Thursday, December 9, 2021


Quinnipiack Valley Health District

A Regional Health Department Serving Bethany, Hamden, North Haven and Woodbridge, CT

1151 Hartford Turnpike  .   North Haven  .   CT  .   06473  .  tel  (203) 248-4528  .   fax  (203) 248-6671  .


Thursday, December 9, 2021

(Remote Meeting Via Zoom)

4:30 pm - Regular Board of Directors Meeting 

5:00 pm – Public Hearing: Proposed Changes to the Fee Schedule and Per Capita


Present: C. Goldberg, P. Marone, D. Clemente, J. O’Neil St. Peter, P. Sandor, R. Ivins, R. Martinello, A. Levison, K. Blake, C. Lewis, E. Thornquist, J. Nuzzolillo, J. Donaldson

Absent: S. Yarbrough

Staff: K. Wolujewicz, A. Mulvihill, L. Fox  

Public: Samantha Rodriquez from Atlantis Management Group, Abel Ramos from Ixtapa Grille

President’s comments:

C. Goldberg, Vice President started the meeting at 4:47 pm.

Approval of October 28, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes:

A motion was made by C. Goldberg and seconded by J. O’Neil St. Peter to approve the October 28, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes. The motion passed unanimously.

Financial Report

L. Altieri presented the financial report.

P. Marone inquired about the year-end audit report. L. Altieri is working with QVHD’s auditor on it, and it will be completed by end of January 2022.

C. Goldberg applauded QVHD staff on inquiring new grant opportunities that were not originally in the budget.

A motion was made by J. O’Neil St. Peter, seconded by J. Nuzzolillo to place the financial report on file. The motion passed unanimously.

Committee Reports:

Finance – no report

SBHC Liaisons– no report

By-Laws – no report

Special Projects Committee – no report

Personnel Committee P. Marone is in the process of assigning a chair for the personnel committee.

Administrative Reports:

Director of Health:

K. Wolujewicz shared QVHD has a new part-time Public Health Nurse, Elise Miller. She will be supporting the COVID-19 vaccination clinics, contact tracing, and other COVID-19 response efforts through the Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity (ELC) grant funding.

QVHD continues to provide CDC and CTDPH guidance to our school partners, day care centers, and other facilities. New guidance and recommendations shared with local health partners include CTDPH updated guidance for the operation of interscholastic youth and other amateur sport activities, CIAC winter sports guidance, and CTDPH screen and stay guidance.

QVHD staff continue to hold weekly COVID-19 booster clinics at the North Haven Rec Center for our community members. K. Wolujewicz thanked J. Nuzzolillo for volunteering at our clinics in the vaccinator role. K. Wolujewicz also thanked QVHD’s Medical Reserve Corps for their support at our clinics and highlighted that QVHD could not operate these clinics without them.

Griffin Health hosted several adult and pediatric COVID-19 vaccine clinics within QVHD jurisdiction.

DPH has deployed COVID Ambassadors to the Stop and Shop location on Dixwell Avenue in Hamden to promote the COVID-19 vaccine to the community.

QVHD is in the process of submitting its application for the Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity (ELC) 2 funding to CTDPH.

The full report has been placed on file.

Community Health:

A. Mulvihill highlighted the below community health activities:

  • A. Mulvihill thanked Community Health Staff for their support of QVHD’s COVID-19 clinics.
  • K. Sepulveda provided a naloxone training to Quinnipiac University medical students.
  • K. Sepulveda trained the Hamden Public School Nurses in Naloxone Use/Administration and provided 5 kits. QVHD is working with North Haven and the Bethany, Orange, Woodbridge drug alcohol action council to bring this training to all the schools following the situational awareness notice issued mid-November regarding Fentanyl being found in Marijuana.
  • A. Mulvihill provided an influenza update.

The full report with additional community health activities has been placed on file.

Environmental Health:

L. Fox reported that QVHD is currently in the process of scanning street files.

The full report has been placed on file.

Public Hearing:

S. Rodriquez shared she oversees the licensing for a convenience store in town and attended the public hearing for any updated information to bring back to their executive board.

A motion to move to public hearing was made by J. Donaldson, seconded by C. Goldberg at 5:03 pm. The motion passed unanimously.

K. Wolujewicz and C. Goldberg provided a summary of the proposed changes to the fee schedule and local per capita.

No public comments about the proposed fee schedule and local per capita.

A motion to move out of public hearing was made by C. Goldberg, seconded by D. Clemente at 5:15 pm. The motion passed unanimously.

Public Health Emergency Preparedness:

The position of Part Time Public Health Preparedness Coordinator is still vacant.

Any other Business Approved by Vote of the Board

A motion to accept the 2022 Board meeting dates was made by J. O’Neil St. Peter seconded by D. Clemente. The motion passed unanimously.

A motion to adopt the proposed fees was made by J. Donaldson, seconded by R. Ivins. The motion passed unanimously.

A motion to accept the proposed local per capita increase of $0.25 from $6.65 per capita to $6.90 per capita was made by R. Ivins, seconded by J. Donaldson. The motion passed unanimously.

Local per capita estimates have been determined based on the 2020 census estimates.

K. Blake stated that Hamden cannot afford an increase in the local per capita expense. K. Blake referenced a previous proposal she compiled that included the cost of being part of the health district vs. being a municipal health department.

It was noted that K. Blake was no longer on the call.

No executive session.

J. Donaldson inquired about the Town of North Haven exploring their options of leaving the health district. K. Wolujewicz shared she believed it was in its exploratory phase.


A motion to adjourn was made by C. Goldberg, seconded by R. Ivins at 5:47 pm.
