Quinnipiack Valley Health District
A Regional Health Department Serving Bethany, Hamden, North Haven and Woodbridge, CT
1151 Hartford Turnpike . North Haven . CT . 06473 . tel (203) 248-4528 . fax (203) 248-6671 . www.qvhd.org
Thursday, June 23, 2022
(Remote Meeting Via Zoom)
4:30 pm - Regular Board of Directors Meeting
Present: C. Goldberg, R. Ivins, P. Sandor, P. Marone, A. Levison, R. Martinello, J. Donaldson
Absent: K. Blake, J. Nuzzolillo, C. Lewis, J. O’Neil St. Perter, E. Thornquist, S. Yarbrough
Staff: K. Wolujewicz, A. Mulvihill, L. Fox, R. Currier, J. Laudano, K. Amodio, K. Sepulveda, J. Bobok, E. Miller
President’s comments
C. Goldberg, President, started the meeting at 4:30 pm.
Approval of May 26, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes
A motion was made by J. Donaldson and seconded by P. Marone to approve the May 26, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes. The motion to accept the May minutes passed.
Financial Report
K. Wolujewicz provided an update on finances and noted finances are on target as of May 31st. A motion was made by R. Martinello, seconded by A. Levison to place the financial report on file. The motion passed unanimously.
Committee Reports:
Finance – no report
SBHC Liaisons – no report
By-Laws – no report
Special Projects Committee – no report
Personnel Committee – no report
Nominating Committee
C. Goldberg stated the nominating committee will hold a special meeting soon. C. Goldberg appointed A. Levison as chair of the nominating committee, as well as P. Sandor, E. Thornquist and R. Ivins to the nominating committee.
J. Donaldson made the following motion, seconded by P. Marone.
- This is to certify that Karen Ann Wolujewicz is the Director of Health of Quinnipiack Valley Health District, 1151 Hartford Turnpike, North Haven CT 06473 and that on June 23, 2022, pursuant to Sec. 19a-243 of the Connecticut General Statues, is authorized to make, execute and approve on behalf of this corporation, any and all contracts or amendments thereof with the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health on behalf of said organization, in order to operate a:
- Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity ELC 2
- Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity ELC 1
- Overdose Data to Action in CT Communities
- Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant
- Public Health Emergency Preparedness
- School Based Health Center at Hamden High School and Church Street School
- Per Capita Grant
- And any and all funding opportunities that may come before the board during FY22
- The motion passed unanimously.
Administrative Reports:
Director of Health:
K. Wolujewicz highlighted the below:
- Union negotiations are still ongoing; QVHD is yet to have a signed contract from both sides.
- QVHD Policies are being reviewed and developed. One policy being developed is the Mileage Reimbursement policy. Per QVHD’s auditor, this policy needs to be addressed. IRS increased standard mileage rate to 0.625 effective July 1, 2022.
- COVID-19 clinics continue at QVHD’s office, as well as vaccinations for homebound residents in our district.
- An update of Monkeypox in the United States was provided.
- Dan Clemente has resigned from his part-time position of Public Health Emergency Preparedness Coordinator. QVHD has entered into an MOA with East Shore District Health Department to provide staffing to QVHD to prepare, plan, coordinate and execute PHEP deliverables as outlined and agreed upon by the MOA.
The full report has been placed on file.
Community Health:
A. Mulvihill highlighted the below community health activities:
- Community health staff attended the Hamden Fest at Hamden Town Center Park providing information on substance use prevention, overdose response, COVID-19 vaccination and SBHC services. Staff interacted with 242 people.
- QVHD is preparing for a new School Based Health Center grant cycle. A new contract is still forthcoming from CT DPH.
- QVHD staff have begun working with Cornell Scott-Hill Health Center & the New Haven Health Department to plan another Overdose Awareness Day event on the New Haven Green this August. The event last year was a huge success, attracting more than 25 vendors and 250 participants.
- QVHD worked to organize Medication Review Sessions in Partnership with the New Haven Health Department & the CT Pharmacist Association. K. Sepulveda disseminated more than 500 flyers throughout the community and produced a radio PSA for 120WATX to help promote the event. Unfortunately, Hamden & Woodbridge had little interest, so the sites were canceled, however, QVHD assisted NHHD in arranging ~20 medication review sessions for seniors in the city.
- QVHD continues to share routine public health messaging with town partners through e-mail and social media.
The full report has been placed on file.
Environmental Health:
L. Fox highlighted the below environmental health activities:
- An update was provided on the contaminated well at a food establishment.
- Researching and having conversations with scanning vendors is taking place to continue moving forward with scanning additional information.
The full report has been placed on file.
Any Other Business Approved by Vote of the Board:
Executive Session:
A motion to move to Executive Session was made by R. Ivins, seconded by R. Martinello at 5:12 pm. This motion passed unanimously.
A motion to move out of Executive Session was made by Peter Marone seconded by Peter Sandor, at 5:29 pm. This motion passed unanimously.
Back in Regular Session:
A motion was made by J. Donaldson as follows: To allow the President and Vice President to fill the position of Acting Health Director, to prepare for the Health Director’s absence and whatever negotiations that entails. A motion to amend that motion was made by R. Ivins and accepted by J. Donaldson, as follows;
Motion: That the President and Vice President be authorized by the Board to identify a suitable candidate and negotiate terms of that individual’s temporary employment as Acting Director of Health while Karen is on leave. This motion was made by R. Ivins and seconded by A. Levison. This motion passed unanimously.
A motion to adjourn was made by J. Donaldson, seconded by R. Ivins at 5:34 pm.