Thursday, October 26, 2023


Quinnipiack Valley Health District

A Regional Health Department Serving Bethany, Hamden, North Haven and Woodbridge, CT

1151 Hartford Turnpike . North Haven . CT . 06473 . tel (203) 248-4528 . fax (203) 248-6671 .


Thursday, October 26, 2023 On-site and Zoom

4:30 pm - Regular Board of Directors Meeting



C. Goldberg

StaffL. Pantoja, L. Fox , K. Sepulveda


C. Lewis, J. Donaldson (4:30 to 5:30 pm), E. Thornquist, P. Marone (5:30 pm), J. Nuzzolillo, P.Sandor


K. Blake, R. Ivins, R. Martinello, J. O’Neil St. Peter, S. Yarbrough Staff: L. Altieri, B. Bildstein, A. Mulvihill

Resigned: A. Levison


C. Goldberg, President started the meeting at 4:32 p.m.

She noted that three of our four towns were represented. Woodbridge was not represented. Therefore, there will be no voting tonight.

C. Goldberg will send a SurveyMonkey to help determine a preferred day and time to schedule future QVHD Board Meetings since attendance has been low.

C. Goldberg announced that A. Levison has resigned from the QVHD Board. A Heartfelt Thank You to Ann for all the work that she has done since 2005. Ann will be missed.

The Town of Hamden will search for another Board Member.

Approval of the September 28, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

J. Donaldson stated that the word “Elected” should be used instead of “Appointed” in the Nominating Committee section. Therefore, the section will be revised as follows:

Nominating Committee – Elected

-                      C. Goldberg - President

-                      P. Marone    - Vice President

Motion by E. Thornquist, seconded by J. Nuzzolillo to approve the QVHD Board Meeting Minutes of September 28, 2023, with the revision of the word “Elected” vs Appointed.

Motion to accept the minutes passed unanimously.

Financial Report - L. Pantoja presented for L. Altieri.

The State’s per Capita was received.

The first and second quarterly town installments per capita were received.

The OD2A (Overdose Data to Action Grant) concluded at the Federal and State level. New Haven Health Department has been awarded OD2A’s local grant; QVHD will subcontract through the NHHD.

K. Sepulveda who worked under the OD2A Grant, will transition to the ELC2 (Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity Funding) through January 2024. Payment was scheduled for disbursement on 9/1/23. We received the contract language.

This grant was listed but not accounted for; it is for 156% expenditures that is mostly salary. Below are a few grants that were not reported on the Financial Report:

-          ELC2 (Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity Funding) The budget revision was accepted, but not yet approved.

-          Immunizations & Vaccines for Children Funding

This grant is set to disperse on 9 /1/23. It was submitted on Core and is under review.

-         Public Health Workforce Development & Infrastructure Funding was submitted on Core and approved.

Disbursement notice will be received on 11/30/23.

Motion by J. Donaldson , seconded by C. Lewis, to place the Financial Report on file.

Motion passed unanimously.

Administrative Reports

Director of Health - L. Pantoja

L. Pantoja noted that Lead and Tuberculosis Cases have consumed the majority of Community Health & Environmental Staff’s time. Administrative Reports will be submitted post meeting.

ELC2 - Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity Funding

-          Budget revision request pending – submitted on 9/15/23.

-          ELC2 grant will aim to fund Health Educator position to be supported through subsequent Immunization & Workforce Development grants

-          K. Sepulveda will support ELC2 until January 2024.

Immunizations & Vaccines for Children Funding

-          CORE budget submission approval pending

-          Disbursement previously scheduled for 9/1

Public Health Workforce Development & Infrastructure Funding

-          CORE budget submission approved

-          Disbursement scheduled for 11/30

Overdose Data to Action Grant

-          New Haven Health Department was awarded Component A & C

-          NHHD will subcontract with: WHD, MHD, NVHD, ESDHD & QVHD

-          Expected funding period: 2023 – 2028

-          Funding set amount and will be supported by other grants (30 hrs/wk)

American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funding

-          Allocation: $160,160 @ $4,160 per epidemiological investigation

-          Lead levels will drop to 10 in January 2024 then to5 in January 2025.

-          E. Matuska (North Shore Health Department) will review the MRC list for all clinical personnel that can support surge in TB and Lead Cases.

P. Sandor suggested partnership with Quinnipiac University’s PA & Nursing Programs and will reach out to leadership to arrange a subsequent meeting to discuss proposals.

Internship Programs

University of Connecticut (UCONN) Program in Applied Public Health Sciences: Master of Public Health Workforce Internship

-          Makayla Dawkins will work 10 hours per week for QVHD

-          She will work on Web site and Infectious Disease Reporting Analysis

Information Technology (IT)

-          Square9 Global Search

  • Renewal & Pilot program partnership

House Keeping:

-          A/C Unit needs to be replaced. Exploring replacement options as QVHD currently maintains 4 units.

Community Health: - A. Mulvihill, Director of Community Programs – Absent

K. Sepulveda represented Community Health and advocated for support/resources.

K. Sepulveda stated that A. Mulvihill has historically gone above and beyond to support the needs of QVHD, navigating an unprecedented pandemic, supporting the various directors who have cycled through and is currently struggling to stay afloat with the demands of her current position.

A. Mulvihill is drowning in the realm of TB, a mandated, and very limitedly funded public health service solely managed by a non-clinical Community Health Director. This related TB work is complex and time-consuming, a clinical responsibility at that, which she has had to teach herself along the way.

TB Case Management and Electronic Directly Observed Therapy (eDOT) for Tuberculosis has consumed the majority of A. Mulvihill’s time since March. The cases have become unmanageable for just one non-clinical staff member to complete and due to the restrictions of grant funding used to maintain K. Sepulveda, her counterpart in community health, assistance available internally is extremely limited.

K. Sepulveda pleaded that a Public Health Nurse with TB experience, who is not tied to grant deliverables, is needed so that A. Mulvihill can devote time to the many other work responsibilities captured within her role.

C. Goldberg acknowledged and appreciated A. Mulvihill’s devotion and stated that the Board is very aware of Ali’s commitment and quality of work.

The Board is trying to find ways to help Community Health.

Environmental Health:  Chief of Environmental Services - L. Fox

Notice of three elevated blood levels were received this past month. One child had to be hospitalized and chelated.

We had to find Relocation Housing, do a Comprehensive, Environmental and Epidemiology inspection and issue orders.

The Blood Level lowered to 15 from 20. In January it will be 10.

This will double/triple the cases that we will have to respond to and do a full comprehensive inspection.

K. Amodio is the lead in the Lead Cases and now cannot do the other routine inspections.

The new San is not fully certified to do inspections. The other sans are doing septic and taking the new San out for training.

L. Fox will retire at the end of the year. She encouraged QVHD to start the hiring process to obtain a candidate soon.

L. Pantoja expressed his extreme appreciation for L. Fox’s dedication and accomplishments over the past few years.

Of note, there will be new hire competition as there are a multitude of Chief Environmental Service postings currently available.

C. Goldberg congratulated L. Fox on her retirement and thanked her for her many years of devotion to QVHD.

L. Pantoja expressed his admiration for L. Fox’s dedication to QVHD for 36 years.