Thursday, June 26, 2014



North Haven, CT

June 26, 2014

4:30 PM


In attendance: J. Donaldson; D. Cofrancesco; W. Kohlhepp; A. Levison; R. Wilson; C. Goldberg; B. Scott-Moore; Ex officio: L. Balch. Staff: D. Culligan. Guest: K. Zak.

Not in attendance: R. Ivins; M. Rochow; P. Marone; A. Sofair; L. DeNegre; V. Gallo.


President Donaldson called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. and declared a quorum present. She noted that the Highwood Farmer’s Market opened on June 23 and the vendors hope for better attendance in the future. She reported that she saw QVHD sanitarians doing inspections. She also noted that this is the last meeting for W. Kohlhepp and thanked him for his service. President Donaldson asked L. Balch to introduce K. Zak, an Amity high school graduate who is doing a summer internship at QVHD. K. Zak reported on her assignments: to organize and promote a joint QVHD/State DPH open house on July 22, 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. as well as doing some research on community health needs. In response to questioning, L. Balch reported that timely food service inspections have improved with a change in the sanitarian’s scheduling and the Board’s reminder of their importance for the protection of the community. As of June 1, 2014 inspections were on schedule but there is concern about being able to stay current with routine inspections due to the large number of temporary food service events this summer. Activity will be monitored. L. Balch reported the program and policy revision for the posting of food service rankings is underway; changes should be to the Board for review by September and ready for an October public hearing. It is anticipated that the rankings will be posted by the end of December 2014.


A motion to accept the May 22, 2014 minutes made by D. Cofrancesco, seconded by B. Scott-Moore and voted unanimously with one correction to the spelling of A. Levison’s name in the last sentence of the financial report section.


L. Balch presented the financial report for the period ending May 31, 2014. She reported:

  • May target: 91.67. Overall revenue is at 90.37% and expenses at 88.62%. She stated that there are no major financial issues at this time. However, final judgment cannot be made until the year-end figures have been posted.
  • Revenue from Hamden student housing inspections will be a loss in dollars, but the cost of staff time associated with the inspection and paperwork is costing QVHD significantly more than the revenue generated. C. Goldberg asked about fillable forms for field use for these inspections. L. Balch responded that it might be possible if programmed to do calculations (such as window area). L. Balch explained that currently, only Hamden has a housing code. Housing related complaints in the other towns are evaluated against the public health code and landlord-tenant law when applicable. However, there is a movement to create a uniform State Property Maintenance Code which most likely will take additional legislative sessions.
  • QVHD has been informed that the State Lead assistance and Block Grants funding for FY2015 is, combined, approximately $11,000 more than was budgeted.

 A motion to place the financial report on files was made by C. Goldberg, seconded by R. Wilson and passed unanimously. Report placed on file.


Special Projects Committee

L. Balch reported for M. Rochow: Licensure for tattoo artists has been postponed by the State until January 2015. QVHD continues to work on the local QVHD regulation and will distribute the final draft of the regulations to the Board in August  for their input at the September Board meeting. A public hearing on the regulations can be scheduled for October.

 Personnel Committee

D. Cofrancesco nominated V. Gallo and R. Wilson to fill the vacancies on the Personnel Committee until the September meeting when elections are held. They were approved by Board consensus. D. Cofrancesco explained the duties as addressing personnel issues and union negotiations as needed.


Health Education Report presented by D. Culligan:

  • Farmer’s Markets: QVHD participated in the opening of the Farmer’s Market in Bethany on June 21st and will be attending other markets in the weeks to come. QVHD had a display on the importance of fruits and vegetables in the diet, supporting the goal of promoting health eating and increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables. QVHD is also supporting the farmers through the use of gift certificates that can be “won” and used at a farm vendor at the market. Tuttleridge Farms donated two certificates.
  • The Region 6 Greater New Haven Area Asthma Coalition met this week to review and make recommendations about the Greater New Haven Health Improvement Plan, Focus Area 4: Goals for Asthma. QVHD has submitted suggestions for the plan, participates on this coalition, and the meeting was attended by D. Culligan.
  • QVHD participated in the 2014 statewide CT Emergency Planning and Preparedness Initiative (EPPI) focused on preparation, response, and recovery to a major hurricane. D. Culligan reported to Woodbridge EOC as the QVHD liaison for the exercise.
  • There was a confirmed case of measles in a District adult resident. Fortunately, there does not appear to be any additional cases resulting from exposure to this person. Discussion followed re: resurgence of measles in the U.S.A.
  • SBHC: The SBHC (Mom’s Clinic at Hamden High) exceeded its target enrollment (T=375, Actual=385+) with 132 newly-enrolled this school year. Mom’s Clinic worked with the school nurses to get 12 students physical exams who were non-compliant with their 10th grade physicals.

 Report of the Director of Health by L. Balch:

  •  A North Haven Board position is now open. R. Wilson is interested in moving from an alternate to a full member. This will leave an alternate position open. QVHD will notify North Haven. Two alternate positions are open in Hamden and A. Hanke has notified Hamden of her interest.
  • The QVHD MRC (Medical Reserve Corps) hosted a weather-related event which was planned and coordinated by A. Hanke. The WTNH Mobile Weather Lab came to QVHD. About 30-35 people attended and the QVHD event was featured on WTNH weather report.
  • An open house in coordination with the State DPH will be held at QVHD on July 22, 2014 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m., to build support for public health. Board members are invited to participate. More info to following upon receipt of State promotion materials and unified press release.
  • Block Grant: QVHD will be using the block grant funding for FY15 for community coalition building and Policy/Environmental Change for Chronic Disease Prevention. Strategies for policies, identifying barriers and developing community assets (such as a community center, safe playground, community gardens) will be the focus. The funds will also be used to expand QVHD’s community coalition and complete a community health assessment.
  • A Community Health Assessment (CHA) and a Public Health Coalition (QVHD PHC) are now a prerequisite for CDC community grants applications.
  • The CT Department of Transportation (DOT) has approved QVHD’s request for funding under the 2014 Connecticut Clean Fuel program to enable the purchase of alternative fuel vehicles without paying the incremental cost over the base vehicle. L. Balch got a $4,000 award for a 2014 Subaru hybrid. If used, the vehicle needs to be purchased by December. There is no obligation to purchase.


R. Wilson requested a QVHD Board orientation for new Board members. L. Balch to arrange.

 At 5:30 p.m., a motion to adjourn was made by D. Cofrancesco, seconded by B. Scott-Moore and passed unanimously.

 Minutes prepared by D. Culligan




