Thursday, January 26, 2023

Quinnipiack Valley Health District
A Regional Health Department Serving Bethany, Hamden, North Haven and Woodbridge, CT
1151 Hartford Turnpike    North Haven   CT   06473  tel  (203) 248-4528   fax  (203) 248-6671

(Remote Meeting Via Zoom)
4:30 pm - Regular Board of Directors Meeting 


Present: C. Goldberg, J. Donaldson, P. Sandor, R. Ivins, S. Yarbrough, R. Martinello 

Absent: K. Blake, J. Nuzzolillo, C. Lewis, A. Levison, J. O’Neil St. Peter, E. Thornquist, P. Marone 

Staff: K. Wolujewicz, L. Fox, L. Altieri, J. Laudano, A. Mulvihill, R. Currier, M. Mocarski


President’s comments

C. Goldberg, President, started the meeting at 4:30 pm. C. Goldberg wished everyone Happy New Year as this is the first official Board meeting of the year. The Board is under way for the search for a new Director of Health at QVHD. K. Wolujewicz’s last day at QVHD will be February 8, 2023. 

Approval of December 8, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

A motion was made by J. Donaldson, seconded by S. Yarbrough to approve the December 8, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes at 4:35 pm. The motion to accept the December minutes passed. 

Financial Report

L. Altieri reviewed the monthly financial report. QVHD is current with receiving the local per capita funding from the towns. The license revenue is behind as food establishments are billed in January and certificates of compliance for cosmetology do not get billed until April. 

C. Goldberg inquired about ELC2 funding. K. Wolujewicz reported that the ELC2 contract was resent to QVHD with minor revisions by the Office of the Attorney General and was then signed and returned to CT DPH. 

L. Altieri noted that we are not overbudget except for the legal and professional budget line due to funding allocated for union negotiations. 

R. Currier inquired about the reserve. L. Altieri reported that the reserve is a balancing dollar amount and it is the shortfall between the revenue and expenses. The decrease in the reserve is due to the increased revenue from fees, licenses, and per capita. 

J. Laudano inquired about the contract line and expressed a Business Manager would be needed to provide management, oversight of secretarial staff, and office operations. 

L. Fox indicated added that in addition to overseeing secretarial staff, an Office Manager would oversee licensing and manage the scanning project. 

C. Goldberg thanked staff for their comments. L. Altieri noted that this position can be discussed during the budget process. K. Wolujewicz concurred with L. Altieri and will advocate for this position to be included in the upcoming budget.


A motion was made by R. Martinello, seconded by J. Donaldson, to place the financial report on file at 4:46 pm. The motion passed unanimously.


Administrative Reports:

Director of Health:

K. Wolujewicz  highlighted the below:

With any planned or unplanned absences of the Director of Health it is important to have a list of individuals who can serve as the Acting Director of Health, in addition to having Ali designated as Acting internally. K. Wolujewicz had reached out to East Shore District Health Department and Orange Health Department to enter into an Acting Director of Health Services Agreement with QVHD. Both East Shore District Health Department and Orange Health Department have signed the coverage agreement and now K. Wolujewicz is requesting for the Board to approve the agreement. K. Wolujewicz is working on the 2022 Local Health Report to submit to CT DPH before February 10th. P. Marone, L. Altieri and K. Wolujewicz are currently meeting to plan for the FY2024 budget. K. Wolujewicz reported on several building maintenance work that was completed or scheduled to be done including duct cleaning, gutter repair, and generator repair. K. Wolujewicz reported that ELC 1 funding ended November 17, 2022 but QVHD received a no-cost extension. K. Wolujewicz provided an update on the status of the ELC 2 funding application. K. Wolujewicz thanked M. Mocarski and all staff funded under the ELC grant for their hard work in the COVID-19 response. K. Wolujewicz reported that Hamden passed the amendments to the Fair Rent Ordinance. C. Goldberg noted that QVHD plans to meet with the Town of Hamden to review QVHD’s roles and responsibilities in enforcement. 

The full report has been placed on file.


Community Health:

A. Mulvihill noted that the QVHD Connections Winter edition was sent out to community partners, Board of Directors and posted on the website. M. Cummings is managing the Radon Test kit distribution to residents and the available supply has been exhausted due to a great interest from the community. SBHC enrollments are continuing to increase at Hamden High School and Church Street Elementary School. A. Mulvihill highlighted all the great work that K. Sepulveda is doing for OD2A initiatives and spoke about her wonderful presentation at Amity High School to about 350 students about fake pills, fentanyl, naloxone, and overdose response. Some upcoming events include QPR (question, persuade, and refer) at the North Haven Rec Center on March 9th from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm. A. Mulvihill spoke about a wonderful training opportunity sponsored by QVHD and New Haven Health Department for EMS providers called Caring for People Who Use Drugs on Thursday, February 23rd from 10:00 -12:00 PM. The objectives are to identify current drug supply issues, the role of harm reduction, and ways EMS providers can improve treatment outcomes. Continuing education credits will be available for all EMS providers. 

M. Mocarski highlighted the great community health efforts by staff for their COVID-19 response and harm reduction response that has been truly exceptional for the district. 

The full report has been placed on file. 

Environmental Health:

L. Fox highlighted environmental activity related to the enforcement of Hamden’s Housing Code. L. Fox reported that the number of housing complaints that QVHD has responded to this year has increased compared to the prior year. C. Goldberg thanked L. Fox for her Environmental Health Report with a full report on inspections and all other activities accomplished by the Sanitarians. L. Fox reported that the CT DPH is moving forward with adopting the FDA Food Code. This means it will require a different form and there will not be a grade/score but a report will be provided.                                        

The full report has been placed on file. 

Any Other Business Approved by Vote of the Board:

C. Goldberg reviewed the purpose of entering into an Acting Director of Health Services formal written agreement with other health districts. A. Mulvihill noted if there is an Acting Director it is important to notify our town partners, dispatch, and first responders so they are aware who is providing Director of Health coverage. C. Goldberg stated that East Shore District Health Department and Orange Health Department have signed the Agreement with QVHD. 

A motion was made by J. Donaldson, seconded by R. Ivins, to adopt the Acting Director of Health Services Agreement by and between the East Shore District Health Department at 5:31 pm. The motion passed unanimously. 

A motion was made by J. Donaldson, seconded by R. Ivins, to adopt the Acting Director of Health Services Agreement by and between the Orange Health Department at 5:32 pm. The motion passed unanimously.


Executive Session:

C. Goldberg stated that the Executive Session will discuss an Interim Director of Health. 

A motion to move to Executive Session was made by R. Martinello seconded by P. Sandor at 5:33 pm.  This motion passed unanimously. 


Back in Regular Session:

A motion was made by R. Ivins seconded by P. Sandor as follows:  To appoint Richard Matheny as Interim Health Director at 6:10 pm. The motion passed unanimously. 

R. Matheny will be starting on February 13, 2023. C. Goldberg will notify CT DPH to receive approval by the Commissioner to appoint R. Matheny as Interim Director of Health.



A motion to adjourn was made by S. Yarbrough, seconded by J. Donaldson at 6:13 pm.

