Thursday, October 22, 2020


Quinnipiack Valley Health District

A Regional Health Department Serving Bethany, Hamden, North Haven and Woodbridge, CT

1151 Hartford Turnpike  .   North Haven  .   CT  .   06473  .  tel  (203) 248-4528  .   fax  (203) 248-6671  .


                                                                Thursday, October 22, 2020 

4:30 PM Regular Board of Directors Meeting – Remote Via Zoom


Present: J. Donaldson, C. Goldberg, A. Levison, B. Thornquist, P. Sandor, R. Martinello, 

R. Ivins, C. Lewis, J. St. Peter, P. Marone 

Absent:  J. Solimene 

Staff:  K. Wolujewicz, A. Mulvihill, L. Fox, L. Altieri, B. Bildstein 


President’s comments

President Donaldson called the meeting to order at 4:37 p.m.


Approve the September Minutes with the following revisions: 

Section IV. a  Nominating Committee

A.Levison, Chair presented the Slate of Officers:  J. Donaldson, President and P. Marone, Vice President. 

A motion was made and seconded to accept the Slate of Officers. The motion passed unanimously.


Financial Report (L. Altieri) 

L. Altieri presented the monthly budget report to the board. 

QVHD received the State of Connecticut Per Capita funding in October.

Grant funding for crisis and OD2A was received. Linda will make the appropriate allocations

with the grants.

QVHD received the 2nd quarter town per capita funding.

The documents for the new Auditor, Sinnamon & Associates, LLC. will be sent to the State.


A motion was made by P. Marone, seconded by A. Levison to accept and put the financial

report on file. The motion passed unanimously.


Committee Reports: 

Executive Committee

The Search Committee Section can be removed from this section.


Finance Committee

To keep up with inflation, increases to the QVHD Fee schedule have been proposed. Food license fees have not been updated since 2005. 

The increases will be incremental over the next three years except for some septic and well testing fees.


A motion was made by B. Thornquist, seconded by C. Lewis to go with the proposed fee increases with spreadsheet adjustments made by K. Wolujewicz. 

A motion was made by R. Ivins, seconded by R. Martinello to go to a Public Hearing and present the proposed fee increases at the board meeting on December 10, 2020.  The motion passed unanimously.


Personnel Committee

No accreditation updates.


By-laws Committee

No updates were provided.


Special Projects Committee

No updates were provided.


SBHC Liaisons

Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct 28th at 3 p.m.


Administrative Reports 

Director of Health


QVHD continues to perform contact tracing for positive COVID-19 cases. QVHD is working

with school officials on contact tracing for individuals who test positive for COVID-19.


As of October 15th, the town of Bethany reported an average daily rate of 13 COVID-19 cases

per 100,000 population. Bethany is now in the Orange alert level.


The application for CTDPH’s Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity grant was submitted and

returned with comments. The application will be revised and re-submitted for CTDPH approval.

This funding will enhance QVHD’s ability to conduct surveillance, perform contact tracing, and

analyze and report data for COVID-19.


A building maintenance update on the roof was provided.


The full report has been placed on file.


Community Health

A.Mulvihill, Director of Community Programs 


In partnership with Cornell Scott Hill Health Center, a flu clinic for all Hamden Public School

teachers, staff and Hamden residents will be scheduled for November 2nd.


QVHD is working with the State TB Control Program and medical providers to provide tuberculosis (TB) case coordination.


Overdose 2 Action (OD2A) update. A. Mulvihill and K. Sepulveda attended a QPR (Question,

Persuade, Refer) program and are now Certified Trainers.


Upcoming program: Prescription Take Back Day will be held in North Haven, Woodbridge,

and New Haven.


The full report has been placed on file.


Environmental Health

L.Fox, Chief, Environmental Services



Guidance is provided for businesses who have reported employees that have tested positive for

COVID-19. An information sheet was developed to assist business owners and employees with

up-to-date guidelines and recommendations on isolation, quarantine and cleaning

and disinfection. QVHD is seeing an increase in the number of COVID-related questions,

concerns, and complaints.


The full report has been placed on file.


Public Health Emergency Preparedness 

QVHD submitted an application for funding and a work plan for fiscal year 2021. Funding has

yet to be received.


Executive Session

A motion was made by R. Martinello, seconded by R. Ivins to go to Executive Session at

6:05 p.m.


A motion was made by R. Martinello, seconded by R. Ivins to exit Executive Session at 6:25



Any Other Business Approved by Vote of the Board

A recommendation was made to follow through with the plan for a $0.25 increase per year for successive years for town per capita fees.



A motion to adjourn was made by P. Marone, seconded by R. Ivins at 6:29 pm.


Respectfully submitted:   Karen Wolujewicz, Director of Health
