD is collaborating with Quinnipiac University medical students who are involved with the CHA and may work with QVHD on  the Opiate grant. The next meeting of the QVHD Community Health Coalition will be held on November 29, 2016, 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the Energize CT facility in North Haven. Board members are welcome to attend. L. Balch will hold a smaller evening session on that same day from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at QVHD offices for those who cannot make the day time meeting.
  • Through a connection with the Healthy Greater New Haven Partnership, QVHD staff are meeting next week to discuss a “healthy walk” project which will encourage community residents and providers to walk together.
  • QVHD has learned that the Hamden-North Haven Y has a CDC designed program for pre-diabetes. QVHD may work with them to promote community education. D. Culligan noted that the Parish Nurse program out of Griffin Hospital can also offer the program.
  • QVHD will be applying for an FDA grant focused on food protection and is compiling data for a HUD lead-exposure prevention grant. All towns will be included should QVHD receive the lead grant.

 At 6:40 p.m., a motion to move into Executive Session to discuss Union Negotiations was made by V. Gallo, seconded by K. Blake and passed unanimously.

At 6:51 p.m., a motion to return to Regular Session was made by V. Gallo, seconded by D. Cofrancesco and passed unanimously.

 At 6:51 p.m., a motion to adjourn was made by C. Goldberg, seconded by V. Gallo and passed unanimously.

 Minutes prepared by D. Culligan.

 The next regular QVHD Board meeting will be held December 8, 2016 at 4:30 P.M. at the QVHD office.

