Thursday, June 25, 2020

Quinnipiack Valley Health District

A Regional Health Department Serving Bethany, Hamden, North Haven and Woodbridge, CT

1151 Hartford Turnpike . North Haven . CT . 06473 . tel (203) 248-4528 . fax (203) 248-6671 .

Thursday, June 25, 2020

4:30 PM Regular Board of Directors Meeting – Remote Via Zoom 

Present: J. Donaldson, C. Goldberg, E. Thornquist, P. Marone, A. Levison, C. Lewis, J. Solimene, J. St. Peter, P. Sandor, R. Martinello, R. Ivins,

Staff: A. Mulvihill, K. Sepulveda, L. Fox, L. Altieri 

I.     President’s Comments

President Donaldson called the meeting to order at 4:36PM. Donaldson took a moment to recognize a former board member of Woodbridge who recently passed. A card has been sent on behalf of the board. Donaldson also expressed her gratitude for all the phone calls, flowers, visits, and condolences following the recent passing of her husband.

II.    Approval of the May Minutes

A motion was made by C. Goldberg, seconded by R. Martinello to approve the May 28, 2020 minutes. The motion passed unanimously.

III.    Financial Report

A. Mulvihill presented the financial report to the board and shared we are only awaiting Woodbridge’s quarter 4 per capita payment for FY 19-20. C. Goldberg questioned the status of Hamden’s outstanding balance, A. Mulvihill shared she has spoken to Mayor Leng and he has ensured her he is working on payment.

A. Mulvihill provided an update on the outstanding balance notice going out to identified establishments. A. Mulvihill thanked C. Goldberg for her assistance drafting the letter and stated the establishments have until July 10th to submit payment. Discussion followed.

A motion was made by C. Goldberg, seconded by R. Martinello to place the financial report on file. The motion passed unanimously.

  1. a.       Pay Roll Proposal

L. Altieri reviewed QVHD’s current payroll system and found that our current provider, ADP, charges $138 per week. L. Altieri has identified an alternative provider and presented that switching to a different payroll company would be an easy transition and would save QVHD $4,300 a year. Discussion followed.

A motion was made to switch payroll companies by J. St Peter seconded by R. Ivins. The motion passed unanimously.

  1. b.      Credit Card Payments

L. Altieri presented a proposal to begin accepting credit card payments, an ongoing request from payers within the district. Accepting credit cards would result in less foot traffic, contactless payment amid the global pandemic of COVID-19, decrease physical cash flow, assist with timeliness of payments and require less follow up to track down bounced payments. QVHD would have to absorb the 2.75% transaction fee for each payment. Discussion followed on the process required, PCI compliance and the need to revisit district fee schedules.

Consensus was reached to explore the option. L. Altieri will craft a written proposal so the board can further understand the process and accompanying cost.

III.    Executive Committee

J. Donaldson provided an overview of the annual executive committee meeting held on the 17th of June where the group discussed several issues that have come up since the May meeting. J. Donaldson asked A. Mulvihill to provide an update on the following:

a. Worker’s Comp: A. Mulvihill shared that QVHD has an open worker’s comp claim. A. Mulvihill has started an internal policy on the process of filing a claim if needed in the future.

b. Health Insurance Miscalculation: A miscalculation was reviewed where staff members were under contributing to their health care plan due to an internal error. A consensus was reached on a plan of action to forgive the underpayment and correct the error.

 c. PHEP: The issue regarding the vacant PHEP position as of Fall 2020 was re-presented. After reviewing several possible solutions outlined by the board with staff, A. Mulvihill stated the options were not realistic; she urged the board to begin outlining a financial plan to bring on a new, part time emergency preparedness staff member. Discussion followed. The board referred the issue to the finance committee who will begin to review financial options.

d. The board will be meeting Monday, June 29, 2020 for their pre-retreat discussion at 5:00PM.

IV. Committee Reports

  1. Search Committee: P. Marone announced the committee is in the process of finalizing an agreement with proposed new director. A letter has been drafted to make an official offer, determine an official start date and receive a definitive commitment.


A motion was made by R. Ivins, seconded by J. St Peter to accept the recommendation of the search committee to appoint Karen. A. Wolujewicz, as Director of Health, pending completion of agreements and approval of the State of CT. The motion passed unanimously.

  • Finance Committee: No updates were provided.
  • Personnel Committee: The committee reported assisting both the search committee and A. Mulvihill with filing a worker’s compensation claim, no other activity was reported.
  • By-Laws Committee: No new updates.
  • Special Projects Committee: C. Goldberg shared the group will be contacting J. Donaldson and A. Mulvihill to determine a date to speak with staff. Identifying staff space needs will help provide a basis for the board retreat later this year. 
  • SBHC Liaisons: No updates were provided.

V. Administrative Reports 

       a. Acting Director of Health/Community Health

Full Report placed on file.


A. Mulvihill requested approval for management to receive overtime using the current Crisis Response funding. Discussion followed regarding the personnel policies that would need to be reviewed and the overtime currently taking place. P. Marone recommended the personnel committee investigate the status of overtime and report back with a recommendation on how to proceed. 

       b.  Environmental Health Report

Full report placed on file.

VI. Nominating Committee Appointment

J. Donaldson announced elections will be held in September for QVHD President and Vice President. J. Donaldson appointed A. Levinson to chair the Nominations Committee. R. Ivins was appointed to represent Woodbridge, E. Thornquist was appointed to represent Bethany and J. St Peters was appointed to represent North Haven.

A motion was made by R. Ivins, seconded by E. Thornquist to approve the appointments. The motion passed unanimously.

VII. Adjourn

A motion to adjourn was made by R. Ivins seconded by C. Lewis.

Meeting adjourned at 6:30PM.
