Thursday, April 22, 2021



Quinnipiack Valley Health District

A Regional Health Department Serving Bethany, Hamden, North Haven and Woodbridge, CT

1151 Hartford Turnpike  .   North Haven  .   CT  .   06473  .  tel  (203) 248-4528  .   fax  (203) 248-6671  .

Thursday, April 22, 2021

(Remote Meeting Via Zoom)

4:30 pm - Regular Board of Directors Meeting 

Present:  J. Donaldson, P. Marone, C. Goldberg, R. Martinello, C. Lewis, J. St.Peter,

K. Blake, B. Thornquist, Julie Nuzzolillo, R. Ivins, P. Sandor

Absent: A. Levison,


K. Wolujewicz, A. Mulvihill, B. Bildstein, L. Fox, L. Altieri


P. Januszewski, (Fire Chief of North Haven)

President’s comments:

President Donaldson called the meeting to order at 4:32 p.m.  She hoped that everyone had a Blessed Holiday and hoped everyone has been vaccinated.

Approval of March 25, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes:

A motion was made by C. Goldberg and seconded by J. St. Peter to approve the March 25, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes.  The motion passed unanimously.

Financial Report:

None to report


K. Wolujewicz welcomed P. Januszewski (Fire Chief of North Haven) who collaborated with QVHD to administer Covid-19 vaccines to eligible vaccine recipients.

P. Januszewski indicated that the pandemic highlighted the strengths and weaknesses of our COVID-19 response. He commended QVHD’s dedication with the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out and expressed concern for the staff’s well-being due to the extra hours being worked in addition to the normal work responsibilities as well as the ability for QVHD to pay OT.  He mentioned that QVHD has a small per capita in relation to other health districts. He noted that although there are FEMA grants available for financial support, it is quite involved and takes many hours to prepare and apply for the financial assistance. He indicated that perhaps there are other grant opportunities that QVHD can apply for to assist in the COVID-19 response.

P. Januszewski suggested conducting a SWOT analysis in the next few months to identify what went well, what are our strengths, what needs improvement, and what are your weaknesses.

J. Donaldson acknowledged P. Januszewski and stated that the Board will take his comments into consideration.

Committee Reports:

Personnel Committee

R. Ivins reported that the Committee met, and he will discuss in the Executive Session.  

Financial Committee

P. Marone reported that the committee is working on a draft of the Budget for the Board’s approval prior to the Budget presentation at the Public Hearing to be scheduled in May 2021.

K. Wolujewicz will place a legal notice of the public hearing in the New Haven Register to announce the date.

It was noted that there will be an increased revenue with the State and town per capita fees. The town per capita fees are up from $6.40 to $6.65 for fiscal year 2022. The fees and services revenue were based on an estimation of revenue until end of March and annualized for 12 months. Most of the expenses are fixed. P. Marone indicated that L.Altieri will perform a cash flow analysis. It was suggested that upon completing a cash flow analysis that funds should be removed from operating into the reserve.

Administrative Reports:

Director of Health – K. Wolujewicz (Report placed on file)

ReOpen sector rules and contact tracing

QVHD continues to provide current CTDPH and CDC guidelines to schools as they plan for end of year school events such as graduations, proms, and other large gatherings. Current CT ReOpen sector rules are shared with schools, local officials, and other establishments.

We are starting to see a downward trend in positive cases within our jurisdiction. However, the CTDPH state report indicates that all four towns are still in the red category (15 or more cases per 100,000).

COVID-19 vaccine clinics

QVHD has held 31 COVID-19 vaccine clinics and administered over 4,500 vaccines (includes first and second doses).

In addition to the weekly every Tuesday and Thursday clinic at the North Haven Recreation Center, QVHD held a COVID-19 vaccine clinic at the Thorton Wilder Center in Hamden on March 30, 2021.

As requested by the Hamden representatives on the QVHD Board of Health, QVHD has collaborated with the Town of Hamden to host a COVID-19 vaccine clinic at the Keefe Community Center scheduled for April 27th. This clinic is in addition to the Griffin Health mobile units who visited the Keefe Community Center for multiple days during the weeks of April 12th and April 19th.

K. Wolujewicz acknowledged and thanked the QU School of Nursing students who supported the vaccination efforts and completed their clinicals at our COVID-19 vaccine clinics by the end of April.

As requested by the Board President, J. Donaldson, K. Wolujewicz presented a data analysis of the zip code residency of individuals vaccinated by QVHD. A review of the data from March 23 through April 19 revealed that QVHD administered 1,590 vaccinations. During this time period, QVHD administered vaccine to 27% of Hamden residents, 21% of North Haven residents, 8% of Woodbridge residents, and 5% of Bethany residents. Overall, we covered 62% of residents within QVHD jurisdiction while also providing vaccine to 38% of residents outside of our jurisdiction. More than a third of residents outside of our jurisdiction were vaccinated due to holding school clinics for teachers, staff, and licensed childcare providers who worked within our jurisdiction. In addition, appointment slots were opened up to residents outside of our jurisdiction through VAMS for some of our COVID-19 vaccine clinics.

