Thursday, May 26, 2022


Quinnipiack Valley Health District

A Regional Health Department Serving Bethany, Hamden, North Haven and Woodbridge, CT

1151 Hartford Turnpike  .   North Haven  .   CT  .   06473  .  tel  (203) 248-4528  .   fax  (203) 248-6671  .

Thursday, May 26, 2022

(Hybrid – In-person and Remote Meeting Via Zoom)

4:30 pm - Regular Board of Directors Meeting 


Present: C. Goldberg, S. Yarbrough, R. Ivins, C. Lewis, J. Donaldson, P. Marone, A. Levison, J. O’Neil St. Peter, E. Thornquist, R. Martinello

Absent: K. Blake, J. Nuzzolillo, P. Sandor  

Staff: K. Wolujewicz, A. Mulvihill, L. Fox

President’s comments:

C. Goldberg, President started the meeting at 4:35 pm.

Approval of April 28, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes:

A motion was made by R. Ivins and seconded by S. Yarbrough to approve the April 28, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes. The motion to accept the April minutes passed with 1 abstention from A. Levison.

Financial Report

K. Wolujewicz provided an update on finances and noted finances are on target. All town 4th quarter payments were received. Financial report is based as of April 30th thus does not reflect the ongoing receipt of licensing and certificate fees and services. The equipment maintenance/lease budget line is currently overbudget due to re-allocation of items from the printing budget line. Discussion followed as to what may have also contributed to the increase. Follow-up with the Bookkeeper, L.Altieri revealed that the increase was due to building costs and maintenance and upgrading from our current IT plan to provide better service to meet the needs of QVHD.  R. Ivins requested that a subtotal of Fees and Services and Income be included on the Monthly Financial Budget Report. A motion was made by R. Ivins, seconded by J. O’Neil St. Peter to place the financial report on file. The motion passed unanimously.

Committee Reports:

Finance – no report

SBHC Liaisons – The School Based Health Centers (SBHC) Advisory Committee meeting was held on Wednesday, May 11th. A. Levison reported that the SBHC enrollment at the Hamden High School is 779 students out of 1,712 students and the SBHC enrollment at Church Street Elementary School is 152 students out of 282 students. At the SBHC located at the High School the clinicians are providing sports physicals and sick visits. At the SBHC located at the Church Street Elementary School the clinicians are working with students on stress-related concerns this school year. Cornell Scott Hill Health Center is considering an after-school wellness group at the Hamden High School for next school year.

By-Laws – no report

Special Projects Committee – no report

Personnel Committee no report

Nominating Committee – no report

Administrative Reports:

Director of Health:

K. Wolujewicz highlighted the below:

  • K. Wolujewicz shared that union negotiations are still ongoing. An upcoming meeting is scheduled for early June with union representatives.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s COVID-19 Community Level is currently High for New Haven County, CT. The CDC provides prevention steps that the public should take based on the current COVID-19 community level.
  • QVHD is working with local partners such as schools, childcare centers, long-term care facilities and other partners to offer guidance and recommendations on enhanced mitigation strategies when there is a report of a suspected COVID-19 cluster and/or outbreak.
  • COVID-19 vaccines continue to be offered at clinics held at QVHD.
  • QVHD is closely monitoring the cases of monkeypox/orthopoxvirus being reported across the U.S. Monkeypox/orthopoxvirus cases have been reported in neighboring states such as Massachusetts and New York. QVHD is staying informed by reviewing current recommendations for health departments if monkeypox is suspected.
  • A hazard vulnerability assessment (HVA)/jurisdictional risk analysis survey to help inform planning priorities for public health and healthcare emergency preparedness and response was completed and submitted to CTDPH.

The full report has been placed on file.

Community Health:

A. Mulvihill highlighted the below community health activities:

  • Community health staff participated in two community health events at Quinnipiac University’s Health Fair on April 29th and the North Haven Medication Take Back Day on April 30th.
  • Community health staff will host two Medication Review Sessions to allow participants to review their medications and address any questions and/or concerns with a Pharmacist and Student Pharmacist at the Hamden library on June 7th and at the Woodbridge library on June 9th.
  • An Overdose Prevention & Response training was provided to the Hamden Library Staff and Senior Center staff on May 11th. QVHD plans to host additional trainings at the other library branches.
  • QVHD continues to share routine public health messaging with town partners through e-mail and social media.

The full report has been placed on file.

Environmental Health:

L. Fox highlighted the below environmental health activities:

  • L. Fox reported the scanning project is ongoing. The town of Bethany has provided QVHD with all town files prior to 2006 when the town joined the health district.
  • Licensing of food service establishments, certificate of compliance for cosmetology, massage therapy, and tattoo establishments, and licensing of pools, hotels/motels is ongoing.
  • The Sanitarians are conducting opening inspections of 36 outdoor pools and 11 seasonal food establishments.
  • A sanitary survey of Bethany Beach will be performed prior to the bathing season the week of May 23rd. Weekly beach water sampling will begin Monday May 23rd and will continue weekly through Labor Day.

The full report has been placed on file.

Any Other Business Approved by Vote of the Board:

No report.

Executive Session:

A motion to move to Executive Session was made by J. Donaldson, seconded by E. Thornquist at 5:25 pm.

A motion to move out of Executive Session was made at 6:15 pm.

A motion to defer the appointment of the Nominating Committee until the June Board of Directors meeting was made by J. Donaldson and seconded. The motion passed unanimously.


A motion to adjourn was made at 6:30 pm.

