Board of Health Minutes
1151 Hartford Turnpike North Haven, CT 06473
September 27, 2018 4:30PM
Annual Meeting of QVHD & The School Based Health Center
In Attendance: J. Donaldson, P. Marone, N. Spector, C. Goldberg, A. Levison Absent: R. Ivins, B. Weeks, R. Martinello, K. Blake, J. Solimene, T. Mitchell Ex Officio: L. Balch Staff: A. Mulvihill, K. Sepulveda
President’s Comments
President Donaldson called the meeting to order at 4:45PM. A lack of quorum was declared. All action items were approved by consensus and the election of officers was tabled. Current Officers shall remain in place. J. Donaldson noted that there are currently two vacancies on the board, an alternate position for Bethany and one full member for North Haven.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes were approved at 4:46PM by consensus with no corrections noted.
Financial Report
Financial report – see attached
Committee Reports
No reports provided.
L. Balch reports that Dr. J. Zelson has resigned as our Medical Advisor due to a change in his professional practice and related insurance coverage. Although Ct State law does not require a health district to have a medical advisor, certain community programs, such as immunization and distribution of emergency countermeasures and Narcan, do require QVHD to have access to a provider for standing orders.
The school based health center Medical Director is now through our clinical agreement with Cornell Scott-Hill Health Center, and has been accepted with the current contract.
A motion was made at 5:07PM to reappoint Michael Federico as QVHD’s auditor. The motion was approved by consensus.
Administrative Reports
Community Engagement report by A. Mulvihill
- Information Sharing
- Due to the positive West Nile Virus mosquito activity, information was developed and shared with town partners to provide guidance on: mosquito control, bite prevention, how to keep mosquitos out of your septic system and how to protect your horses
- “Fast Facts” cards from the National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health NIOSH) for outside-workers were distributed to town public works departments, Hamden’s Risk Manager, and QVHD staff and were generally well received.
- The QVHD website continues to be updated and provides relevant community/seasonal health information.
- Overdose PSA in August reached over 2,000 residents, shared by many community partners
- School Based Health Center related activities: Coordinating the transition of the clinic with our new partners, attended freshman orientation on August 24th to speak with parents/guardians and had info table and an Open house on September 13th
- Interview with New Haven Register (8/23/18) was published – “ Student Health Center at Hamden High to expand services and hours”
- State of CT issued new license for medical services at SBHC (previously referred to as MOM’s Clinic) on September 11th
- A. Mulvihill was invited to serve on the Board of Directors for the CT Association of School Based Health and attended a meeting to evaluate benefits to QVHD of serving.
- Community Engagement
- Staff continues to expand collaboration with various community work groups: Healthier Greater New Haven Partnership, Hamden Food Security Project – Data & Hunger working group, Hamden’s Partnership for Young Children, Town of North Haven Substance Abuse Action Council, The Children’s Center SURGE group, Parish Nurses.
- Health Promotion and Education
- Medical Reserve Corp Volunteer Meeting (July 9th, 1:15-2:30PM) to introduce our Preparedness Pals Home Health Initiative
- Hamden’s National Night Out (August 7th 4-8PM) – promoted intent and resources for personal preparedness & medication drop boxes
- Scheduled participation at Woodbridge Farmers Market (August 14th 5:30-8PM)- Canceled due to rain
- Kara and I attended the 4th Annual 5k Walk/Run for International Overdose Awareness Day and conducted Live social media posts (Facebook & twitter), providing information, statistics & resources.
- Celebrated National Immunization Month – August 2018 – with participation in an Age 5 & Under program at the Whitneyville Library in Hamden, reading Felicity Floo visits the Zoo, Glo Germ, Hygiene song & leading a Germ craft with the CT Regional immunization coordinator.
- A MRC & Emergency Preparedness Volunteer Meeting was held on September 13th to provide an overview on the Incident Command System & new QVHD Just-In-Time training materials. Additional MRC/volunteer engagement activities are being planned.
- Upcoming Events
- Community Food Drive Saturday, October 13th, 2018 from 9:00AM-3:00PM at Stop and Shop in North Haven.
- Presentation on Personal Preparedness at Spring Glen Church, October 4th
- Community Health Coalition Meeting October 18th 3-4:30PM & 6-7:30PM, CHA, CHIP, Subcommittees
- Town of Bethany Human Resource & Services Health Fair- October 24th
- American Diabetes Month is in November, Pre-diabetes & Diabetes awareness: Social Media, Handouts, Survey for program development, Diabetes Self-Management Program – Planning a Live Well (Spring 2019) program as part of a QVHD diabetes awareness and self-management campaign.
Director of Health report by L. Balch
- School Based Health Center
- Updates provided regarding staffing, financials and the benefits of our recent expansion
- Outreach activities to increase membership are being implemented.
- The SBHC at Church Street elementary school is in transition and DPH has contacted QVHD for assistance in continuing the services. Dialog between QVHD, Cornell Scott-Hill Health Center, Hamden school district and DPH are ongoing. Discussion followed, further details will be presented at the October Board meeting.
- Food Establishments
- Food Service Regulations will go into effect January 1st, 2019, a new fees schedule will be implemented with license renewals on February 1st, 2019.
- The current draft fee schedule decreases revenue for licensure. Discussion followed. C. Goldberg requested a chart with current number of required inspections & recommended fees for Board consideration.
- A Public Hearing is required for the new food establishment licensure fee and the revised QVHD regulations and will be scheduled once fees are established and State regulations are received. Revision to the QVHD regulations cannot be finalized until receipt of the new State regulations may necessitate separate hearing.
- Relocation of Files
- Old files have been destroyed and discarded in compliance with the CT Municipal Record Retention Schedule, and file cabinets relocated.
At 6:20PM, the meeting was adjourned by consensus.
Submitted by K. Sepulveda
The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be held October 25, 2018 at 4:30PM at QVHD’s office, 1151 Hartford Turnpike, North Haven CT 06473.