Thursday, April 24, 2014


North Haven, CT
April 24, 2014
4:30 PM


In attendance: J. Donaldson; D. Cofrancesco; C. Goldberg; V. Gallo; R. Ivins; M. Rochow; P. Marone; A. Sofair; R. Wilson; Ex officio: L. Balch
Not in attendance: W. Kohlhepp; B. Scott-Moore; A. Levison; L. DeNegre          


President Donaldson called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. and declared a quorum present. Robin Wilson, the new North Haven alternate board member was introduced.  After a brief video of a special award presentation to John Laudano by DPH on April 8th for his work with Tools for Schools, J. Donaldson presented a Certificate of Recognition to John on behalf of the QVHD Board of Directors.


Two members reported failure of electronic receipt of minutes. Copies distributed at meeting for their review. Balch will review format, method and process of distribution prior to next meeting.

A motion to accept the March 27, 2014 minutes made by C. Goldberg, seconded by M. Rochow. Voted unanimously.


L. Balch presented the financial report for the period ending March 31, 2014 with total revenue at 76.86 % and expenses at 73.15%. Report placed on file.

L. Balch asked for comments/questions regarding the previously distributed Audited Financial Statement for the FY ending June 2013. P. Marone commented on the timing of this report. L. Balch will request improving the timeliness with the accountant for upcoming year.

Motion by P. Marone to accept the Audited Financial Statement as presented. Seconded by R. Ivins. Voted unanimously.

R. Ivins offer to review CIRMA and insurance coverage for QVHD, as this is an area of his professional expertise.


Finance Committee:

P. Marone, Chair of the Finance Committee, presented the draft budget to the Board. Motion by R. Ivins to recommend the budget as presented for public hearing on April 30, 2014. Seconded by M. Rochow. Discussion followed. P. Marone noted the deficit would decrease if anticipated DPH grant funding, as noted in the draft, is received, but the funding amounts have not yet been announced or committed. Voted unanimously.

P. Marone reported Finance Committee concerns about the solvency of QVHD over the next 4-5 years if deficit budgeting and level per capita request continues. Per capita request to Towns has increased less than 3% [actual 1.33%] over the past 23 years. QVHD expenses are primarily fixed and will continue to increase with the cost of living and contractual obligations. Alternatives to increase revenue or decrease costs must be a primary consideration of the Board during the next 3-4 year budgeting process. The finance committee presents 3 options for consideration: 1) A 3% annual per capita increase to member towns with prior notice; 2) seeking and securing grants that will fully cover salary and benefit program costs; and 3) staffing cuts. Board members will support an increase in per capita amounts if a full demonstration of financial need can be shown.  L. Balch and staff will seek grant availability for future programming that conforms to QVHD’s vision; Staff cuts will be considered in relation to activity, program needs and alternate methods of providing services if reserve drops below the recommended 25% of the operating budget.

Special Projects Committee 

Tattoo Regulations: M. Rochow reports the Committee met with Lynn Fox and L. Balch to continue drafting QVHD regulations and discussed proceeding if DPH licensure and/or regulations are not in place by July 1, 2014 as mandated by CGS Sec. 20-266. L. Balch reports draft QVHD regulations have been completed and will be sent to the Committee for consideration. QVHD staff plans to: 1) complete inspections under current law before July 1, 2014 effective date for new law, and discuss the changes and requirements of licensing law with the tattoo artists in our district – both to fully inform industry about the changes and QVHD about the industries technical concerns.

501(c)(3):  V. Gallo reports his research and discussions with accounting professionals indicate that QVHD most likely meets 501(c) (3) eligible criteria. General Board discussion followed regarding advantages and benefits of seeking 501(c) (3) status. L. Balch will request further information about application process and QVHD’s historical status from QVHD’s accountant and the IRS. 


Health Education

Report presented by L. Balch

  • SBHC has been without APRN for 4 weeks due to illness and school vacations. L. Balch will assess impact on revenues, and D. Culligan will be asked to assess impact on service data.
  • QVHD participated in Hamden’s Earth Day Celebration with a Healthy Homes display and information. The activity was well received.
  • QVHD is communicating with the Market Master for 2 Hamden and 1 Bethany Farmer’s markets and plans to conduct monthly educational events at Farmer’s markets. Program planning is underway.

Report of the Director of Health

L. Balch reports:

  • Management staff is being encouraged to develop programs with goals, objectives and measureable outcomes. This will allow for improved programming based on community needs and evaluation for effectiveness and costs associated with resource allocation/utilization.
  • QVHD expects to have 3 summer interns: 2 from SCSU and 1 high school graduate from Amity (met at the TFS award ceremony!). 
  • Interest in holding a joint QVHD/DPH open house at QVHD for residents and policy makers has been communicated to DPH Deputy Commissioner Lewis in response to an offer to local health departments. Currently awaiting response.
  • QVHD’s Affordable Care Act contract with Access Health CT has been fulfilled with 318 hours of time dedicated to assisting 819 people with their questions and enrolling 141 individuals. The $5000.00 stipend was paid to the contracted assister for 235 hours, and the $1000.00 balance due from the contract will reimburse QVHD for direct and indirect costs between October 1, 2013 and March 31, 2014. QVHD is pleased to have assisted so many people, and found that the in-person availability alleviated a lot of stress for applicants.
  • Food Service posting-plans are underway for Class III and IV establishments. The program will entail posting inspection dates and ratings (excellent, good, fair and poor) both on-site and on QVHD’s website. The program is designed to inform the public and hold establishment accountable. QVHD will implement a program that will standardize messaging to ensure continuity and consistency for our residents who choose to frequent establishments in multiple towns.  Staff will be composing an amendment for the Environmental Health food service regulations, speaking with IT about best method of posting, and informing food service establishments of the new program.
  • The Public Hearing on the FY15 QVHD Proposed Budget is scheduled for April 30, 2014 at 5:00 PM at the QVHD offices.
  • The Health Director goals and objectives will be updated for the Board in August 2014.

Meeting adjourned at 6:30 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Leslie Balch, Secretary

The next regular meeting of the Board of Health will be held at 4:30 P.M. on May 22, 2014.
