Thursday, September 22, 2022


Quinnipiack Valley Health District

A Regional Health Department Serving Bethany, Hamden, North Haven and Woodbridge, CT

1151 Hartford Turnpike  .   North Haven  .   CT  .   06473  .  tel  (203) 248-4528  .   fax  (203) 248-6671  .

Thursday, September 22, 2022

(Remote Meeting Via Zoom)

4:30 pm - Regular Board of Directors Meeting 


Present: C. Goldberg, P. Marone, J. Donaldson, E. Thornquist, A. Levison, K. Blake, P. Sandor S. Yarbrough, J. Nuzzolillo, R. Martinello, R. Ivins 

Absent: J. O’Neil St. Perter, C. Lewis, L. Altieri 

Staff: R. Hamilton, A. Mulvihill, L. Fox, B. Bildstein, K. Amodio, J. Bobok, E. Miller  

President’s comments

C. Goldberg, President, started the meeting at 4:30 pm.

She announced that the Union Contract was negotiated and accepted. Thank you to those involved with the process.


Approval of June 23, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

A motion was made by A Levison and seconded by K. Blake to approve the 6/23/22 Board Meeting Minutes. The motion to accept the 6/23/22 minutes passed.


Financial Report

The Financial Report was tabled for the next meeting.


Nominating Committee (A. Levison)

A. Levison reported the Nominating Committee appointed C. Goldberg as President and P. Marone as Vice President. 

A motion was made by J. Donaldson to approve the appointment of C. Goldberg as President and P. Marone as Vice President. The motion passed. 


Special Projects Committee 

Car Lease

P. Marone shared his research for the leasing of a car for QVHD Sanitarians. Carol thanked Peter and Ryan Courier for working on this project. After a lengthy discussion, the topic was tabled for further research and discussion. Roslyn will look into other vehicle options used by municipalities in the state.

 QVHD Building

C. Goldberg reported that research is ongoing. Two commercial realtors had taken a tour of the building. Options to renovate for 11 people, rent space out or sell the property are all available.

Discussions to follow.

 SBHC Liaisons – no report

By-Laws – no report

Personnel Committee no report 

Administrative Reports:


Acting Director of Health:  R. Hamilton highlights below: 

R. Hamilton attended four zoom meetings with our Towns’ School administrators. We are not mandating what they should do regarding Covid. Many schools had successful spring seasons with policies implemented locally. Now QVHD recommends following the CT DPH policy to Test at home if you are feeling symptoms or have someone sick at home, wear Masks to school if there is someone home with symptoms and go to school if you are not having symptoms. Fortunately, the school administrative personnel have experience working with Marissa M. who does case tracking at QVHD and provides them with Covid and other topic expertise. The schools are handling the positive Covid cases. QVHD nurses are running clinics at QVHD for the Moderna Bivalent Covid-19 Booster. 

DPH has staffing shortages, and this has delayed our Grant Contract Renewals. 

Finding and keeping staff for the Emergency Preparedness program has been difficult. Our last staff person joined the staff of the East Shore Health District. We now have a MOU (Memo of Understanding) with East Shore District Health Department, and we will be working with E. Matsuoka, Emergency Preparedness Staff member  (previously of QVHD) to provide those deliverables required by the state grant.


*We currently have Dr. Amir Mohamed of the Orange Health Department as our Medical Director. It is time for the renewal of our contract with him for the year.

A motion was made by C. Goldberg to re-appoint Dr. Mohamed as our Medical Director.

R. Martinello and B. Thornquist seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.


Cornell Scott Hill Health Center operates the School Based Health Centers at Hamden HS and Church Street School in Hamden as our subcontractor with Dr. Meredith Williams, Pediatrician overseeing the SBHC clinics in the schools. QVHD’s 5-year grant contract is about to end. The contract renewal for the next 5 years has the same wording as the previous grant contract. Roslyn will review and  confirm this for the Board at the next meeting. 

After considerable discussion, A. Levison motioned, and J. Donaldson seconded the Board vote to approve Dr Williams as the SBHC Medical Director. The Board chose not to vote on the subcontract with CSHHC for SBHC services.


Roslyn reported on the storage issues in the cellar

QVHD nurses are working on cleaning out old medical files in accordance with CT State Guidelines. We are researching the cost of a shredding company’s service. 

Roslyn’s full report has been placed on file.


 Community Health:

A.Mulvihill highlighted the community health activities: 

K. Sepulveda  planned and oversaw the  Overdose Awareness Day on August 31, 2022 at the New Haven Green. She was the organizer and recruiter for the information provided, she advertised via social media, and she was a speaker at this event where there were 500 participants and 25 community organizations. 

The Annual Report will be completed on Friday.

Ali’s full report has been placed on file.


Environmental Health:

L. Fox highlighted the below environmental health activities:

Electronic records creation is in process. The Bethany Street files were sent out for scanning on September 14, 2022.


Hamden and North Haven Street files for Septic and Well will be sent next for scanning.

Barbara is helping with the scanning of the food service and cosmetology files. When the file digitization is complete, they will be accessible from our website. Karen was in the process of adding a disclosure statement to the website regarding accessing digital files.

Lynn’s full Environmental report has been placed on file.


Other Business Approved by Vote of the Board:  None


Executive Session:

A motion to move to Executive Session was made by C. Goldberg at 5:58 pm.  This motion passed unanimously. 

A motion to move out of Executive Session was made and was passed unanimously.


Back in Regular Session:

S. Yarborough asked about her assignment to a committee and Carol assured her she had an assignment to a committee.


A motion was made by S. Yarborough and J. Nuzzolillo to adjourn the meeting and the vote was passed unanimously at 6:30 p.m.


