Thursday, March 27, 2014


North Haven, CT
March 27, 2014
4:30 PM

In attendance: J. Donaldson; B. Scott-Moore; D. Cofrancesco; C. Goldberg; V. Gallo; A. Levison; R. Ivins; L. DeNegre; M. Rochow; P. Marone; Ex officio: L. Balch; D. Culligan, staff.   Visitor: Andrew Kinlock, Hamden resident.   
Not in attendance: A. Sofair; W. Kohlhepp; R. Wilson         


The meeting was called to order by President Donaldson at 4:35 p.m. She introduced the guest, Andrew Kinlock, to the Board. She announced that North Haven has a new alternate, Robin Wilson, who could not attend this month. She noted that QVHD sanitarian John Laudano will be receiving a special award from DPH on April 7th for his work with Tools for Schools, an indoor air quality program.  L. Balch added that the state is highlighting QVHD’s involvement with the program as an example for other school systems. President Donaldson also praised D. Culligan for her excellent leadership in facilitating the SBHC Advisory Committee meeting. Last, she noted that Hamden will be getting a third farmer’s market in the lower Dixwell Avenue area.

C. Goldberg made a motionseconded by B. Scott-Moore to have a citation and a letter from the QVHD Board presented to J. Laudano. It passed unanimously.


It was noted by J. Donaldson that there was an error in the January President’s report and corrected the minutes to read that R. Skeirik, not R. Ivins, resigned from the QVHD Board. A motion to accept the January minutes as corrected was made by C. Goldberg, seconded by A. Levison and passed unanimously.


L. Balch reported:

  • As of the end of February:  Target: 66%     Revenue 82%, with grants-84%     Expenses 64.50%, with grants-62%.  J. Donaldson asked why the bank charges line item is so high. L. Balch responded that the line item includes the ADP Payroll service, but will look into the actual charges.
  • The financial report was placed on file.  


Finance Committee:

Budget: L. Balch reported that the Finance Committee will meet this month to finalize the FY 2015 Budget. The amount of funding available for State FY 15 grants has not yet been determined, and there remains a possibility grant funds to QVHD may decrease. The lead allocation is based on childhood screening results and QVHD has had no new reported levels of concern; the State per capita grant decreases based on the decreased population - even at the same funding level; and the status of State Block Grant funds has not yet been undetermined.

The final draft of the FY15 budget will be recommended, discussed and put to vote by the Finance Committee at the April 24, 2014 Board meeting  and the public hearing will be scheduled for April 30, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. at QVHD. The announcement for the public hearing will be published in the New Haven Register prior to April 16, 2014.

Accountant’s Financial Statement: L. Balch circulated a draft of the accountant’s FY 2013 year-end financial statement which is in a new format from previous years. A copy will be emailed to each Board member for review before the vote at the April Board meeting.

Special Projects Committee  

Tattoo Regulations: A Committee meeting will be held on 04/17/2014 at 4:30 at the QVHD office to draft tattoo regulations for QVHD.   R. Ivins requested a copy of the law. L. Balch will send a copy of the relevant sections the implementer bill to all Board members.

R. Ivins inquired if there are other states with regulations that the committee could draw upon. M. Rochow responded that 42 other states have licensing or regulations and they will be consulted by the committee.

501(c)(3) eligibility: V. Gallo circulated a document about 501(c)(3) eligibility and mentioned a restriction on agencies with certain types of enforcement authority.  L. Balch will send this document to all Board members. Further research will be done on the actual enforcement authorities of a local public health district.  A. Levison questioned the advantage to becoming a 501(c))(3). L. Balch responded that 501(c)(3) organizations enjoy discounts on certain services such as internet service costs and can receive tax-deductible contributions.  D. Cofrancesco added that some banks waive charges for 501(c)(3) organizations. P. Marone asked what the downside was to this status. L. Balch responded she was unaware of any downside.

School Based Health Center Report

A. Levison stated that the minutes and utilization data would be emailed to Board members for their review. Questions related to those materials can be directed to D. Culligan. In addition, she reported that a parent survey has been drafted and sent out to parents of student members. She also noted that the Rotary Club of Hamden made an $800.00 dollar donation to the SBHC to be used for unusual and unexpected expenses.


Health Education

Report presented by D. Culligan.

  • QVHD distributed about 140 free radon kits to District residents.
  • The “Let’s Move into Wellness” health fair was held in Hamden on February 1st. QVHD was a partner in this venture. About 200 people attended. QVHD had a display on emergency preparedness, focusing on preparedness kits.
  • The Healthy Homes materials (poster and brochure) were redesigned and the program was promoted at various venues. Promotion included materials distributed with radon kits, press releases, blogs, health columns, and library displays. In addition, a connection was made with New Haven Nurturing Families program to distribute materials to doctor’s offices and to their clients.   L. Balch noted that we have achieved our grant target number of assessments for this program year.
  • Earth Day will be held April 12. QVHD will feature a display on Healthy Homes and will be located next to the state Department of Public Health and their electronic display.
  • QVHD will be working with the coordinator for two of the Hamden Farmer’s markets and the Bethany Farmer’s market. QVHD will have a periodic display featuring information a specific fruit or vegetable. Bethany’s first market (June) will also feature a health fair.
  • The QVHD Annual Report 2012-13 was distributed to Board members. It was noted that the financial part of the report is different this year due to the new format of the accountant’s year-end statement. Questions on the QVHD Annual Report can be addressed to D. Culligan or L. Balch.
  • The pertussis vaccine program continues to serve caretakers of infants who need pertussis immunizations. At the last clinic, a local physician came in for a vaccine (he was informed about the clinic by his patients) and took posters to display in his offices.  

Director’s Report

L. Balch reported:

  • Chespracott has hired a new health director.
  • QVHD will participate in two emergency preparedness drills. April 14 is a regional drill in Old Saybrook focusing on distributing medication and a state-wide drill on April 21st to test the state’s distribution of countermeasures. L. Balch noted that QVHD has changed its receipt site to the North Haven High School. Board members are welcome to participate in either of the drills.

More information will follow.

  • QVHD is offering well testing for arsenic and uranium through a state study. Water samples will be collected from volunteer households from all four towns. There are about 40 participants.
  • Hamden High School was awarded a cooperative agreement grant, Healthy School Communities for Successful Students. QVHD supports this effort and has been asked to participate via the SBHC’s Nurse Practitioner. The focus of the initiative is on HIV/STD and teen pregnancy prevention. It is likely the issue of condoms will be discussed which will move the discussion beyond the walls of the SBHC.
  • The survey for the strategic plan has been reviewed. 75% of the Board and 60% of the staff responded to the survey (average response rate 68%.)  L. Balch was impressed with how informed the Board is about public health. She will facilitate a joint meeting with staff and the Board to further the strategic plan.
  • L. Balch was granted a full scholarship to a Preparedness Summit in Atlanta next week. She will be there from Tuesday, April 1 to Friday, April 4.  


J. Donaldson asked if QVHD staff had come up with any recommendations for posting restaurant scores. L. Balch noted that the staff has discussed this issue at two meetings, but have not yet found a method that they like. A. Levison distributed a packet of information on the methods used in other parts of the country. This packet will be shared with staff. Discussion about the best way to post scores will continue and QVHD will inform the population that scores are public information.  

The meeting closed at 5:45 p.m., motion by B. Scott-Moore, seconded by R. Ivins and passed unanimously.  

Minutes prepared by: D. Culligan, QVHD staff

The next QVHD Board of Health meeting is scheduled for April 24, 2014, 4:30 p.m. at the QVHD office.