Homebound Initiative

In coordination with the Hamden and North Haven Fire Chiefs and the Senior Center Directors, QVHD’s Public Health Nurse, EMT and Paramedic Team delivered:

21 doses of Moderna in Hamden on April 13, 2021

20 doses of Moderna in North Haven on April 20, 2021

QVHD is coordinating with Woodbridge and Bethany Senior Center Directors to schedule COVID-19 vaccinations for homebound individuals identified within their towns.

Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity (ELC)

A budget revision was submitted to increase the total hours of the part-time contact tracer from 21 to 29 hours/week.

PHEP Grant

Submitted the third quarter progress report and expenditure report. A budget revision was also submitted on April 15th due to an increase in grant award received for a total of $59,604.90.

Vaccine Equity Partnership Funding Grant (VEPF)

QVHD applied for the vaccine equity partnership funding grant opportunity. This is funding that is available for local health departments/districts to enhance equity partnerships for the COVID-19 vaccination efforts. QVHD has requested and received letters of support from local community providers and local partners.

National Public Health Week

K. Wolujewicz acknowledged QVHD staff for everything they do for public health each and every day and for all their hard work and dedication to keeping our communities healthy and safe during the COVID-19 pandemic this past year.

National Volunteer Week

K. Wolujewicz thanked the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) volunteers and specifically QVHD Board member, P. Sandor, for their support at QVHD’s COVID-19 vaccine clinics

Community Health – A. Mulvihill (Report placed on File)

COVID-19 Clinics

A. Mulvihill continues to work closely with the core vaccination team regarding the ongoing mass vaccination clinics that K. Wolujewicz highlighted in her update to the Board.

A. Mulvihill has supported homebound vaccination planning and identifying community partners to assist with this effort.


A. Mulvihill and K. Wolujewicz were invited to present virtually to Quinnipiac University’s Medical School’s staff, faculty, and students. Our presentation was part of a small series of talks organized by the women’s faculty group at QU that highlighted the roles women played in leadership during the pandemic.

Overdose 2 Action (OD2A)

A. Mulvihill shared that National Medication Take Back Day is Saturday, April 24, 2021 K. Sepulveda will be at North Haven Fire Headquarters from 10AM-2PM assisting with medication collection.

K. Sepulveda hosted a substance use awareness forum with various organizations in Hamden on April 15 & April 21 to show how the opioid crisis is relevant to our area and connect residents to treatment and supports.

K. Sepulveda and A. Granado are launching a post overdose response program in collaboration with the town of North Haven Police Department.

K. Sepulveda applied for and was awarded the State Opioid Response Grant through DMHAS for the amount of - $35,000.

School Based health Centers (SBHCs)

The next SBHC Advisory Committee meeting is scheduled for April 28, 2021 at 3:30 p.m. Hamden Public Schools are in person with some students still opting for remote learning. Both SBHC’s offer telehealth services to reach the students who are not physically in the school building and are in need of services

Staff Wellness

QVHD staff was encouraged to step away from COVID, the cold and being cooped up. They registered as “Team QVHD” for the CT Public Health Association’s Annual Step Challenge during the month of April. 

Environmental Health – Lynn Fox (Report placed on File)

The Environmental Staff is back to doing routine food and cosmetology inspections.

As a result, they have not been able to work as many hours at the clinics as they have in previous months.

We continue to stay current by monitoring and interpreting new and revised guidelines from multiple State and Federal agencies so that the most up to date information is provided to places we regulate and to the public. On May 1st, the Connecticut Business Sector Rules are changing. Bars will be allowed to open their outdoor patios only. All Business Sector Rules will become guidelines as of May 19 and will no longer be enforceable.

Other Business Approved by Vote of the Board:


J. Donaldson read the Resolution that Karen Ann Wolujewicz, Director of Health of The Quinnipiac Valley Health District is authorized to enter into and amend contractual agreements with the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services of the State of Connecticut.

A motion was made by R. Ivins and seconded by C. Goldberg to accept the Resolution.  The motion passed unanimously.

Executive Session:

A motion was made by B. Thornquist and seconded by J. St. Peter to go to Executive Session at 5:36 p.m. The motion passed unanimously.

A motion was made by C. Goldberg and seconded by B. Thornquist to exit the Executive Session at 7:03 p.m.


A motion to adjourn was made by P. Marone and seconded by J. St. Peter

at 7:04 p.m.

